Throat disease.


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Presentation transcript:

Throat disease

Character of Throat disease: -- Acute diseases more than chronic diseases -- Heat diseases more than cold diseases -- Excess diseases more than deficient diseases Organs Related: Lung & Stomach are most related Kidney: kidney Yin def.  def. fire attack the throat Kidney Qi def.  low voice Heart: Heart in charge of the voice Heart fire  sore throat Liver: especially for chronic throat disease Spleen: nourish the Qi & blood Lung: Wind-heat; wind-cold; Lung Yin def. ; Lung Qi def. Sp. & St. : st. fire; phlegm; Sp. Qi Def. Liver: liver Qi Stag. Liver & Kid Yin def. ; Qi & Blood stag; Kidney: kidney Yin def.; kidney Yang def.; kidney Qi def.;

Etiology & Pathology Exterior evil poison (wind-heat or wind-cold) attack throat Spleen & Stomach excess heat or fire Damp-heat attacking throat Fire toxin ( Excess or Def. fire) 5. Lung Yin def. or lung dryness 6. Liver Qi Stag. : Mei He Qi 7. Kidney def. fire 8. Phlegm or blood stasis 9. Over talking or crying 喉病病理的认识: 1. 惟火论: 2. 多因论: 外因多以风热为多, 内因则以痰火,阴虚阳亢为主

Diagnosis Inquiring: <a> pain location; pain time; degree of the pain; character of the pain <b> Chronic or Acute diseases. : <c> with fever or not <d> Caused by other diseases: <e> swollen condition: <f> voice changing condition: <g> living enviroment <h> medical history Observation: <a> spirit status <b> Face color <c> throat color: <d> swollen: <e> erosion or ulcer Deep red Fire Toxin: with white pus spot Epidemic disease: red & purple color Over eating hot spicy food: red as mirror Slight red Deficient disease: slight red or dark red Kidney Yin def. : dark red & moisten Red without swollen Wind : Wind-cold Dry Qi & Yin def. pinkeye

Treating method Internal medicine: <a> Release the exterior pathogen <b> Clear fire toxin <c> transform the phlegm <d> Invigorate the blood <e> Strengthen the Spleen <f> Tonify the deficiency Externally applied Medicine: <a> bloating the powder direct to the throat <b> gargle <c> externally applied: <d> needles pinkeye

Common herbs for throat diseases 1. Disperse external wind & release exterior herbs 2. Clear fire toxin herbs 3. Clear interior heat drain fire herbs 4. Nourish Yin clear def. heat herbs 5. Transform phlegm & clear heat herbs External applied herbs Bing Pian; Zhu Sha; Peng Sha; Qing Dai; Bai Fan (6 major herbs used in throat diseases)

Neurosis disease ( Throat ) Mei He Qi ( 梅核气 ) Neurosis 1. A psychological or behavioral disorder in which anxiety is the primary characteristic; defense mechanisms or any phobias are the adjustive techniques that a person learns to cope with this underlying anxiety. In contrast to the psychoses, people with a neurosis do not exhibit gross distortion of reality or gross disorganization of personality but in severe cases, those affected may be as disabled as those with a psychosis. 2. A functional nervous disease, or one in which there is no evident lesion. 3. A peculiar state of tension or irritability of the nervous system; any form of nervousness. Syn: neurotic disorder 自觉咽喉部有一种被东西梗塞的感觉,吞之不下,吐之不出,检查又查不出什么病变。有人说是“心因性咽 喉异感症”,也有人说是“梅核气”。其实,梅核气是中医的病名,类似现代医学中的“咽神经官能症”、“癔球或咽异感症”,是耳鼻喉科门诊中的常见病。 其发 病以中年人居多,尤其是女性,有的甚至因异物感疑虑是肿瘤而就医。 严格来说,梅核气仅是一种主观症状,必须排除任何明显的器质性病变,始可作出诊断。 中医 认为此病是因 七情郁结,痰滞气阻喉中所致,心情舒畅自能减轻。 治疗以情绪调控为主,宜疏肝理气,化痰解郁。除药物及针灸等方法外,药膳食疗有较好的功效,

Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat 1. Qi Stag. type Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat Concurrent sym: no pain, oppressed feeling in the chest sometime, good appetite, no phlegm, only feel the sym, after hard working or after emotional changing. Tongue: thin white coating Pulse: slightly wiry Treatment principle: Promote the Qi circulation Formula Yue Ju Wan ( Cang Zhu, Xiang Fu, Chuan Xiong, Shen Qu, Zhi Zi ) (1)胸膈痞悶。 (2)口苦吞酸。 (3)飲食不消 蒼朮、香附、川芎、神麯、梔子 1.氣鬱偏重:加木香、枳殼。 2.血鬱偏重:加桃仁、紅花。 3.火鬱偏重:加黃芩、黃連。 4.濕鬱偏重:加澤瀉、茯苓。 5.食鬱偏重:加麥芽、山查。 6.痰鬱偏重:加陳皮、半夏、栝蔞、膽星。 7.夾寒邪:加乾薑、吳茱萸。 8.經痛:加鬱金、延胡索、佛手柑。 9.吞酸嘔吐:加半夏、茯苓。

2. Qi & stag. With phlegm rebellion Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat, with phlegm Concurrent sym: first feel the uncomfortable in the throat, after coughing out the phlegm, patient feel comfortable. Oppressed feeling in the chest, coughing or vomiting phlegm in severe case tongue: thick greasy white coating Pulse: wiry & slippery Treatment: moving qi & resolve phlegm Formular: Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang + Chai Hu Shu Gan San 本方所治之梅核氣、係因憂愁思慮過度、七情鬱結、氣滯痰凝、阻於咽喉所致、是痰與氣互結,故治宜行氣與化痰兼顧。 方中半夏化痰散結、下氣降逆; 厚朴行氣開鬱、下氣除滿共為君藥; 蘇梗助半夏,厚朴以寬胸暢中、宣通鬱氣; 茯苓健脾滲濕、並助半夏化痰,俱為臣藥; 生薑辛溫發散、並助半夏和中止嘔、為佐藥也。 諸藥合用、辛以散結、苦以降逆、辛開苦降、化痰降逆、諸證悉癒。 1.噯氣泛酸:加黃連、吳茱萸。 2.煩驚譫語便秘:合柴胡編號牡蠣湯。 3.夢遺眠差:合桂枝編號牡蠣湯。 4.聲帶瘜肉:合麥門冬湯加梔子。 5.失眠心悸:合甘麥大棗湯。 6.胸脇脹滿:加木香、青皮、枳殼。 7.咽喉乾燥:加沙參、麥冬、元參。 8.咳嗽喘息:加杏仁、貝母。

Treatment: smooth the liver Qi Formular: Xiao Yao San 3. Liver Qi Stag. Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat, with emotional changing history Concurrent sym: easy to lose temper, rib sides distention, prefer sighing all the time, tireness, bad appetite, headache, dizziness tongue: white coating Pulse: wiry Treatment: smooth the liver Qi Formular: Xiao Yao San or Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San 柴胡、白芍、炙甘草、當歸、茯苓、白朮、煨薑、薄荷。 肝鬱血虛證。兩脇作痛,寒熱往來,頭痛目眩、口燥咽乾、神疲食少,月經不調,乳房作痛,舌淡紅、脈弦而虛。 心肝郁热证的梅核气,此病伴心烦急燥,失眠多梦,胸中烦热,易怒多凝,治宜疏肝清心,解郁利咽,用:丹栀消遥散加减。

Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat 4. Yin def. fever Main Sym: blocked feeling in the throat Concurrent sym: irritability, insomnia, dizziness, sore lower back, weak knee, dry throat, uncomfortable feeling in rib area tongue: red body with less coating Pulse: wiry & fine Treatment: Nourish Yin Formular: Yi Guan Jian + Xiao Yao San 阴虚气郁症的梅核气,此病伴五心烦热,胸闷不舒,头晕目眩,腰酸膝软,治宜滋阴养肝肾,理气解郁,用:一贯煎合消遥散加减。 1.口苦咽乾:加黃連、黃芩、天花粉、柴胡。 2.大便秘:加瓜蔞仁、火麻仁、郁李仁。 3.不眠:加柏子仁、酸棗仁、五味子、纈草。 4.虛熱多汗:加地骨皮、石斛。 5.痰多:加貝母、瓜蔞仁。 6.腹痛:合芍藥甘草湯。 7.煩熱而渴:加知母、石膏。 8.腳弱無力:加牛膝、薏苡仁、木瓜。 9.?肋痛甚:可合柴胡疏肝散。 10.黑斑肝斑:可合逍遙散。

