BELL RINGER There are over 20 million new STI cases each year, approximately how many of these cases are among individuals between the age of 15 and 24? 9 million
STDS AND STIS Chapter 24 (p. 656)
What is a STD/STI? STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease are infections spread from person to person through sexual contact AKA STI- Sexually Transmitted Infection STIs are easily be transmitted from one person to another. (communicable diseases) There are approximately 25 STDs worldwide Not all STDs show symptoms (asymptomatic) or symptoms are mild and disappear after the onset of the infection Approximately 9 million young people between 15-24 will be come infected with STDs each year. There are about 20 million new cases each year. “Silent Epidemic”
Risk & Protective Factors STD/STI Most Common Risk & Protective Factors Getting Help Modes of Transmission
What are the 6 Most Common STds/stis Genital HPV Infections Chlamydia Genital Herpes Gonorrhea Trichomoniasis Syphilis
Genital HPV Infections
Genital HPV Infections Over 6 Million new cases each year in the U.S. Can cause genital warts & may lead to cervical cancer in females Most infected individuals have no symptoms or symptoms disappear without treatment Vaccine (preventative) is available for males and females
Affects the reproductive organs of both males and females Chlamydia Affects the reproductive organs of both males and females About 2.8 million Americans get chlamydia each year. It is the most common STD among teens. Females are 3x more likely to contract than males Although there are typically no symptoms; however, chlamydia may cause PID, pelvic pain, and infertility (males/females) Females with chlamydia are 5x more likely to become infected with HIV if exposed
Genital herpes
Genital herpes Caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus HSV1 Cold Sores HSV2 Genital Sores 45 Million people in the U.S. 12 years and older have contract genital herpes Many individuals are asymptomatic; however- virus typically causes sores within the first 2 weeks of contraction and will take several weeks to heal, eventually followed by shorter less severe outbreaks that occur on and off over years Treatment is available but there is no cure
Gonorrhea More than 700,000 Americans are infected with Gonorrhea Many males are asymptomatic meanwhile females tend to have mild symptoms Infected individuals may experience severe medical problems if untreated… such as infertility, joint problems, and eye issues/blindness when passed from mother to child during birth. 2nd most commonly reported STD in U.S.
Trich causes infections to the vagina, urethra, and bladder Trichomoniasis Trich causes infections to the vagina, urethra, and bladder 7.4 million new cases occur every year in the U.S . Symptoms include temporary irritation to the penis, mild discharge, burning sensation, and vaginitis (inflammatory disease)… Babies born with trich are often premature and/or have a low birth weight Females have increase rate of contracting HIV if exposed to trich infection
The infection produces a skin rash for a few weeks then disappears Syphilis The infection passes through three stages. Stage 1- A sore appears on the external genitals or the vagina, disappears after a few weeks Stage 2- The infection produces a skin rash for a few weeks then disappears Stage 3- Syphilis can damage internal organs, cause brain dementia, and may cause death Treatment available during early stages
Vocab Terms STD- STI- Communicable Disease- Asymptomatic- Symptomatic-
Vocab Terms STD- Sexually Transmitted Disease STI- Sexually Transmitted Infection Communicable Disease- A disease that is spread from one living organism to another through the environment Asymptomatic- People who are infected show no symptoms or the infections produce mild symptoms that disappear Symptomatic- People who are infected show symptoms
Which STDs can be asymptomatic? BELL ringer Which STDs can be asymptomatic? Why should a person who is asymptomatic seek testing after being exposed to an STD? Remember you should be providing thoughtful ideas in complete sentences. Minimum of 2 Today.
Mode of Transmission &risk/Protective Factors
Bell Ringer Identify at least THREE specific types of sexual contact or other means in which STIs/STDs may spread.
Modes of Transmission Oral, Vaginal & Anal Intercourse Direct Contact with Sores (and other symptoms) Kissing During Pregnancy Skin to Skin Contact Sharing Needles Fluid Exchange Please Note: Mode of Transmission Varies for Each STI… To Learn More About How Each STI Is Spread- Check Out Your Book
What is the Difference? Risk Factors Protective Factors Any variable, characteristic, or exposure that increases the likelihood [risk] of developing a disease or injury. Any variable or characteristic that decreases or eliminate risk [STI] therefore increasing the health and well-being of an individual.
