Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Vocabulary STD/ STI Monogamy Viral Bacterial Symptomatic Asymptomatic Abstinence Infertility STD/STI: sexually transmitted disease/infection Monogamy: Having sex with only one partner Viral: Illness/Disease spread by a virus—no cure Bacterial: Illness/Disease spread by a bacteria—can be cured with antibiotics (only if you know about it) Symptomatic: shows symptoms Asymptomatic: without symptoms Abstinence: Not having sex until marriage Infertility: being unable to have children
Chlamydia What is it? Symptoms – Silent Destruction Most common bacterial STD in the US Similar to Gonorrhea How is it transmitted? Sexual intercourse Possible from mother to baby during delivery Symptoms – Silent Destruction 1. Asymptomatic (60-80%) 2. Fever, weight loss, swollen glands, fatigue, diarrhea 2. Discharge – clear, white, grayish 3. Genital Itching, burning, swelling 4. Dysuria (burning upon urination) 5. Destruction of the Reproductive System
Chlamydia Complications 1. Testicular infection 2. Infertility 3. PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) 4. Conjunctivitis in newborns Treatment 1. If detected early, easily cured with antibiotics Major problem with Chlamydia is that it is so often asymptomatic that a woman doesn’t know she has it until it has already caused damage
Gonorrhea What is it? Symptoms 1. Very common bacterial STD 2. If untreated, it can infect the reproductive system, eyes and throat How is it transmitted? 1. Sexual intercourse 2. Mother to baby during delivery Symptoms 1. Discharge – yellowish green 2. Genital Itching 3. Dysuria (burning upon urination) 4. Often Symptomatic 5. Symptoms may occur within 3-5 days
Gonorrhea 1. PID 2.Testicular infection--can require surgical removal Complications 1. PID 2.Testicular infection--can require surgical removal 3. Infertility 4. Arthritis 5. Conjunctivitis in newborns 6. Meningitis (inflammation of brain lining) 7. Endocarditis (inflammation of the heart lining) Treatment 1. Easily cures with antibiotics
Syphilis What is it? 1. Bacterial infection 2. Carried by the bloodstream to central nervous system and organs 3. Can cause serious complications How is it transmitted? 1. Direct contact with sore, lesion, or moist rash 2. Usually sexual intercourse 3. Moist kisses if lesions are on the mouth or lips 4. Pregnant women to their babies 5. Infected needles
Syphilis Symptoms 1. Primary 3. Latent 4. Tertiary 2. Secondary painless lesions (10-19 days) Painful sore (chancre) appears at the spot where the bacteria entered the body. May last 5 weeks, will heal on it's own On a female, this is typically internal and can't be seen. 2. Secondary rash, hair loss, inflammation of lymphs, nickel- and dime-sized lesions fever/sore throat, mucus patches in the mouth 3. Latent All symptoms disappear and person thinks they are cured Without treatment, bacteria begins to damage brain, central nervous system, major organs, bones, joints 4. Tertiary Signs of internal damage show up 10-30 years later
Syphilis Complications 1. Paralysis 2. Central Nervous System Disorders 3. Deterioration of the skin 4. Blindness 5. Heart attacks Treatment 1. Penicillin
Scabies What is it? Prevention 1. Contagious Skin Disease 2. Caused by infestation of mites (tiny bugs) 3. Mites burrow under the skin How is it transmitted? 1. Close physical contact sexual intercourse sleeping in the same bed 2. Improper hygiene Prevention 1. No certain prevention, avoid unsanitary environments Symptoms 1. Painful itching 2. Reddish, zigzagged furrows around genital areas, buttocks, between fingers, elbows and wrists, underarms, or feet
Scabies Complications 1. Infestation can be very painful 2. Scratching can worsen infestation 3. Dangerous for people with HIV Treatment 1. Over-the-counter creams
Crabs/Pubic Lice Prevention What is it? 1. Tiny, whitish-gray or rust colored parasites 2. Thrive in pubic hair 3. Attach their eggs to hair shafts How is it transmitted? 1. Close physical contact – especially sexual intercourse 2. Using bedding and clothing that has been used by an infected person Prevention 1. No certain prevention – proper hygiene Symptoms 1. Crabs are visible as they move 2. Scratching may result in skin infections 3. Small, blue spots or bite marks 4. Fever
Crabs/Pubic Lice Complications 1. Scratching may result in skin infections Treatment 1. Lotions and shampoos 2. All clothing or linens should be washed with hot water and bleached to prevent reappearance
Crabs/Pubic Lice
Trichomoniasis What is it? 1. Caused by microscopic parasite Symptoms 2. Causes infections of the vagina, urethra and bladder 3. 7.4 million new cases each year How is it transmitted? 1. Sexual intercourse 2. Infected washcloths and towels 3. To baby during delivery Symptoms 1. Females Inflammation of the vagina Mild urethral itching or discharge and burning during urination Itching and burning 2. Males Typically asymptomatic
Trichomoniasis Complications 1. You don’t know you have it but you can spread it 2. Increases the chances of transmitting HIV Treatment 1. Prescription drug
Genital Herpes (Herpes Simplex II) What is it? 1. Viral Infection 2. Causes painful/blistery sores in genital and/or anal areas How is it transmitted? 1. Sexual Intercourse 2. Mother to child during vaginal birth 3. Most contagious when open sores are present 4. highly contagious Symptoms 1. Begins with tingling or burning of genitals 2. Small, red bumps – turn to blisters in or around genitals 3. Swollen lymph glands, fever and headaches 4. Aching muscles, fever and headaches
Genital Herpes Complications 1. Painful – can be managed 2. Sores disappear but return (especially at times of high stress) 3. Women – increases the risk of cervical cancer 4. Conjunctivitis Treatment 1. No cure!!! 2. Anti-viral treatment eases pain
Genital Herpes
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts What is it? Most common STD in the US 5.5 million new cases each year 3 of 4 Americans between ages of 15 and 49 have been infected with HPV Virus How is it transmitted? 1. Spread skin to skin during sexual intercourse 2. Not present in blood or semen Symptoms 1. Hard, fleshy, cauliflower-like warts 2. Itching and bleeding 3. Some warts may be where you can't see them, or may be too small to see. 3. Some are asymptomatic, but carry the virus
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts Complications 1. Extreme discomfort 2. Can complicate childbirth 3. PID--infertility 4. Increases risk of Cervical Cancer Treatment 1. No known cure 2. Can cut out or burn off warts but they can return and infect larger areas
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genital Warts
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) What is it? Virus that causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 1 million people in the US have HIV or AIDS 34 million people worldwide How is it transmitted? Sexual Intercourse--exchange of fluids Sharing needles Breast milk Mother to baby through umbilical cord Symptoms 1. Some people have mild, flu-like symptoms 2. Many are asymptomatic 3. Only way to know is to be tested
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Complications AIDS Kaposi's sarcoma pneumonia Treatment 1. Anti-viral therapy 2. Combinations of many drugs to inhibit HIV virus