Febrile Illness in Children
Aims of NICE? Guidelines for individual conditions Generalized guideline for unwell child Patient centered Take on board parental concerns
Guidance Non-Medical Non-Pediatric Medical Pediatric Medical
Priorities Fever detection –Risk stratify with traffic light system –<4/52 – axilla –>4/52 to 5yrs – axilla or tympanic –Forehead thermometers unreliable
Priorities Other observations –Heart rate –Respiratory rate –Capillary refill time Red flag features –Assessment <2hrs by Pediatricians
Green Strong cry / not crying Content / smiles Awake Normal colour - skin, lips & tongue Moist mucous membranes Normal response socially
Amber Wakes only with prolonged stimulation Decreased activity Poor feeding (infants) Absent social responses Dry mucous membranes Reduced urine output New lump larger than 2 cm Pallor Nasal flaring
Red Unable to rouse / does not stay awake Weak, high-pitched cry pale/mottled/blue/ashen Reduced skin turgor Bile-stained vomiting Chest recession RR > 60 bpm Grunting Bulging fontanelle Appears ill <3/12 + temp ≥38°C 3–6 months + temp ≥ 39°C
CHILD (Colour) Normal colour skin, lips and tongue Pallor Pale Mottled Ashen Blue
CHILD (Activity) Normally responses Content/smiles Awake or awakens Normal cry/not crying Poor response Stimulation to wake Decreased activity No smile No response Appears ill Unable to rouse Weak/high pitch cry
CHILD (Respiratory) Nasal flaring 6–12 months RR > 50 > 12 months RR > 40 O2 Sats ≤ 95% RA Crackles Grunting RR > 60 breaths/minute Mod/severe recession
CHILD (Hydration) Normal skin Moist mucous membranes Dry mucous membrane Poor feeding CRT ≥ 3 secs Reduced U/O Reduced Skin Turgor
CHILD (Other) Fever>5/7 New Lump >2cm Swelling of a limb / joint Non-weight bearing Not using limb 0–3/12 temp≥ 38°C 3–6/12 temp≥ 39°C Non-blanching rash Bulging fontanelle, Neck stiffness Status epilepticus, Focal neurology Focal seizure Bile Stained Vomit
Management AMBER SAFTEY NET Written advice Follow up Hand over to OOH
Management RED URGENT REFERRAL Less than 2 hours
Other Recommendations Parent education –Hydration & assessment for dehydration –Adverse signs –Observation through night –What to do in emergency
Other Recommendations Don’t prescribe abx without source LRTI/suspected pneumonia ≠ CXR Separate UTI guidelines Meningococcal disease –Early abx