HS Diploma Divorce Family Form Values & Goals HS Dropout Depression Abstinence Age Divorce HS Diploma Parents have high level of education Income Sexually Active Peers Parent was a Teen Parent Self-Esteem Older Friends Drug & Alcohol Use Shared Family Values Multiple Sexual Partners Parent-Child Communication Family Form Sibling(s) or Peer(s) begin having early sexual encounters Serial Monogamy Connection to School Values & Goals Health Care Parental disapproval of premarital or teen sex Early Sexual Activity Older Partner (BF/GF) Parental Interest/ Supervision Positive Family Interactions HS Dropout Lack of knowledge about Birth Control Methods
Multiple Sexual Partners Lack of knowledge about Birth Control Methods Depression Abstinence Age Divorce HS Diploma Parents have high level of education Income Sexually Active Peers Parent was a Teen Parent Self-Esteem Older Friends Drug & Alcohol Use Shared Family Values Multiple Sexual Partners Parent-Child Communication Family Form Sibling(s) or Peer(s) begin having early sexual encounters Serial Monogamy Connection to School Values & Goals Health Care Parental disapproval of premarital or teen sex Early Sexual Activity Older Partner (BF/GF) Parental Interest/ Supervision Positive Family Interactions HS Dropout Lack of knowledge about Birth Control Methods
Questions are available on my teacher website if needed when at home. HOMEWORK Directions: Using the idea of risk and protective factors as well as the examples provided during class, answer the questions below. Identify 2 PROTECTIVE factors that you have in your life that may help reduce your risk of contracting an STI. Please explain why you think each factor will specifically help in STI prevention. Identify at least 1 RISK factor that you have in your life that may increase your risk of contracting an STI. Please explain why you think the factor will specifically increase the chances of getting an STI. Questions are available on my teacher website if needed when at home.
Diagnosing and Treating STDs Getting Help Diagnosing and Treating STDs
Avoiding High-Risk Behaviors & STDs Each month about 750,000 teens are diagnosed with an STD. Avoiding High-Risk Behaviors & STDs High Risk Behaviors: Being sexually active with more than one person Engaging in unprotected sex Engaging in sexual activity with high risk partners Using alcohol and other drugs
Getting Help: Diagnosing & Treating STDS STI Tests: Physical Exam Blood Test Urine Test Visual Inspection Testing of Sore Specimen Collection PAP Smear The Pap smear is a screening test for cervical cancer. Cells scraped from the opening of the cervix are examined under a microscope. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that opens at the top of the vagina. Who can complete these medical tests, exams, inspections, collections, and procedures? Only a trained medical professional can determine which test will most effectively screen for a particular STD and then based on results prescribe medication and monitor the patients treatment.
Getting Help: Diagnosing & Treating STDS Bacterial Infections Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trich, and Syphilis Can be Treated & Cured Viral Infections HPV and Genital Herpes Can be Treated BUT No Cure Antibiotics- are a class of chemical agents that destroy disease causing microorganisms while leaving the individual unharmed The only method that is 100% successful in preventing the contraction and spread of STIs is ABSTINENCE.
Where can I Seek Help? National HIV and STD Testing Resources THE CDC Planned Parenthood Physician (Doctor) Office of Adolescent
The STD Epidemic The CDC (center for disease control) estimates that each year ____________________ people are infected with and STD Almost half are under the age of _________ Top reasons STDs go undiagnosed and untreated…. _______________________________ 19 million 24 Embarrassment or fear Lack of symptoms Misinformation
Exit Ticket Your best friend comes to you and tell you that he/she thinks they have an STI. What are the first THREE meaningful questions you would ask them? What are the TWO comforting things/pieces of advice you would give them? What is the ONE thing you would do to be a good friend to them right now in this situation?