Ch. 24 Sec. 1 Communicable Diseases
What are Communicable Diseases? Any disease that is spread from one _______________ thing to another Any disease that is spread through the _____________________
Causes of Communicable Diseases Pathogens are _______________ that cause disease. The following are pathogens: _________________ Bacteria _________________ Protozoan Rickettsia
Virus Viruses need living cells to _______________ Viruses invade all known forms of life Viruses need to run their course and then be killed by your _______________ system Antibiotics do _______ work against viruses
What does a virus do? Attaches itself to a cell (_____________) Controls the host and tells it to make more New infected cells break off from the host The host dies New infected cells take over other ____________________ cells Process repeats
Bacteria ___________-celled First living organism on the _____________ Most are harmless Many are essential for healthy lives Can ______________ and multiply Most can be treated with antibiotics
Fungus _____________________ organisms Mold Yeast Can infect the lungs (mucous) Can cause diseases of the skin ______________________
Protozoan and Rickettsias Protozoans are _______________-celled Larger and more complex than bacteria Most are _________________________ Rickettsias resemble bacteria Enter the body through _______________ (insect, flea)
How are diseases transmitted? Direct Contact ____________________ Contact Vectors Water/Food ____________________
Direct Contact You must ‘touch’ an infected person or _______________________ Touching, biting, kissing, sexual contact Pregnant mother to unborn _____________
Indirect Contact Coming across contaminated objects Touch the object then touch your ______________, ____________, and/or __________ Can be prevented by __________ ________
Vectors Any organism that can carry pathogens Ticks Mosquito _________
Water/Food Careless handling of water/food supplies can lead to infections Water supplies can be contaminated by human or animal ________________ Hepatitis A
Airborne Pathogens can live and travel through the ___________ From a __________ or ____________ Chicken pox, tuberculosis, flu
Prevention Wash hands often After using _____________________ Before preparing food Before putting contacts in When someone around you is ill
Other Preventative Measures Do not handle body fluids or waste products Clean surfaces after food has touched them Cook ____________ to proper temperature Avoid sharing utensils, cups, Get ________________________ (shots!) Avoid those who are ___________
Ch. 24 Sec. 2 Communicable Diseases and your Body
Our Bodies Your body is exposed to millions of _________________ everyday, all day Your immune system fights them off _____________ acts as first defense Immune system goes to work next
Immune System The immune system has two major defense strategies: Inflammatory Response __________________ Response
Vaccines ______________ or weakened pathogens are injected into the immune system Causes the body to produce a _________________ without causing the actual disease
Types of Vaccines ____________-Virus Made from live pathogens grown in a lab ____________-Virus Made from dead pathogens Toxoids Made from inactivated _______________ New and Second Generation Vaccines Made from genetically altered yeast cells
Care of Immune System Keep ___________________ Eat proper diet Get plenty of ______________ and ___________ Avoid sharing personal items Keep immune system strong
Ch. 24 Sec. 3 Common Communicable Diseases
Most Common Communicable Diseases Respiratory Infections __________ Pneumonia __________ __________ Tuberculosis Hepatitis (A, B, C)
Respiratory Infections Most common Can occur anywhere Avoid close ____________ with those who are ill Keep hands away from mouth, eyes, nose _________________ can contribute
Cold ______________ infection No cure Runny nose, sneezing, sore throat Mucous membranes become irritated Most common way is to pick up the virus by touch and then rub your eyes, nose, or mouth
Flu (Influenza) _______________ infection No cure Vaccine available to prevent High fever, fatigue, headache, muscle ache Plenty of rest and fluids
Strep Throat ________________ infection Usually spread by cough/sneeze Sore throat, fever, enlarged lymph nodes in neck area A throat culture is taken to identify
Tuberculosis _________________ Infection Spreads through the __________ Attacks the ____________ Most people will be infected with this, but their immune system will fight it off (the person will never get sick from it) Fatigue, coughing blood, fever, weight loss
Hepatitis _______________Infection Inflammation of the liver No cure Vaccines for type A and B Hepatitis A Spread through feces Hepatitis B Spread though blood, infected needles or sexual contact Hepatitis C Most common Spread through blood Leads to liver cancer or failure
Ch. 24 Sec. 4 Emerging Infections
Future Infections Communicable diseases have increased in humans and animals in the last 2 decades This could affect future generations of humans and animals
Transported across Borders Humans and animals are affected by disease brought in from other countries West Nile Dengue Fever Both carried by __________________
Population Movement Movement of people In heavily _________________ areas (ticks) Areas of certain species (spiders, insects)
Resistance to Antibiotics Some diseases have developed certain __________________ that are no longer affected by medicines (they are immune) Tuberculosis Gonorrhea Pneumonia
Changes in Food Technology Mass production of food (in plants and packing companies) increase the chances for _____________________ E.Coli Salmonella Botchulism
Agents of Terror Governments or anti-government groups have begun using diseases as ____________ Bioterrorism Smallpox Outbreaks