Bulimia By Joe Barshop and Matin Sharifzadeh Bulimia is an illness in which a person binges (uncontrollable eating) on food or has regular episodes of significant overeating and feels a loss of control. The effected person then uses a variety of methods such as vomiting or laxative abuse to prevent weight gain. Most cases occur in teen females but males also may suffer from the disorder. People with bulimia are obsessed with their body shape and size. Teen who have a negative body image are at risk for bulimia.
Signs of Bulimia in Teens Binge in private, but eat regular amounts when with others. Have one secret place in which to binge, such as a closet. Steal food or hide it in a secret place. Think about food constantly and plan each binge carefully. Buy or steal special treats or elaborate dishes for a binge. Gulp food quickly while bingeing so as not to be discovered. Steal money to purchase food or steal food from the stores. Exercise and diet excessively between binges.
How Bulimia Harms Health Teens with bulimia may have dissolved tooth enamel, tooth decay, and sore gums. Other indications of bulimia are enlarged salivary glands and swollen cheeks. There is often severe water loss, witch causes a depletion of potassium in the blood and an increase in blood pressure. The person may suffer damage to the colon, heart, and kidneys. Sometimes there is impaired bowel function.
Treatment for bulimia Teens with bulimia often have desirable weight and are successful at hiding their behavior. Treatment for bulimia involves a team of professionals who deal with physical and emotional health problems. Teens with bulimia must develop new ways of coping to gain self-respect and self-confidence.
Summary Bulimia is a eating disorder In which a person binges and purges him/herself by barfing the food. Bulimia is most prevalent in teen girls but it may also effect males. The most common causes of bulimia is a negative body image and feeling guilty of gaining wait. Some common signs are binging in private, stealing food, and exercising and dieting excessively between binges. Bulimia harms your health by dissolving tooth enamel and causing tooth decay, enlarged Salivary glands, swollen cheeks, water loss, depletion of potassium, and an increase in blood pressure. Bulimia can be treated by a team of professionals who deal with physical and emotional problems and must develop new ways of coping to gain self respect and self-confidence.
Questions What gender and age does bulimia affect the most? A: Bulimia affects teen girls the most 2. How can bulimia harm your health? A:Bulimia dissolves tooth enamel, causes tooth decay and makes gums sore. It also causes enlarged salivary glands and swollen gland. Bulimia causes a depletion of water and potassium in the body. 3. Is thinking about food constantly and planning each binge carefully a sign of bulimia? A:Yes
Works Cited http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/articles/health_tools/what_your_mouth_says_about_your_health_slideshow/small_versions_421x286/mckay_rf_photo_of_overview_of_bulimic_teeth.jpg http://cdn.24.com/files/Cms/General/d/105/2d4970fce5e6461e8c4f374c14a12e64.jpg http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_uqBx13aymCE/TFFkzX7ckBI/AAAAAAAADfE/5BZu36alOys/s400/bulimia-eating.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.sweetadditions.net/health/bulimia-symptoms-and-side-effects&usg=__NA2JFSAsCFHH2bQbV4xmyp1CXvw=&h=400&w=300&sz=22&hl=en&start=34&zoom=1&itbs=1&tbnid=p09jnt-uoPG6jM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSigns%2Bof%2BBulimia%2Bin%2BTeens%26start%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=TPdSTb72BcOBlAfc0dicCQ http://www.myserviceprofile.com/images/Psychologist1.jpeg