6th Grade Communicable Diseases SOL 6 6th Grade Communicable Diseases SOL 6.1 E Target: Students will learn how to prevent the spread of communicable disease
Bell Ringer What could you do to help prevent the spread of communicable (spreadable) diseases? (ex. common cold) Which do you think is a more effective way to dry your hands, paper towel or hand dryer? Why?
Break Time Water Bathroom Sharpen Pencils
Communicable Disease- disease that can be spread. ex. flu, mono, strep Immune system- a group of cells, tissues, and organs that fight disease. Eat health and exercise to keep your immune system strong! Eat healthy foods! Enjoy fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Run and play, bike, jump, dance, all of these things give your body the exercise it needs. Not all germs are bad, but some germs can make you sick. It’s important for you to protect yourself from those germs.
What are germs? Germs are microbes. This means they are organisms so small that you can’t see them without a microscope.
Good vs. Evil Some germs are good, like the ones in your stomach that gobble up bacteria. Other germs are bad. These are known as Pathogens. Pathogens-germs that can cause communicable diseases. Infection- When pathogens (bad germs) enter the body and multiply, causing harm to the body’s cells.
There are 4 types of germs. There are 2 that you need to know: Bacteria –One celled organisms that live everywhere ex. strep throat *antibiotics may help Examples of bacteria born illnesses: Food Poisoning Lyme Disease
Strep Throat Sore throat caused by bacteria Symptoms Sore throat white patches Fever Swollen lymph nodes
Virus-Smallest of germs. They take over healthy cells Virus-Smallest of germs. They take over healthy cells. *antibiotics won’t help ex. common cold, flu, AIDS How do we get rid of a virus? You Can’t! The best line of defense is PREVENTION Vaccine-a dead or weakened pathogen introduced into your body ex. Measles, Flu, Chicken Pox,
What kinds of diseases do viruses cause? Cold Chicken Pox Flu
How Germs are Spread (4 Ways) Direct contact ex. shaking hands with others Indirect contact ex. sharing utensils Eating or drinking contaminated food ex. food poisoning Contact with animals or insects ex. West Nile virus
Glo Germ Experiment
Bust the germs that could make you sick! Are you ready to find out our secret weapon? *Drum roll please…* Wash your hands
What is the Proper Way to Wash Your Hands? 1. Wet hands & wrists; add soap 2. Lather! Lather! Lather! Both sides of hands and wrists Between fingers and thumb; fingertips 3. Sing The Alphabet two times! (About 20 seconds) 4. Rinse well 5. Dry well
Make sure to wash everywhere The red areas are the ones that are often missed when people wash their hands. Make sure to wash these areas as well as between your fingers, under your nails, and on the tops of your hands. Use the paper towel to open the door because then you won’t get the germs from somebody else who didn’t wash his/her hands well enough, and left germs on the doorknob. Dry your hands using air dryers or a paper towel. If you use a paper towel, use it to open the door, and then throw it away.
Billy Nye Hand Washing Song
Hand Sanitizer Gels 1. Apply one pump to hands 2. Rub hands together 3. Rub all surfaces • Both sides of hands & wrists • Between fingers & thumb • Finger tips 4. Keep rubbing until hands are DRY
Don’t send germs to other people! Fact: A sneeze blows as fast as 100 MPH! Another important way to bust germs is to keep your germs to yourself. How do you send germs to others? Coughing and sneezing! Fact: A Sneeze blows as fast as 100 MPH (that would get you a speeding ticket on any road or freeway). That’s really fast! So, what should you do when you need to cough or sneeze? What should you do when you need to cough or sneeze?
COVER YOUR COUGH OR SNEEZE! This is one of the most common way that the flu virus is spread . . . When you sneeze or cough, droplets that contain the virus are “sprayed” into the room / into your hand. The influenza virus can survive for 24-48 hours on hard, porous surfaces, like countertops – it can then be transferred onto the hands and from their, into your mouth, on your food . . . When you sneeze or cough . . . - Use a tissue and dispose appropriately - Cough or sneeze into your arm or sleeve - Wash your hands immediately afterwards Courtesy of CDC
Do this? Yes or no? yes. You can cough or sneeze into a tissue, and then throw it away – don’t reuse it (spreads germs to your hands), wash your hands at the next chance you get.
How about this? Yes – this is okay. It’s even better if you sneeze or cough onto fabric, like a sleeve. That helps trap the germs and then they will die in a few hours, or when the clothing is washed.
How’s this? Ew! This is not an okay way to cough or sneeze. This girl is sneezing germs all over that woman
Germ Buster Duties Cover up! When you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with a tissue or with the inside of your arm When you cough or sneeze, remember the best way to keep your germs to yourself- sneeze or cough into a clean tissue, or into your sleeve/fabric.
When do we need to wash our hands? Our hands help us do many different things throughout the day. We need to make sure that we wash our hands after or before doing certain things: after using the bathroom, after coughing/sneezing or wiping our noses, before we eat, after taking out the trash, before preparing food, after petting or playing with animals, after touching money (Reemphasize after using the bathroom, sneezing/coughing and before eating)
POP QUIZ!!! In what temperature of water is it best to wash your hands? Cold Warm Hot 2. For how long should you wash your hands? 10 seconds About 20 seconds One minute You say you know how to wash your hands – you do it all the time, right? Let’s do this quiz as a class to find out if we REALLY know. Warm water is the best to wash your hands in, because it is more likely that you will keep your hands in the warm water for the right amount of time. If water is too cold or too hot, it won’t be very comfortable to wash for long enough. Otherwise, temperature does not matter very much. You should wash your hands for about 20 seconds.
Bill Nye Video-Safari Montage
Table of Contents 1. Journal/X 2. Labeling of the Heart/X 3. Cardiovascular & Respiratory Notes/X 4. Finding Your Target Fitness Zone/Evaluating Cardio Fitness 5. Smoking Aerobics/Lab Questions 6. Communicable Diseases Bell Ringer/ Bill Nye Video Quiz (Germs and Your Health) 7. Communicable Diseases Notes (side 1 and 2)