WALT Test Grammar Notes Conversation Hiragana
Kore wa pen desu/pen desu. What is this? Kore wa nan desuka? What is this? Kore wa pen desu/pen desu. This is a pen
Kore, sore, are Kore (this) Refers to something that is close to the speaker Sore (that) Refers to something that is away from the speaker but close to the listener Are (that) Refers to something that is far away from both the speaker and the listener
Kore wa nan desuka?
Sore wa nan desuka?
Are wa nan desuka?
Sore wa monosashi desu.
Kore wa monosashi desu
Are wa monosashi desu
Sore wa monosashi desu. Kore wa nan desuka?
Sore wa nan desuka? Kore wa monosashi desu
Are wa nan desuka? Are wa monosashi desu
Conversation A: kore wa nan desuka? sore are B: kore wa _____desu.
Homework In your logbook Revise classroom objects, Hiragana and Kore,sore, are.