E- Learning English วิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการ สื่อสาร ปวช 1 วิชาภาษาอังกฤษเพื่อการ สื่อสาร ปวช 1
Complied Complied Attawit Commercial College
What make is it? What is it make of? How’s the weather? How are you doing? What can I find in a newspaper? How do you describe yourself? ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICTION II What’s your favorite food?
Lesson 1 How do you describe yourself ?
Personal Features Pre-TestPost-Test Describing People The Linking verbs Learn Appearance
Who are they? A man on the left is George Kenneth. A man on the right is George Kenneth.
Who are they? A woman on the left is Mary Debbie. A woman on the right is Mary Debbie.
She has long brown hair. She has an oval face. She has full lips. She has big round eyes. She has a Grecian nose. She has thin eyebrows.
She has short curly hair. She has a diamond face. She has full lips. She has big blue oriental eyes. She has a Grecian nose. She has thin eyebrows
He has wavy hair. He has an A-triangular face. He has thick lips. He has black eyes. He has a pug nose. He has thick eyebrows
Describing People A: Do you know Prachai Thipprecha? B: Yes, of course. He is 17 years old. A: What does he look like? B: He has short way hair and a square face with big eyes. A: How tall is he? B: He is thin. He is about 170 centimeters tall. A: What’s his weight? B: He is about 65 kilograms
What make is it? Lesson 2
Home Appliances Pre-Test Post-Test Comparision of Adjectives
Blender Fan Cooker Sewing MachineVacuum Cleaner
Grill &Smoker RefrigeratorIron Gas Stove Microwave Oven
Mobile phone Washing MachineAmplifierToaster Television
Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Rules Post-Test Comparision Comparison of Adjectives Pre-Test
What is it made of ? Lesson 3
Clothing Pre-Test Post-Test Common of Adjectives
Lesson 4 How’s the weather?
Weather Conditions Suffixes Pre-Test A weather forecast Post-Test
A weather Forecast It’s hot and sunny. What’s the weather like today?
A weather Forecast It should be cold. No, it’s warm and hot. What’s the weather in China?
Lesson 5 How are you doing?
Illnesses Pre-TestPost-Test What’s the matter? Should & Ought to Herbal & Illness Remedy
Asking and Responding About Health Asking what’s wrong What’s the matter ? What’s the matter with you ? What’s wrong ? Are you all right ? How do you feel today ?
Saying what’s wrong I don’t feel very well. I feel a bit sick / ill / tired I’ve got a bad cold / headache / sore throat / cough / temperature / I’ve hurt my leg / arm. My back hurts.
Offering help an aspirin / some cough syrup /......? to lie / sit down ? to go home / see a doctor ? to take some hot tea ? Would you like Why don’t you get some rest ? Can I give you a ? That will help.
B : No, thanks. I’ve just taken some. I’ll be fine. Example : A : You don’t look very well. Are you all right ? B : Not really. I’ve got an awful toothache. A : Would you like an aspirin ?
B : Thank. That’s what I need. A : What’s the matter with you, Ann ? B : I’ve got a terrible headache. A : Let me get you some paracetamol. Example :
B : Thanks. Example : A : How do you feel today ? B : Sorry. I can’t talk. I have a sore throat. A : Let me get you some lemon and honey. That should help.
B : Oh yeah. Thanks. It really helps. A : You look terrible. What’s the matter ? B : I hurt myself carrying heavy bags yesterday. My back hurts. A : Would you like some Counterpain ? Maybe that will help. Example :
Requests for Advice I suggest some cold tablets and a lot of vitamin C. Requesting Can/May I have a bottle of cough syrup ? Could I have something for a sore throat ? What do you suggest for dry skin ? I think I’m having a cold. Could I have something for a running nose ? Responding ( giving advice ) Of course. Sure. Try some lemon and honey tea. You should get some skin cream / lotion.
Example : A : I think I have a muscular ache. B : Try some of this ointment and a little massage. A : That helps, Thank you.
A : Thank you. Example : A : I need something for my grandson. He’s got very bad sunburn. B : Try camomine lotion or some aloe Vera gel. That’s very good.
Should and Ought to 1.The modal verb should is used to give advice. You should do something = it is a good thing to do or the right thing to do. Example : You look tired. You should go to bed. When you have a cold, you should take lots of rest.
We often use should with I think / I don’t think / Do you think ? Example : I don’t think you should work so hard. Do you think I should take vitamin C ? I think you should take some aspirin.
You shouldn’t do something ( negative ) = it isn’t a good thing to do. Example : You shouldn’t work so hard.
2. We can use ought to instead of should in the above sentences. Note that we say ought to do ( with to ). Example : Note : Ought not (oughtn’t) is not as accepted as should not ( shouldn’t ). You ought to stop smoking. Jane ought not to go to bed late.
backache cold cough sunburn Medici ne For remed y headache Cut finger Sore throat High temper ature (fever) Counter pain Muscle Relief Cough syrup Deguadin Sun tan lotio n Aspirin Band-Aid Fisher man Frien d Eno Tiffy Upse t stom ach Health proble m
Lesson 6 What’s your favoite food?
Food Ingredents Pre-TestPost-Test Herbal vegetables Vegetables Transitive and Intransitive verbs
Lesson 7 What can I find in a newspaper?
Classified Ads Pre-Test Post-Test Abbreviations
Classified Ads