Eczema Irritant Contact Dermatitis Nummular Eczema Allergic Contact Dermatitis Stasis Eczema Eczema Herpeticum Pompholyx Atopic Lichen simplex
Psoriasis Scalp psoriasis Pustular Psoriasis Onycholysis Pitting Guttate Napkin Erytherodermic psoriasis Arthropathy
Skin manifestations of systemic disease Diabetes Necrobiosis lipoidica Granuloma annulare Dermatitis Herpetiformis Coeliac Disease Erythema nodosum Pyoderma gangrenosum Inflammatory bowel disease Pre tibial myxoedema Hyperthyroidism Rheumatoid nodules Butterfly rash SLE
Skin manifestations of systemic disease CREST Telangiectasia Calcinosis cutis Sclerosis Acanthosis nigricans Dermatomyositis Helitrope rash Gottrons papules Pagets disease of the nipple Raynauds
Skin manifestations of systemic disease The Erythema’s Erythema multiforme Steven Johnson Syndrome Erythema marginatum Rheumatic Fever minor major CAUSES Minor: Herpes simplex Mycoplasma Other viruses Major Drugs Penicillins Sulfonamides
Skin manifestations of systemic disease Vascular changes Vasculitis Inflam associated with immune complexes in capillaries and small BV. Red macules / papules +/- necrosis In children = purpura Splinter haemorrhages Livedo reticularis Vasculitic rash Henoch Schonlein Purpura
Lumps and Bumps Seborrhoeic warts Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Solar keratoses Bowen’s disease Keratoacanthoma Marjolin’s ulcer
Melanoma Skin manifestations of HIV Malignant melanoma Acral malignant melanoma Lentigo maligna melanoma Kaposi’s sarcoma Molluscum contagiosum Oral candida Oral hairy leukoplakia
Skin infections Impetigo Cellulitis Erysipelas Erysipelas and Cellulitis cause by strep infection – Tx -> Amoxicillin Impetigo cause by staph aureus – Tx -> Flucloxacillin Bacterial Viral Varicella Zoster - > reactivates to cause shingles as Herpes Zoster Human papillomavirus – hand warts and genital (6+11) Herpes zoster Herpes simplex
Acne Vulgaris Miscellaneous skin disorders Lichen planus This is an itching disorder, cause unknown. Consists of flat topped purple papules with white lacy markings known as Wickhams striae. Wickhams striae Lichen Sclerosis Due to elastic tissue turning to collagen after middle age. Vulva gradually becomes white, flat and shiny. It is intensely itchy. It may be pre-malignant May appear on penis as Balanitis xerotica obliterans (phimosis).
Leg ulcers Arterial Venous – normally near MM ABPI leg / arm = greater than 0.8 use compression bandaging. Infestations Scabies Hypersensitivity reaction to mite and its faeces. Blistering conditions Pemphigus Pemphigoid Autoimmune disease, younger people, flaccid blisters that rupture easily – superficial and in mouth… Autoimmune effects elderly, tense blisters on uricated base. Deeper.
Angio - oedema Dermatographism Koebner’s Keloid scar Urticaria Itching red weals develop, ass with allergic reactions. Oedema of subcutaneous tissue. Can be hereditary Exaggerated release of histamine from stroking the skin with hard object.
Sexually transmitted infections Pearly papules Syphilis Bacterial Vaginosis Gonorrhoea Chancre Condyloma Lata NORMAL Reiters Balanitis Iritis Keratoderma Blenorrhagicum
Childhood infections Measles Koplik spots in measles Mumps Rubella Hydrocele Varicocele
Lupus vulgaris TB infection of the skin. Squamous cell Ca may develop from long standing lesions. Lupus pernio Systemic manifestation of Sarcoidosis. Hirtuism Virchov node Stupid things they put on your mock slide show Palpable left supraclavicular lymph node. It may indicate gastrointestinal malignancy, commonly of the stomach, or less commonly, lung cancer. Osler Weber Rendu Syndrome AKA – hereditary haemorrhagic telangectasia. Rare autosomal dominant condition where multiple small telangiectases occur on the skin and mucous membranes, most commonly on the lips and the tongue