Antimicrobial dressings and wound-healing materials VitaVallis Natalia Kirilova Director, Aqvelite Company +7913 813 83 12
Antimicrobial dressings and wound-healing materials VitaVallis Products Antimicrobial dressings and wound-healing materials VitaVallis For treatment of burns, including infected ones For treatment of chronic wounds (diabetic foot, pressure ulcers, venous ulcers) For treatment of infected and septic wounds Post-operative dressings Materials and dressings do not contain antibiotics or pharmaceuticals
Principle of operation VitaVallis materials contain active centers with positive surface charge which effectively adsorb negatively charged microorganisms and decayed tissues and increase the proliferation and migration of cells by effecting plasma membrane of cells
Advantages Reduce the healing time of vast deep wounds up to 1.5-2 times Produce pronounced hemostatic effect on capillary (parenchymal) bleeding Effective for treatment of wounds containing resistant wound microflora Do not contain antibiotics or medicines and do not cause allergies Do not cause formation of drug-resistant strains Do not produce toxic effect on the wound and surrounding tissue, thus allowing for more effective healing Reduce odor in septic and necrotic processes
(standard period = 150-180 days) Acceleration of healing. Antimicrobial activity Infected wound (multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa) No pathogenic microorganisms 24 hours later Recovery after 80 days (standard period = 150-180 days)
Minimization of scarring Day 1 After 3 days After 5 days Chemical burn (wound depth 0.5 cm). Wound flattening by the 5th day, epithelialization in progress, no need for skin grafting
Before VitaVallis treatment Accelerated healing Before VitaVallis treatment Sacral back pressure sore. Wound flattening and epithelialization by 15th day Within 15 days after
Sacral back pressure sore Accelerated healing Sacral back pressure sore At initial visit Within 20 days after
Accelerated healing Recurrent erysipelas At initial visit At initial visit
Pharmacies Target Group New product possibility Patients with chronic and poorly healing wounds (limb venous ulcers, erysipelas, etc.) Patients with diabetic foot and respective risk group Patients with pressure ulcers Patients with deep and extensive burns Hospitals Surgical departments Surgical departments of oncology clinics Endocrinological centers Plastic surgery centers Hospice New product possibility Veterinary medicine (dressings, plasters for wounds in animals)
Cooperation proposals Delivery Russia, Vietnam, Ukraine, Indonesia, South Africa Cooperation proposals Supply of the antimicrobial wound-healing materials or half-finished products made of these materials.
Natalia Kirilova Director of Aqvelite Company Contacts Natalia Kirilova Director of Aqvelite Company Tel./Fax: (3822) 57-19-97, mob. +7913 813 8312 е-mail: