Bony Fishes Skeletal System is made out of bones. 95% of all fishes are bony fishes. Have scales and a mucous over the scale that protects them. Can use rings on fish scales (circuli) to tell the age of fish.
Bony Fishes Classification Kingdom: Animalia (Animal) Phylum: Chordata (Chordate) Sub Phylum: Vertebrata (Vertebrate) Infra Phylum: Gnathostomata (Has A Jaw) Class: Osteichthyes (Bony Fishes)
Characteristics of Osteichthyes Breathe with gills. Gills are covered by a membrane called operculum. Use fins to swim… free swimming organisms are called nekton.
Bony Fish Physiology Ecotothermic – body temperature is determined by environmental temperature. Lower Temps = Low Metabolism Use Swim Bladder to change buoyancy.
Bony Fish Reproduction Reproduction called spawning. Most fertilization is external.
Bony Fish Development Life Cycle Has 5 Major Stages 1. Egg Stage 2. Larval Stage 3. Pre-Juvenile Stage 4. Juvenile Stage 5. Adult Stage