Introduction to Bio-security Ridley AgriProducts Mill Employees
Aim of the Workshop What is Bio-security Ridley’s Bio-Security practices & what is our personal role?
What is bio-security? Q1
Biosecurity Procedure Mill Staff Any Employees that are working with any livestock production outside of their normal working hours are requested to wear clean clothes and boots before entering Ridley Sites. All Deliveries to pig and poultry facilities should be scheduled as per customer BioSecurity requirements and milling constraints. Contract drivers, Site visitors or employees visiting are not to enter mill unless permission gained from mill manager or delegate. Deliveries within an animal production site shall take routes that maximise distance from animal housing. Q2&3
Biosecurity Procedure The Weighbridge use is permitted only for vehicles conducting RAP Business. Under no circumstances should live haul trailers be weighed. Reuse of tote bins and bulka bags is only permitted if they are clearly labelled with relevant information and that they are thoroughly cleaned. Feed being returned from Farm to sites that has not left the truck may be loaded straight into mill silos,but all Returned feed that has come in contact with the farm must be loaded into correctly labeled tote bins or bulka bags before disposition is decided upon.
How does bio-security fail? Q4
Why Do We Need To Do This? Poultry and Pigs are VERY susceptible to disease, and with so many animals on each farm any disease will spread rapidly. Some of these diseases are transferred through the movement of people and equipment, one of these currently affecting poultry in Australia is ILT – Infectious Laryngotracheitis. This disease: –Causes10-20% mortality to a shed –Up to 80% mortality in severe cases –Is spread by air, through the birds from their own coughing and sneezing, similar to a cold in people. –It is also spread very easily through the bird droppings as it can live here for up to 10 days, this means any manure or organic matter you carry off a farm could spread it Q5&6
Why Do We Need To Do This? Below is what you can cause by carrying dirty gear from one farm to another: Right is a bird gasping for air due to a mucous build up in the airway Left is a bird with a swollen face and watery eyes from the immune response to the ILT disease This is why all biosecurity coveralls, overboots and any other PPE used must be left on farm and not brought back to the mill, or taken to another farm. Also the air expelled from the sheds can carry the mucous which can land on the truck cab, or even on your skin and be transferred from you to the cab, this is why all cabs must be sprayed with ‘Glen 20’.
Bio-security Failure Example of a Bio-security Failure (Picture of a Ridley truck)
Key Points for Mill employees
Key Points for Mill employees Q7
Latest Outbreak HEALTH CONCERN: Department of Primary Industry staff at the site of Golden Duck Farms in Mickleham, Victoria, where birds have tested positive to a low pathogenic avian flu. Picture: David Geraghty Source: News Limited
Bio-security - Summary Bio-security is every ones responsibility Contagious disease can have serious consequences to our Customers, our Company, the Stock Feed industry and the nation.