An Invitation to Health Chapter 12 Tobacco Use, Misuse, and Abuse Dr. Lana Zinger ©2004 Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Smoking Statistics Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States claiming 440,00 lives each year. It accounts for 1 in 5 deaths in the United States. It accounts for between $50 billion and $73 billion in medical expenses. In the course of a lifetime, the average smoker can expect to spend tens of thousands of dollars on cigarettes.
Tobacco contains 4,00+ compounds and toxic substances Tobacco Components Nicotine A dangerous, colorless, oily compound. Highly addictive stimulant both physically and psychologically. Nicotine spreads to the nervous system within 8 seconds. Gases,Vapors,Chemicals and Compounds Carbon monoxide and dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, acetone, cadmium, pyridine, benzene, phenol, acrolin, vinyl chloride, hydrogen cyanide and sulfide, formaldehyde, and ammonia. Tar which Contains numerous cancer-causing particles (carcinogens) that remain in the lungs. Tobacco contains 4,00+ compounds and toxic substances
The Immediate Effects Of Nicotine On The Body Brain Nicotine first stimulates the nervous system, then triggers release of tranquilizing brain neurotransmitters and hormones (dopamine, acetylcholine and adrenaline). Lungs The bloodstream absorbs nicotine from the lungs. Heart Nicotine causes the heartbeat to quicken. Blood Vessels Nicotine causes the blood vessels to constrict, causing higher blood pressure. Figure 12.1
Some Effects Of Smoking On The Body Figure 12.2
Health Effects Of Smoking On The Body
Why Do People Keep Smoking? Pleasure Use Of Other Substances Mental Disorders Fear of Weight Gain Dependence
Why Do People Start Smoking? Parental Role Models Adolescent Experimentation Genetics Weight Control Depression Limited Education Addiction Aggressive Marketing Stress
Who Smokes In America? By Age By Gender By Race/Ethnicity Youths 12-17 yrs 13% Young Adults 18-25 yrs 39% Adults 26+ yrs 24% Males 27% Females 23% Whites 26% Blacks Hispanics 21%
Smoke-Free Housing Student Snapshot
Other Forms of Tobacco Cigars Clove “Safer” Cigarettes Cigarettes Bidis Smokeless Tobacco Pipes
The Dangers Of Cigarettes Versus Cigars Figure 12.4
Smokeless Tobacco 15 million Americans Just as addictive as cigarette smoking. Associated Health Problems: Gingivitis, peridontitis, oral cancer, premature death, more cavities, sore gums, bad breath, stained teeth, diminished sense of smell and taste, increased heart rate and blood pressure, and addiction.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Secondhand cigarette smoke is the most hazardous form of indoor air pollution. Causes 3,000 deaths from lung cancer. Increases the risk of heart disease, some cancers, sick leave rates, asthma, wheezing and bronchitis. Mainstream smoke Sidestream smoke Prenatal exposure to tobacco Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
How To Quit Figure 12.6 Stop-Smoking Groups
Living Smoke Free Use delaying tactics. Distract yourself. Establish nonsmoking hours. Never smoke two packs of the same brand in a row. Make it harder to get your cigarettes. Change the way you smoke. Keep daily records. Stop completely for just one day at a time. Spend more time in places where you can’t smoke. Go cold turkey.