AF Fitness Program Under the new program (effective January 1, 2010), Airmen will be tested twice a year To pass, Airmen must achieve a minimum passing score in each component, and receive a total score of at least 75. Program will be centralized under Force Support Squadrons Fitness Assessment Cells will provide standardization Civilianized GS employees will reduce admin burden on unit New Fitness AF Fitness Program AFI
AF Fitness Program Major Changes to Program Increased test frequency 2x per year for AD and AGR (full timers) 1x per year for all other ARC Test administered in central location (Fitness Assessment Cell) by trained GS-4/5 proctors Revised component weighting/scoring Increased aerobic component from 50 to 60 Decreased body composition component from 30 to 20 Muscle Fitness (sit-ups, pushups) remain 10 each Members must sore a 75 to meet min requirements for all 4 components Categories: Excellent (above 90), Satisfactory (75 – 89.9), Unsatisfactory (under 75) Implement 10-year age groupings: <30, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+
AF Fitness Program Testing Proctors Trained FSS civilian employees will conduct fitness tests for everyone Fitness program will be administered at centrally located fitness assessment cells (FAC). The Air Force hopes that this will reduce possible favoritism Consequences for Failure Administrative action - letters of reprimand, denial of promotion, records of counseling, etc. Officers/enlisted members will be required to have a passing/current fitness score to be selected for or attend professional military education. All members must have a current fitness test in order to deploy. Restrictions regarding retraining, reenlistment eligibility and assignment eligibility Referral (bad) performance report.
AF Fitness Program Fitness Assessment Cells (FAC) Manning Man the FAC with GS Employees (4/5s) May need to tax groups for help if we experience manning gaps or during surge (take a wait and see approach/not sure if 3 can do this) MAJCOMs will fund manpower for FY10, POM’d FY11+ AF/A1 is developing a standard core document/position description 1 GS employee earned for every 1,000…Malmstrom gets 3 positions Challenges Takes 6 to 12 months to hire civilian employees How do we run the program while we wait for manning? “Gee-Wiz” PACAF implemented this prgm already with a 46% fail rate on PT Tests Draft AFI (Fitness AFI) gives squadron commanders the ability to recommend separation on second failure
FAC Manning--Challenge FSS overall process owner 1 Jan 10 Apply new fitness standards to activity duty Build Fitness Assessment Cell at Fitness Center
MeasurementPointsMeasurementPoints < > Body Composition (Male - All Ages) The minimum score to pass this component is 12.6 (waist measurement of 39.0 inches). Gee Wiz Example
1.5 Mile TimePoints1.5 Mile TimePoints <9: :34-12: :35-9: :54-13: :59-10: :15-13: :11-10: :37-14: :24-10: :01-14: :38-10: :26-14: :52-11: :53-15: :07-11: :21-15: :23-11: :51-16: :39-11: :23-16: :57-12:1450.9>16:58Risk :15-12: The minimum score to pass this component is 39.3 points. 1.5 Mile Run (Male, Ages 30-39) Gee Wiz Example
PushupsPointsSit-UpsPoints < < Pushups and Sit-Ups (Male, Ages 30-39) PushupsPointsSit-UpsPoints >5710.0> The minimum score to pass this component is 5.0 points for pushups and 6.0 points for sit-ups.