Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD’S)
STD’S Diseases caused by pathogens that are transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person during intimate sexual contact. Each year millions of new cases of teenagers contracting STD’S are reported. Many teens don’t even know that they are infected. Your risk of getting STD’S increase with the number of sexual partners that you have. This is because you are having sex with not only one person but, in a sense, all of that one persons previous sexual partners.
STD’S STD’S vary in their severity from mildly discomforting to deadly. - Chlamydia an STD caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis that produces inflammation of the reproductive organs -Symptoms for males: painful urination, discharge from the penis, inflammation of the urethra, pain or swelling in the scrotum -symptoms for women: inflammation of the vagina and cervix, burning sensation during urination, unusual discharge from the vagina Except for the common cold or flu, STD’S are the most common infectious disease among teens. Some can be cured Some will be with you for the rest off your life.
Bacterial STD’S Syphilis – Has three stages 1st stage: develop a small painless sore called a chancre. Often goes unnoticed and soon disappears. 2nd stage: Body rash, sore throat, or patches of hair loss. 3rd stage: tissue damage to the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and skin. All damage is profound and irreversible. If the disease is left untreated until this final stage, death is likely.
Bacterial STD’S Can be cured with little damage if caught early. Types of Bacterial STD’S -Chlamydia- this is the most common of the bacterial STD’S. Symptoms may not be present. If left untreated, can lead to pelvic inflammatory Disease in women causing infertility. In males, can invade the deeper reproductive glands and also cause infertility. -Gonorrhea- Also a common and curable, may have no symptoms and lead to infertility. When you do have symptoms are present males may experience a painful and increased urination, milky discharge from the penis, and females may experience frequent and painful urination and a yellow-green discharge from the vagina.
VIRUAL STD’S Viral STD’S, unfortunately can never be cured, through the symptoms may be treatable and controllable, once infected with the viruse, your body will always carry the disease. Types of Viral STD’S -Genital warts- Caused by the human papilloma virus(HPV). This is the most common viral STD. Pinkish-white lesions are found on the penis, scrotum, and the female labia. It spreads easily through contact with am active lesion.
VIRAL STD’S Genital Herpes- Spread by the contact with an active lesion. Lesions appear as a single sore or small cluster of blister like sore that burn, itch, and for some become quite painful. Medications can ease the pain during outbreaks of herpes. Hepatitis B- Commonly spread through sexual contact. Causes the liver to become swollen and inflamed. Symptoms are flu-like with fever, vomiting, and aching. Untreated, Hepatitis can cause permanent damage to the liver and Eventually death.
Immune IMMUNE DEFICIENCY: As the disease AIDS Aids- The deadliest of all of the STD’S Acquired ACQUIRED: You acquire or get the disease from another person Immune IMMUNE DEFICIENCY: As the disease progresses, your body's immune system is crippled and cannot fight off disease agents Deficiency Syndrome SYNDROME: As a result, you develop a illnes
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Vvirus
YOU ARE AT RISK HIV can be transmitted if you come into contact with these body fluids from an infected person BLOOD VAGINAL FLUIDS BREAST MILK
HIV & AIDS Once infected you will ALWAYS have the virus and can pass it on to others. There is NO CURE for HIV & AIDS
HIV Testing Testing checks for anti bodies to HIV After the infection, the earliest time to be tested for antibodies to HIV is 6 weeks Average time is 3 months It can take up to 6 months before any antibodies can be detected by testing
FIRST STAGE OF HIV First Stage - HIV Positive - Infected - No Symptoms - Normal T-Cell of 1000 mg/ldl - HIV antibodies show infection although AIDS has not developed
MIDDLE STAGE OF HIV Immune system is now involved Glands are swollen Night sweats Diarrhea Mouth sores Rashes Bad coughs T-Cell count is 500 mg/ldl
FINAL STAGE OF HIV AIDS Full blown AIDs develops 5-10 years AFTER you have been infected with HIV T-Cell count is now 200 mg/ldl Your immune system is now crippled Most people will now die of Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia, Kaposi's Sarcoma, or other “opportunistic "infections. ( Opportunistic: disease agents that would not normally cause disease, but take the “opportunity "to cause disease with a crippled immune system
MORE TIME.. HIV infection includes more than AIDS You can protect yourself from HIV and AIDS You greatly reduce your risk if you don’t have sex or share needles with someone who might have the Virus You CANNOT get HIV or AIDS from giving blood You CANNOT get HIV or AIDS through casual contact You CANNOT get HIV or AIDS from just being around someone who has the virus
WAYS TO AVOID VIRUSES Stay clean and ALWAYS wash your hands Get enough sleep Be have and have a positive attitude Exercise and eat healthy Stay drug free