BOUNDARY LAYER Mainstream Velocity (U) Boundary layer thickness (99%) Boundary layer thickness (90%) Distance from substrate Velocity
BOUNDARY LAYER Using the boundary layer – water pennies (Psephenidae)
BOUNDARY LAYER Mainstream Velocity (U) Distance from substrate Velocity
BOUNDARY LAYER Using the boundary layer – water pennies (Psephenidae)
Other stream insects Plecoptera Trichoptera Ephemeroptera
Stream animals– Strategies for holding on Baetis Rhithrogena Ancylus
Psephenus Neothremma Bibliocephala Stream animals– Strategies for holding on
Extreme Gradients – Swash Zone
Swash Surfing
Donax Density Shape Weight distribution
Density Density (10 3 kg/m 3 ) Donax Chione Mercenaria Spisula Macrocallista Divaricella Tellina Tagellus
Weight Distribution Pivot point
AnteriorPosterior Ventral Dorsal
Behaviour in a Swash Zone
WAVE STRESS a. Limitation of size Water flow 100% 90% Boundary layer
WAVE STRESS a. Limitation of size Water flow
WAVE STRESS b. Holding on – flow tolerance Flow rate (m/s) 3 0 Time to dislodge
WAVE STRESS c. Holding on - orientation Keyhole limpet
WAVE STRESS c. Holding on - orientation Water flow
WAVE STRESS c. Holding on - orientation <.5 m/s >.5 m/s Freq Orientation (º to flow)
WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? 1. Testing holding power
WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? 1. Testing holding power Kg required to dislodge Foot area (cm 2 ) 15
WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? 1. Suction? Atmospheric pressure ≈ 1 kg/cm 2 Patella ≈ kg/cm 2 -can’t generate a force > atmospheric pressure - No negative pressure under foot
WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Patella Mucous layer
WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? 2. Adhesion area surface tension Thickness of fluid Theoretical adhesion = 600 kg/cm 2
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? 2. Adhesion Tenacity (kg/cm 2 to detach) Weight of mucous
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Foot rigidity
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Foot rigidity l d
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Foot rigidity Tenacity Flexibility High Low In field -
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Drag FLOW Resistance to water movement depends on: 1) Size 2) Shape 3) Texture
3. WAVE STRESS d. Holding on - tenacity What is “tenacity”? Drag SideFrontRear Drag – not well correlated with density
Types of Limpets Non-MigratoryMigratory -don’t move far -often fixed and territorial -low r -low growth -move up shore -high r -high growth (need high food intake) -react to predators by clamping-flee from predators LESS FLEXIBLEMORE FLEXIBLE
A COMPROMISE OF SEVERAL FACTORS Sea Urchins - Echinoidea lunules
WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF LUNULES? 1) Aid in burrowing 2) Removal of feces 3) Maintain a “communication” with the surface if buried 4) Maintain inclined posture 5) Feeding
Log lunule length Log test diameter p <.05 If lunules have a hydrodynamic function -they should grow with the animal isometric observed
Time to burrow Burrowing speed PluggedNot plugged 230 sec 231 sec
Flow through a sand dollar
Lift Weight
Lift Weight Burrowing to add weight
Sand Dollar reorientation - Dendraster
Adding weight – incorporate magnetite
Reducing lift and drag Skin drag – important? Pressure drag – depends on shape
Reducing lift and drag Skin drag – important? Pressure drag – depends on shape Very flat
Reducing lift and drag Skin drag – important? Pressure drag – depends on shape Rounded Area of lower pressure
How do you reduce lift Reduce pressure differential between upper and lower surfaces
Can sand dollars tell the direction of orientation? Anterior Posterior
Can sand dollars tell the direction of orientation? -inverted sand dollars – can flip over more easily with posterior edge facing upstream (i.e critical velocity to re-orient is lower) Hardy & Merz Invert. Bio 132:52 Initial orientation Final orientation (1 hr)