The Cochrane Library is the single most reliable source for evidence on the effects of healthcare. Health care in the 21 st Century relies not only on individual medical skills, but also on the best information on the effectiveness of each intervention being accessible to practitioners, patients, and policy makers. This approach is sometimes known as “evidence- based medicine”. WHAT IS THE COCHRANE LIBRARY
The Cochrane Library is designed to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care.
THE COCHRANE COLLABORATION Structure - established as an international organisation in 1993, registered as a charity in the U.K. Aim - to help people make well-informed decisions about health care. How - by preparing and maintaining, and promoting access to, systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare interventions. Publishing Output – The Cochrane Library Wiley publishes the Cochrane Library for the Cochrane Collaboration
The Cochrane Library is a collection of 7 main databases and 1 additional databases that describe Cochrane as an organization. These are: 1.The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) 2.The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effects (DARE) 3.The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) 4.The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) 5.Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) 6.NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED) 7.THE COCHRANE METHODOLOGY REGISTER (CMR) 8.About The Cochrane Collaboration and the Cochrane Collaborative Review Groups WHAT IS THE COCHRANE LIBRARY?
The authors of a systematic review identify an intervention for a specific disease or other problem in health care, and then ask whether or not this intervention works. In order to do this they locate, appraise and synthesise evidence from as many relevant scientific studies as possible. They summarise conclusions about effectiveness, and provide a unique collation of the known evidence on a given topic, so that others can easily review the primary studies for intervention. What is a Systematic Review? The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
Reviews address clearly formulated questions such as ‘does fluoride help prevent tooth decay in children’ or ‘can antibiotics help in alleviating the symptoms of sore throat’. Comprehensive and explicit methods are used to track down, select and determine the quality of relevant research. This includes searches for unpublished and non-English records to provide as complete a picture as possible to try to answer the question considered. A diagrammatic analysis is also provided in the form of an odds-ratio diagram. These diagrams reveal, at a glance, whether a treatment is beneficial or not. What’s so important about it? The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)
What magnitude of risk reduction when a patient with Coronary Heart Disease stops smoking? Does the use of hydrolysed formulas for infant feeding prevents allergy and food intolerance? Does having a friend for support present during labour and childbirth impact on a woman’s experience? People who quit smoking after a heart attack or cardiac surgery reduce their risk of death by at least one third. When babies are not exclusively breastfed, using hydrolysed infant formulas instead of ordinary cow's and soy milk formulas can reduce allergies in babies and children. Yes. Continuous labour support reduces a woman's likelihood of having pain medication, increases her satisfaction and chances for 'spontaneous' birth, and has no known risks. What sort of healthcare questions are addressed?
More than 2435 Full Reviews The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) How large is the database? More than 1606 Protocols (Reviews in progress)
The Cochrane Database of Reviews of Effect (DARE) Contains critical assessments and and structured abstracts of reviews. Must meet a minimum quality criteria. Cover topics yet to be covered in CDSR. For Cochrane reviewers and researchers wanting information on reviews of heath care effects from sources outside the Cochrane Library The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) Contains a register of studies which may be relevant for inclusion in Cochrane reviews World’s largest database of randomly controlled trials For Cochrane reviewers needing to identify studies for a Cochrane review and researchers wishing to identifies studies in a different medical disciplines.
The Cochrane Database of Methodology Reviews (CDMR) Contains Methodology reviews and protocols. Full-text Reviews examine the benefit of methodological studies – e.g. Does editorial peer-review improve the quality of reports of biomedical studies Plus information on the Collaboration and its Review Groups. Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA) Contains information on healthcare technology assessments, including details of ongoing projects and completed publications from health technology assessment organisations
THE COCHRANE METHODOLOGY REGISTER (CMR) Contains a bibliography of publications which report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books and conference proceedings, these articles are taken from the MEDLINE database and from hand searches.
The Cochrane Library has many features that make finding the information that you’re after fast and accurate… Finding Information
All text search for the terms: schizo*, drugs, atypical and antipsychotic. Searching across all databases in the library. Searching across all records. An Advanced Search of the Cochrane Library
Returns the following results… Toggle between results listed for the different databases in the Cochrane Library here Use these links to restrict your search results to Reviews only, or Protocols only. Save or edit your search using these links. An Advanced Search of the Cochrane Library
MeSH (Medical Subjects Heading Search) Add search qualifiers. Select the MeSH tree you wish to search. Use the Thesaurus to search for MeSH descriptors
Select Search History. To combine searches, enter their number together with Boolean operator of choice – in this case AND. Your combined search will then come up in your Search History. Click it to run it. Search History The combined search (#1 AND #2) returns results across all the databases.
Who benefits from the Cochrane Library? Health Professionals at all levels, Health Researchers, Health Policy Makers, Care givers, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and patients.
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