Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS The scary reality
Communicable Diseases Communicable diseases- is a disease spread from one living organism to another through the environment Infection- occurs when pathogens in the body multiply and damage. Virus Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Rickettsia
How Diseases Spread Direct contact Indirect contact Puncture wounds Child Birth Contact with infected animals Indirect contact Contaminated objects Vectors (flies, ticks, etc) Contaminated food or water Airborne Transmission
Taking Precautions Wash your hands Safe food preparations Abstain from tobacco, alcohol, other drugs Exercise, eat healthy Protect yourself from vectors Use insect repellent, long sleeves, avoid long time outdoors
Fighting Communicable Diseases Immune System- a network of cells, tissues, organs, and chemicals that fights off pathogens Phagocytes- white blood cells that attack invading pathogens Antigens- substance that can trigger an immune response Immunity- the state of being protected against a particular disease
Lymphocytes Lymphocytes- special white blood cell that coordinate and perform many function of specific immunity T Cells- special lymphocyte that can trigger the production of B cells Antibody- protein that acts against a specific antigen
Immune System Memory Your immune system can “remember” antigens that it has dealt with in the past. Active Immunity- develops from natural or artificial processes. Vaccine- a preparation of dead or weakened pathogens that are introduced to the body to stimulate immune response. Passive Immunity- body receives antibodies from another person or an animal.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Infections that are spread from person to person through sexual contact. Also know as sexually transmitted infections Some infections are bacterial (curable), and some infections are viral (non-curable)
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Many infections are asymptomatic in which the person show no symptoms or the symptoms are mild and disappear after the onset.
Genital HPV Infections Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 30 strains are transmitted through sexual contact Symptoms include: warts (bumps) in or around the genital area; can cause cervical cancer May go away on own, may grow, or spread, and may remain unchanged. Warts can come back; virus may remain in body
Chlamydia Affects both women and men Symptoms occur within 7-28 days of intercourse Most have NO symptoms, discharge from vagina, bleeding between periods, burning or pain with urination, pain in abdomen; fever and nausea, frequent urination
Chlamydia Can lead to a more serious infection Reproductive organs can be damaged Sterility can occur Mother can pass it to child during birth
Gonorrhea Symptoms can occur 2-21 days after intercourse Most have no symptoms Thick yellow or white discharge, burning with urination and pain with bowel movement, abnormal periods, cramps in abdomen
Gonorrhea Reproductive organs can be damaged Sterility can occur Can pass to child during birth Can cause heart trouble, skin disease, or blindness
Herpes Symptoms can occur 1-30 days or longer after intercourse Many have no symptoms or mild symptoms Flu- like feeling Small, painful blisters around genitals or mouth Itching or burning before the blisters appear, blisters last 1-3 weeks Blisters go away, but you still have herpes.
Syphilis 1st Stage: Symptoms can occur 3-12 weeks after intercourse A painless, reddish- brown sore or sores on the mouth, sex organs, breast or fingers Sores last 1-5 weeks Sores go away, but you still have syphilis 2nd Stage: 1 week to 6 months after sores heal Rash anywhere on the body Flu- like symptoms Symptoms will subside, but you still have syphilis
Prevention Abstinence is the most successful way to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
HIV/AIDS HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) attacks the immune system. The final stage of HIV is known as AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) in which the immune system is weakened. 25 million people have died from the disease; 40 million people are infected with HIV/AIDS worldwide
HIV/AIDS transmission Sexual intercourse Sharing needles From mother to baby
HIV Stages Asymptomatic Stage- can last for 10 years; confined to lymph nodes; no outward signs Middle Stage- occurs in about 40-70% of patients Symptomatic stage- T cell count is between 200-400; may experience flu-like symptoms AIDS stage- T cell count drops below 200 and AIDS opportunistic infections have to be present (respiratory infection, flu, etc).
Female Reproduction The external reproductive organs, known as, the vulva include the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, vaginal opening, and clitoris.
Female Reproduction Mons Pubis: if the mound of fatty tissue that is located in the front of the body Labia Majora: fatty folds on either side of the vaginal opening; oil and sweat glands provide moisture and lubrication. Labia Minora: smaller folds within the majora that contain oil glands and blood vessels; protection from pathogens into the body. Vaginal Opening: hymen is located here; allows for menstrual flow; any sperm that is released into the opening may travel through the hymen and become fertilized. The urethra, which is how urine is excreted is also located here.
Internal Female Reproduction Vagina: an elastic, muscle- lined tube 3-4 inches long; also known as the birth canal; menstrual flows exits from this space. Cervix: neck of the uterus; dilates during child birth; glands that secrete mucus for lubrication Uterus: hollow, muscular organ that receives and holds fertilized ovum during pregnancy; shaped like an upside down pear; nourish fetus Fallopian Tube: tubes on each side of the uterus that connects the uterus to the region of the ovaries Ovaries: two female sex glands that produce mature ova and female hormones
Female Reproduction Ovulation: the releasing one mature ovum each month into a fallopian tube Menstruation: process of shedding the uterine lining; range in 28 day cycles Amenorrhea: lack of periods by the age of 16 Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS): rare disease caused by bacteria; flu- like symptoms; super tampons are believed to be responsible