pharyngitis 喉痹 咽炎 Chronic pharyngitis, a chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucous membrane and submucous lymphoid tissues, is often caused by unsatisfactory treatment of acute pharyngitis or repeated occurrences of upper respiratory tract infection and it is related to high-dust environment. Clinically it manifests itself as --Itching --dryness --soreness of the throat --cough --a feeling of foreign body or obstruction in the throat. In TCM it belongs to the category of "hou bi," or inflammation of throat. 一:咽喉炎注意事项 (1)注意劳逸结合,防止受冷,急性期应卧床休息。 (2)经常接触粉尘或化学气体者,应戴口罩、面罩等防护措施。 (3)平时多饮淡盐开水,吃易消化的食物,保持大便通畅。 (4)避免烟、酒、辛辣、过冷、过烫刺激食物。 (5)注意口腔卫生,养成饭后漱口的习惯,使病菌不易生长。 (6)冬苋菜、蜂蜜、番茄、杨桃、柠檬、青果、海带、萝卜、芝麻、生梨、荸荠、白茅根、甘蔗等食品,具有清热退火,润养肺肾阴液的作用,可适量选食。 (7)保持室内空气流通。 (8)不要长时间讲话,更忌声嘶力竭地喊叫。 

1. Dryness of the Lung due to Yin-Deficiency Main Sym: dryness, slight pain or a sensation of burning heat or foreign body in the throat Concurrent sym: Congestion, diffuse dark redness and dilatation of micrangium of the pharyngeal mucous membranes and thickening of the lateral pharyngeal bands may be present, accompanied with itching of the throat, cough with little sputum, fidgets due to deficiency and dreaminess. Tongue: red body with less coating Pulse: thready & rapid Treatment principle: Nourishing yin, moistening dryness and purging pathogenic fire to relieve sore throat. Formula : 法:养阴生津利咽。       处方:沙参10克,麦冬12克,生地20克,丹皮10克,贝母9克,白芍10克,薄荷6克,绿萼梅6克,甘草6克。     加减:咽干甚者加石斛、百合;腰膝酸软,虚烦失眠,加益智仁、狗脊、五味子、淮小麦;口因后壁有粘稠分泌物附着加天花粉、芦根、杞子;咳嗽加前胡、枇杷叶、杏仁、玄参;大便干结加麻仁、全瓜蒌、黄。

sore lower back, insomnia Formula: Modifications: dry throat -- Shi Hu; Bai He sore lower back, insomnia -- Yi Zhi Ren; Gou Ji; Wu Wei Zi, Huai Xiao Mai sticky white secretion on the wall of the throat -- Tian Hua Feng, Lu Gen, Gou Qi Zi cough -- Qian Hu; Pi Pa Ye; Xin Ren; Xuan Shen Dry stools -- Huo Ma Ren; Quan Gua Lou Bai He Gu Jin Tang; Yang Yin Qin Fei Tang; Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan, Yi Guan Jian Sha Shen 12 Mai Dong 12 Shen Di 20 Dan Pi 10, Chuan Bei Mu 9 Bai Shao 10 Bo He 6 Lu E Mei 6 Gan Cao 6 法:养阴生津利咽。       处方:沙参10克,麦冬12克,生地20克,丹皮10克,贝母9克,白芍10克,薄荷6克,绿萼梅6克,甘草6克。     加减:咽干甚者加石斛、百合;腰膝酸软,虚烦失眠,加益智仁、狗脊、五味子、淮小麦;口因后壁有粘稠分泌物附着加天花粉、芦根、杞子;咳嗽加前胡、枇杷叶、杏仁、玄参;大便干结加麻仁、全瓜蒌、黄。 常用成方:百合固金汤、养阴清肺汤、知柏地黄汤、一贯煎。

