Let’s recap… Look at your most recent notes on homophones & homographs. You completed a Skills Tutor assignment and recorded the following homophones: ScentCent AisleIsle ColonelKernel SoarSore WailWhale
You should have a short definition or reminder word for each term, so you will remember the correct spelling. For example: Scent - smellCent - penny Aisle – For walkingIsle- Small island Colonel- MilitaryKernel- Popcorn Soar- flySore- Boo boo Wail- CryWhale- Sea animal
Now use each of those 10 words in a paragraph. Look at the meanings. How can you create a paragraph with these words. Try choosing a topic and creating a short outline. Your paragraph should have a topic sentence, and it should make sense. (It can be funny or weird, however.)
Then… Highlight three of your sentences and number them 1, 2, and 3.
Rewrite your first highlighted sentence into a present perfect tense sentence. (Use helping verb have or has.) For example: I’ll change a present tense verb to present perfect tense. I walk on the beach and enjoy the scent of the ocean. (PRESENT TENSE) I have walked on the beach and enjoyed the scent of the ocean. (PRESENT PERFECT)
Then… Rewrite your 2 nd highlighted sentence into the past perfect tense. (Use helping verb had + past tense verb) For example, I’ll change a past tense verb into a past perfect verb tense. I burned most of the popcorn kernels during our camping trip. (PAST TENSE) I had burned most of the popcorn kernels before my cousins arrived. (PAST PERFECT)
Finally, change your 3 rd highlighted sentence into a future perfect tense. For example: The colonel will speak to the troops tomorrow. (Future) The colonel will have spoken for 30 minutes by the time the band arrives. (Future perfect)
Now, let’s look at some Greek roots : The root of a word carries its basic meaning. Greek roots include: Chronos – meaning time Graph – meaning draw or write Look up 5 words in the dictionary that begin with chron or chrono and write a brief definition. Look up 5 words that begin with graph and write a brief definition.
See the connection between the root and the word meaning? Look at the sentence below: My best friend suffers from a chronic illness. How would you figure out the meaning of the word chronic by using the root meaning?
Look at the sentence below: The author provided a graphic description of the battle. How would you figure out the meaning of graphic by using the root meaning?
Save those definitions in your notes. You’ll use them on Friday!
Now we’ll look at a few Latin roots: Pend- to hang Port- to carry
Look at these sentences: The Queen’s pendant looked beautiful. My portable dog crate is great for airplane travel. How do the root meanings help determine the word meanings?
Review for tomorrow’s Quest Need to know: - Verb tenses - Present- I walk to school every day. - Past- I walked to school yesterday. - Future- I will walk to school tomorrow. - Present Perfect- I have walked to school. - He has walked to school. - Past Perfect- I had walked to school before I got a bicycle. - Future Perfect- I will have walked to school by the time my brother finishes breakfast.
Need to know: Proper spellings for 10 homophones in paragraph. Scentcent Soarsore Colonelkernel Aisleisle Wailwhale
Need to know: Root meanings Chronos? Graph? Pend? Port?