Tubes that secrete mucous MUSCULARIS LAYERS SUBMUCOSA MUCOSA Tubes that secrete mucous LUMEN ie. Urethra Trachea Uterine Tube Digestive Tract epithelial connective tissue smooth muscle
Tubes that DO NOT secrete mucous Tunica Externa LAYERS Tunica Media Tunica Interna Tubes that DO NOT secrete mucous LUMEN ie. Blood Vessels Lymphatic Vessels epithelial smooth muscle connective tissue
Hollow organs that DO NOT secrete mucous EPI--- LAYERS Myo---- ENDO-- Hollow organs that DO NOT secrete mucous LUMEN epithelial ie. Heart Uterus smooth muscle connective tissue
LAYERS Solid Organs HILUS Capsule Cortex Medulla ie. Kidney Vessels Enter ie. Kidney Lymph Nodes