The Effective Use of PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching Japanese Hamilton Girls’ High School Masa Ogino.


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Presentation transcript:

The Effective Use of PowerPoint Presentation in Teaching Japanese Hamilton Girls’ High School Masa Ogino

A starting point: What is the major difference between OHT/flash cards and PowerPoint presentation?

Vocabulary & PowerPoint

いすかみちず でんきつくえとけい i suka michi zu de n kitsu ku eto ke i chairpapermap lightdeskclock/watch

I: input R:recognition D: discrimination P:production I: R: D: P: IRDP







a e b d c f

After-IRDP & PowerPoint

Kore wa nan desu ka Sore wa isu desu This + wa + what + is + ? It + wa +chair + is

Q: Kore wa nan desu ka A: Sore wa ??? desu

Sore wa beechi desu Shonan Coast beach in summer The Shonan Coast faces Sagami Bay, and during the swimming season in July and August beaches are packed with families and young couples. The colorful swimwear and beach umbrellas brighten up the long stretch of sand. Q: Kore wa nan desu ka A: Sore wa ??? (use an English word here) desu

Q: Kore wa nan desu ka A: Sore wa ??? desu

Q: Kore wa nan desu ka A: Sore wa ??? desu

What is the major difference between OHT/flash cards and PowerPoint presentation? Visual Resources


eigo suugaku rika shakai taiiku kateika chiri rekishi bijutsu ongaklu

Challenge 1: What are the two subjects written in Roomaji? Write your answer in English. eigo rika

eigo suugaku shakai rika rekishi Challenge 2: What are the five subjects written in Roomaji? Write your answer in English.

おんがく Challenge 3: Write down the subject you can recognise in Hiragana. Answer in English. あ This is an example

すうが く ちり Challenge 4: Write down the TWO subjects you can recognise in Hiragana. Answer in English.

えい ご りか Challenge 5: Write down the THREE subjects you can recognise in Hiragana. Answer in English. しゃか い

えいご びじゅつ りか ちり Challenge 6: Write down the FIVE subjects you can recognise in Hiragana. Answer in English. しゃかい

What is the major difference between OHT/flash cards and PowerPoint presentation? Movement

Hiragana & PowerPoint

46 Hiragana characters あいうえお かきくけこ さしすせそ たちつてと なにぬねの はひふへほ まみむめも や ゆ よ らりるれろ わをん

に Challenge 7: What is this Hiragana?

ほ Challenge 8: What is this Hiragana?

ん Challenge 9: What is this Hiragana?

ご Challenge 10: What is this Hiragana?

migi hidari

Summary  PowerPoint can be an effective tool beyond OHT & flash cards in teaching a language.  Some of the key features to make the most of PowerPoint presentations in teaching languages are Visual resources Movement

Thanks. Three more days to go!

Kanji & PowerPoint

月金火土水日木月金火土水日木 MonFri Tues Sat WedSun Thurs ようび: Days of the Week

月 日 水 木 土 金 火 Challenge 19: Kanji for the days of the week Write the day of the week you see in English

3 月 1 日 2 水 5 木 4 土 6 金 7 火 Quick Recognition: Answers

Kanji number & PowerPoint

三 四 一 五 二 九 八 六 十 七

三四 一 五 二 九 八 六 十 七 Challenge 15: Which number is missing? You only have three seconds to look. Write it down.

三八 一 五 二 九 四 六 七 Challenge 16: Which two numbers are missing? Write them down. 十

三 八 一二 四 七 Challenge 17: Which three numbers are missing? Write them down. 十 五九六

八九十四五六一 Challenge 18: Which three numbers are missing? 三二七

Say the colour In Japanese

Say the colour of the words you see in Japanese




Say the colour of the words you see in Japanese


あ か

く ろ


あ お

よくできまし た

Read and Look-up reading/ Shadowing & PowerPoint

わたしは まいあさ 七じに おきます。 八じに バスで がっこうに いきます。 四じに あるいて うちに かえります。 五じに テレビを みます。 六じに ばんごはんを たべます。 シャワーのあとで しゅくだいを して ねます。 ノートに かいて くださ い。

わたしは まいあさ 七じに おきます。 八じに バスで がっこうに いきます。 四じに あるいて うちに かえります。 五じに テレビを みます。 六じに ばんごはんを たべます。 シャワーのあとで しゅくだいを して ねます。 いってから もういちど いってください。 Repeat after the teacher and then say it again.

わたしは まいあさ 七じに おきます。 八じに バスで がっこうに いきます。 四じに あるいて うちに かえります。 五じに テレビを みます。 六じに ばんごはんを たべます。 シャワーのあとで しゅくだいを して ねます。 したのぶんを よんでください 。 Read aloud the following sentences.

わたしは まいあさ 七じに おきます。 八じに バスで がっこうに いきます。 四じに あるいて うちに かえります。 五じに テレビを みます。 六じに ばんごはんを たべます。 シャワーのあとで しゅくだいを して ねます。 I every morning 7 o’clock+at wake up 8 o’clock+at bus+by school+to go 4 o’clock+at on foot home+to return 5 o’clock+at TV watch 6 o’clock+at dinner eat Shower+after, homework do, sleep

Extra slides

えいご すうがく りか たいいく かていか ちり びじゅ つ The memory game Here are 7 words. Look at them for 30 seconds, then write down all the words in Hiragana.

Hatcho Dejima Peninsula, Lake Chuzenji, Nikko What looks like a sock knitted with different colors is actually a small peninsula jutting into Lake Chuzenji, in Nikko. Autumn is special at Nikko, and the lake is high on the list of local tourist spots, along with Nikko Tosho-gu Shrine (a World Heritage Site), and the switchbacks on Iroha Slope.Iroha Slope これは なんですか。(それ は、、、)

Windbreak trees in Nakashibetsu-cho Astronauts say this unusual checkerboard pattern in Hokkaido can be seen even from orbit. The sides of the squares are each about 3 to 4 km long, and the total length of all sides is 648 km. The lines for the squares are actually trees used as windbreaks (width: 180 meters) sheltering people and farmland from strong winds and snow. Thanks to the trees, the land now produces bumper crops. (Photo: Tokai University Research and Information Center) Q: Kore wa nan desu ka A: Sore wa ??? desu

Kansai International Airport is the world ’ s first ocean airport, built on a landfill island in Osaka Bay, Japan. Opened in 1994, Kansai International Airport was a modern engineering marvel, built entirely as an artificial island. The Kansai terminal is 1.7 kilometers long and linked to the mainland by a 3.7-kilometer bridge, かんさいくうこう これは なんですか。(それ は、、、)


Q: これは なん ですか。 A: それは ?? です。 おりが み の か mosquito

えいご すうがく りか しゃかい たいいく かていか ちり れきし びじゅつ おんがく

Challenge 7: Which subject is missing? You have only 10 seconds to see the icons. Write your answer in Hiragana. すうが く

Challenge 8: Which subject is missing? びじゅ つ

Challenge 3: Which subject is missing? Some subjects have more than one icon. しゃか い

Challenge 9: Which subject is missing? Some subjects have more than one icon. おんが く