2. Stasis of Qi and Stagnation of Phlegm Main Sym: a sensation of obstruction or foreign body in the throat, often wants to "hang ka" (make a "hang ka" sound of cough) and feels nausea when getting up in the morning. Concurrent sym: He may have hyperplasis of lymphoid follicles in the retropharyngeal wall and thickening of the lateral pharyngeal bands, accompanied with chest distress. Tongue: dark red with yellow fur Pulse: thready and slippery Treatment principle: Promoting circulation of qi, alleviating mental distress and reducing phlegm to resolve masses.

cough with profuse sputum -- Zi Wan, Zhe Bei Mu; Gua Lou Pi Chai hu 9 Zhi Ke 9 Lu E Mei 6 Bai shao 9 Bo he 6 Jie Gen 4.5 She Gan 4.5 Gan Cao 6 Gan Song 9 Formula: Modifications: cough with profuse sputum -- Zi Wan, Zhe Bei Mu; Gua Lou Pi rib area pain or distention -- Dang Gui; Tao Ren; Dan Shen; Yu Jin reddish & sore throat -- Chi Shao; Niu Xi food stag. -- shen qu; ji nei jin Other formula: Chai Hu Shu Gan San; Xiao Yao San; Si Ni San; Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang; 治法:疏肝理气化痰。     处方:柴胡9克,枳壳9克,甘松9克,绿萼梅6克,白芍9克,薄荷6克,桔梗4.5克,射干4.5克,甘草6克。     加减:咳嗽痰多加紫菀、浙贝、瓜蒌皮;胁肋疼痛加当归、桃仁、丹参、郁金;咽部充血胀痛甚加赤芍、牛膝;暧气干呕加旋复花、代赭石、神曲、鸡内金。     用法:每日1剂,水煎,分2次服。       疗效:上方共治疗431例,临床痊愈234例,有效184例,无效13例,总有效率为96.9%。     常用成方:柴胡疏肝散、逍遥散、四逆散、半夏厚朴汤。   甘松. 药物名称:. 甘松. 药物别名:. 英文名称:. gansong. 说明:. 辛、甘,温。归脾、胃经。 功用作用:. 行气止痛,开郁醒脾:主治思虑伤脾、寒郁气滞之胸闷不舒

Tongue: purple body color with spots Pulse: deep & acerbity 3. Blood Stasis Main Sym: dry & sore throat with burning sensation or blocked feeling but with no difficult to swollen Concurrent sym: He may have hyperplasis of lymphoid follicles in the retropharyngeal wall and thickening of the lateral pharyngeal bands, dark red color Tongue: purple body color with spots Pulse: deep & acerbity Treatment principle: Formula : moving blood & resolveing blood stasis & benefit throat 3.气滞血瘀 咽部干痛或刺痛,干燥灼热,喉间梗塞感,但饮食吞咽如常。局部检查:咽后壁淋巴滤泡肿胀,咽侧束肥厚,呈暗红色或淡红色。舌质紫暗或舌边有瘀点,脉沉涩。

-- Shi Jue Ming; Zhen Zhu Mu sore throat -- jin yin hua; Xuan Shen Dang gui 12 Shen di 12 Tao ren 15 Chuan shan jia 9 Chi shao 12 Dan pi 10 Jiang chan 9 Chuan xiong 10 Jie gen 6 Chai hu 6 Formula: Modifications: headache or dizziness -- Shi Jue Ming; Zhen Zhu Mu sore throat -- jin yin hua; Xuan Shen constipation -- da Huang; Quan Gua Lou sore & reddish throat -- Sang Lin, E Zhu dry throat -- Bai Mao Gen; Lu Gen; Xuan Shen Other formula: Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang; Tao Hong Si Wu Tang; Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang; (3)气滞血瘀     治法:活血化瘀利咽。        处方:当归12克,生地12克,桃仁15克,穿山甲9克,赤芍12克,丹皮10克,僵蚕9克,川芎10克,桔梗6克,柴胡6克。     加减:头晕头痛加石决明、珍珠母;咽喉灼痛加银花、玄参;大便秘结加大黄、全瓜蒌;咽壁暗红,侧束肥厚,加三棱、莪术;咽干渴加茅根、芦根、玄参。     用法:每日1剂,水煎,分2次服。     疗效:上方共治疗491例,临床痊愈330例,有效140例,无效21例,总有效率为95.7%。       常用成方:血府逐瘀汤、桃红四物汤、补阳还五汤。

tonsillitis 乳蛾 扁桃腺炎 Tonsillitis is an infection of the tonsils and will often, but not necessarily, cause a sore throat and fever. Symptoms of tonsillitis include a severe sore throat (which may be experienced as referred pain to the ears), painful/difficult swallowing, coughing, headache, fever and chills. Tonsillitis is characterized by signs of red, swollen tonsils which may have a purulent exudative coating of white patches (i.e. pus). There may be enlarged and tender neck cervical lymph nodes. Causes Tonsillitis may be caused by Group A streptococcal bacteria,[1] resulting in strep throat.[1] Viral tonsillitis may be caused by numerous viruses[1] such as the Epstein-Barr virus[1] (the cause of infectious mononucleosis)[2] or adenovirus.[1] Sometimes, tonsillitis is caused by a superinfection of spirochaeta and treponema, in this case called Vincent's angina or Plaut-Vincent angina.[3] Although tonsillitis is associated with infection, it is currently unknown whether the swelling and other symptoms are caused by the infectious agents themselves, or by the host immune response to these agents. Tonsillitis may be a result of aberrant immune responses to the normal bacterial flora of the nasopharynx. There are 3 main types of tonsillitis: acute, subacute and chronic. Acute tonsillitis can either be bacterial or viral in origin. Subacute tonsillitis is caused by the bacterium Actinomyces. Chronic tonsillitis, which can last for long periods if not treated, is mostly caused by bacterial infection.

Acute type Pathogenesis: External pathogenic factors attacking Lung or Stomach heat Liver Qi stagnation Phlegm-dampness Weak body constitution Diagnosis: Seasons: frequent occurred in Spring & winter Ages: 10-40 years

1. Wind-heat type Main Sym: swollen tonsils on one or both sides; Concurrent sym: hot sensation; swollen difficulty; with high fever; slightly aversion to cold or not; cough with phlegm; headache; whole body ache; Tongue: red body with thin yellow coating Pulse: floating & rapid Treatment principle: --release the exterior wind heat -- Clear fire toxin & benefit the throat

Qing Yan Tou Biao Fang 清咽透表方 JingJie 9g Bo He 9g(add later) Lian Qiao 9g Jing Yin Hua 15-30g Shan Dou Gen9g Zhe Bei Mu 9g Sheng Shi Gao 15-30g Niu Pang Zi 9g Jie Gen 6g Gan Cao 6g Peng Sha 1.5g Formula: Modifications: With excessive heat toxin -- Da Qing Ye; Ban Lan Gen with excessive Lung & stomach heat -- Huang Qin; Sang Bai Pi Dry mouth: -- Flesh Lu Gen; Shi Hu Headache: -- Ju Hua; bai Zhi Severe cough -- qian Hu; xing Ren; Sang Bai Pi Pyosis: -- Zao Jiao Ci; Jie Gen

2. Excessive Lung & Stomach Heat Main Sym: swollen tonsils on one or both sides; Concurrent sym: high fever; thirsty; coughing with yellow sticky phlegm; constipation; scanty dark urine; In severe case, could combine with difficult breathing. tongue: red body with thick yellow coating Pulse: big & rapid Treatment principle: -- Clear fire toxin & benefit the throat -- promote bowl movement

San Huang Liang Ge San 三黄凉膈散 Huang Qin 9g Huang Lian 6g Da Huang 6-15g Shan Zhi Zi 9-15g JingYinHua 15-30g Shi Gao Da Qin Ye Lian Qiao 9g Xuan Shen Chuan Bei Mu 9g Mang Xiao 6-9g Bo He 6g Jie Gen 6g Gan Cao6g Formula: Modifications: With excessive heat toxin -- Ling Yang Jiao; tu Niu Xi; Scanty dark urine -- Mu Tong; Dan Zhu Ye Severe cough with yellow sticky phlegm -- Tian Zhu Huang; Fu Ling Thirsty -- Tian Hua Feng; Mai Dong

Chronic type Pathogenesis: Remaining fire toxin Liver Qi stagnation Yin def. fire Weak body constitution Diagnosis: Seasons: Could occurred in 4 seasons Ages: Female or adults Frequent occurred

