Common Communicable Diseases
Respiratory Infections Most common Caused by virus or bacteria Avoid contact with people who are infected Wash hands Keep hands away from eyes and nose Avoid smoking
Common Cold Viral Inflammation of mucous membranes in nose and throat Symptoms Runny nose Sneezing Sore throat No cure Only treatment for symptoms Most colds clear up in a weak- “run its course”
Influenza Viral infection of respiratory tract Symptoms High fever Fatigue Headache Muscle ache Cough An antiviral drug can be given for the flu only if given with onset of symptoms
Flu can lead to pneumonia Proper nutrition Plenty of rest!! Plenty of fluids Flu vaccine annually Flu can lead to pneumonia An infection in the lungs in which the air sacs (alveoli) fills with pus and other liquids
Pneumonia One of the Top 10 causes of death in the US Viral Pneumonia is short lived- similar to flu Bacterial pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics if diagnosed early
Strep Throat Bacterial infection Symptoms Antibiotics can treat it Sore throat Fever Enlarged lymph nodes in neck If untreated can lead to kidney infection and rheumatic fever (cause heart damage) Antibiotics can treat it Throat culture is taken to identify bacteria
Tuberculosis (TB) Bacterial disease in lungs Spread through air People with weakened immune system developed the disease when the bacteria is present other do not Symptoms Fatigue Coughing (blood) Fever Night sweats Weight loss Treated with antibiotics but can be resistant to some
Hepatitis Inflammation of liver Caused by chemical (drugs and alcohol) or many pathogens Vaccines for Hep. A and B
Symptoms Most recover 100% Fever Nausea Vomiting fatigue, abdominal pain Jaundice- a yellowing of the skin and eyes Most recover 100%
Hepatitis A One of the top ten communicable diseases in the US Most commonly spread through contact with infected person’s feces If an infected person doesn’t not wash hand after using the restroom they can contaminate objects, food or people
Hepatitis B (HBV) More serious virus Found in bodily floods Most often transmitted through sexual contact Also by sharing needles Often causes severe liver damage Liver failure, cancer, and cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) Heb B responsible for 80% of liver cancer
Reduce risk by abstaining from sexual contact and illegal drug use, avoid sharing toothbrushes and razors Contaminated tattoo and piercing needles can spread the disease Vaccine is recommended
Hepatitis C Most common blood-borne infection in US Most commonly spread by needles Can lead to chronic lever disease, Liver cancer or Liver failure 90% of people do not know they have this until routine test show liver damage Avoid illegal drug use and sharing tooth brush and razor
Mononucleosis Viral infection Spread through direct contact, “kissing disease” Symptoms Chills, fever, sore throat, fatigue, and swollen lymph nodes Treatment- rest
Measles Virus Symptoms No cure but vaccine available High fever, red eyes, runny nose, cough, bumpy read rash on head or face No cure but vaccine available
Encephalitis Virus carried by mosquitoes Causes inflammation of brain Symptoms- headache, fever, hallucinations, Confusion, paralysis, problems with speech, memory, behavior and eye movement If caused by herpes simplex virus treated with antiviral medicine If caused by other virus no treatment
Meningitis Virus or bacteria cause inflammation of the membrane that covers brain Symptoms- fever, sever headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, stiff neck Viral: antiviral medicine Bacterial: antibiotics Vaccine is available
Emerging Infections A communicable disease whose incidence in humans has increased within the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future Transport across borders Humans and animals car pathogens to new region where disease was not present before Dengue fever, west Nile, carried by mosquitoes
Resistance to antibiotics Population movement Increase in Lyme disease as people have moved into heavily wooded areas Resistance to antibiotics Over use of antibiotics resulted in pathogens becoming resistant Changes in food technology Mass production and distribution of food increases risk of spreading contaminated food
Agents of bioterrorism Releasing pathogens Could spread rapidly