David Stephenson CEO Nidecus
David Stephenson CEO Nidecus
Projects Projects Issues Issues Sustainability Sustainability
Iconic buildings in a post modern urban environment
Moreton Metropolis
An iconic building must Look interesting Look interesting Be unique Be unique Meet codes Meet codes Capture imagination Capture imagination Have government support Have government support
What makes an iconic building?
Symbol of Australia
Iconic buildings are delicate balancing acts between explicit signs and implicit symbols.
Guggenheim Museum
Experience Music Project
Millennium Dome
Pompidou Building
Lloyds Building
Millennium Dome
London Eye
Gold Coast Eye Sore
Central Bank of China
World Trade Centre
Hearst Tower
Sydney Opera House
Iconic Buildings Strong belief Strong belief Desire to have landmark Desire to have landmark Globalised capitalism Globalised capitalism Desire for the new Desire for the new
Hearst Tower
R. Buckminster Fuller
a moment of tension that often precedes the revelation that design is an autonomous process that fluctuates within the regions of conscious and subconscious confounding riddles of knowledge
Selfridges Birmingham
Where do these images come from?
Jasmine Davis Doctoral Thesis The Future: General expectations related to bias in media reporting media 9/21/2006
Society expectation index Davis 2006
Society expectation index Davis 2006
How far are you willing to push the system beyond what is legally and ethically possible?
Give architects more control
Creativity and pluralism are too strong for the architectural police.
Greenland Seasonal Ice Melt
Sunshine Coast 0 feet
Sunshine Coast 20 feet
Gold Coast 0 feet
Gold Coast 20 feet
Brisbane 0 feet
Brisbane 20 feet
Toowoomba 0 feet
Toowoomba 20 feet
The Palms - Dubai
The World - Dubai
The Long Board