1. Lung Yin def. Main Sym: frequent occurred uncomfortable throat ; Concurrent sym: dry or sore throat; slightly pain; dry cough; tidal fever; night sweating; five palms hot sensation; fatigue; dry mouth; bad mouth smelling tongue: red body with less coating Pulse: fine & rapid Treatment principle: -- Nourish lung Yin & clear def. heat -- Generate the fluids & benefit throat

Yan Yin Qing Fei Tang 养阴清肺汤 Sheng Di Huang 30g Mai Dong 18g Bai Shao 12g Bo He 8g add later Xuan Shen 24g Mu Dan Pi Chuan Bei Mu For mula: Modifications: With excessive heat toxin -- Xuan Shen; tu Niu Xi; Jin yin Hua itchy & sore throat -- she Gan; Zhi Pi Pa Ye Dry stools: -- Quan Gua Lou; Huo Ma Ren; Tidal fever & night sweats -- Bai Wei; Di Gu Pi Heart fire: -- Huang Lian; DanZhu Ye

2. Kidney Yin def. Main Sym: frequent occurred tonsils inflamation; Concurrent sym: chronic diseases; sore & uncomfortable throat; dizziness; tinnitus; dry mouth;sore & weak lower back; night sweats; insomnia; fatigue tongue: red body with less coating Pulse: fine & weak Treatment principle: -- Nourish Kidney Yin & clear def. heat Formula: Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Case History 1 1. Male 45 years First visiting: Main complain: Nasopharyngenl Carcinoma,NPC patient had suffered from chronic pharyngitis for years, and patient just finished the chemical threapy for the cancer, no stuff nose, no blood secretion, only feel dry throat , even drinking water can’t resolve the dry feeling; pain throat sometime; tire four limbs, bad appetite Tongue: slightly greasy coating Pulse: thready & weak TCM diagnose: Qi & Yin Def. Empty fire rising up Treatment protocol: -- Tonify Spleen & Qi -- Nourish Yin & clear empty fire Formula: Tai Zi Shen 10; Mai Dong 10; Wu Wei Zi 10; Shan Yao 10; Bai Bian Dou 10; Wu Mei 10; Xuan Shen 10; Shi Hu 10; Gan Cao 3 干祖望医案       胡××,男,47岁。患者原有慢性咽炎史,近月来因患鼻咽癌而作放疗,经检查癌肿已被控制,亦无鼻塞、血涕,唯口咽干燥明显,饮不能解,有时咽疼,吞咽唾 液时尤甚,四肢疲乏,食欲不振。检查:咽粘膜充血、干燥,鼻咽部粘膜粗糙。舌苔薄腻,脉细弱。证属气阴两虚,虚火上炎。治宜健脾益气,滋阴降火。     处方:太子参、麦冬、五味子、山药、白扁豆、乌梅、玄参、石斛各10克,甘草3克。     服药5剂,口咽干燥明显减轻,食欲亦增。仍以原方调治30余剂,直至放疗结束。       按:鼻咽癌放疗后的咽喉干燥,古书虽无记载,但根据有些患者的临床证候,可按慢性咽炎辨证治疗。此患者阴虚津亏无可置疑,而脾虚气弱亦属主证,故用生脉散 气阴双补。方中重用乌梅,亦是干老独运之匠心。《本草经疏》谓:“乌梅味酸,能敛浮热,能吸气归元,……化津液。”故在此用之,既能配合健脾益气之品以酸 甘化阴,补而不燥,又可襄助滋阴生津之药敛火生津,润而不寒,故能获显效。  

Case History 3 1. Male 9 years First visiting: Main complain: allergic rhinitis 4 y symptoms occurred every time, when patient catched little cold; stuffed nose; feel headache in severe case; even had profuse secretion in normal time and with yellow & white color; easy sweating during the whole year; Tongue: thin white coating Pulse: even TCM diagnose: Qi def. Treatment protocol: -- Tonify the defensive Qi Formula: Ru Dou Yi 10; Huang Qi 10; Fang Feng 6; Gan Di Long 10; Xu Chang Qin 10; Wu Mei 10; Bai Zhu 6; Shi Liu Pi 10; Chan Yi 3; Xing Yi Hua 6 X 7