19.1 Building Responsible Relationships – Review Why are teen relationships important?Why are teen relationships important? Teens are forming their own identityTeens are forming their own identity Developing relationships with others of the same age is part of forming your own identity.Developing relationships with others of the same age is part of forming your own identity.
What are the positive characteristics to look for in a dating partner? Is unselfishIs unselfish Treats others wellTreats others well Is tolerant & respectfulIs tolerant & respectful Has similar morals & valuesHas similar morals & values Is fun to be withIs fun to be with Respects himself or herselfRespects himself or herself
What Is Appropriate Dating Behavior? Do Find out some things that he/she likes to do – even if they are not your favorite activitiesFind out some things that he/she likes to do – even if they are not your favorite activities Focus on getting to know your dateFocus on getting to know your date Be respectful of your date’s wishes & independenceBe respectful of your date’s wishes & independence Observe parents’ rules for dating.Observe parents’ rules for dating. Don’t Always insist on being the one to decide what to doAlways insist on being the one to decide what to do Focus only on having a good-looking or popular dateFocus only on having a good-looking or popular date Be manipulative or arrogantBe manipulative or arrogant Cause difficulty by going against parents’ wishesCause difficulty by going against parents’ wishes
How Can You Maintain A Healthy Relationship? Treat the other person the way you want to be treatedTreat the other person the way you want to be treated Be prompt – Being late makes you seem unreliable or uninterested in the dateBe prompt – Being late makes you seem unreliable or uninterested in the date Be courteous & politeBe courteous & polite Think of activities you will both like to doThink of activities you will both like to do Don’t break a date because something better comes alongDon’t break a date because something better comes along Say “Thanks” You don’t owe anything elseSay “Thanks” You don’t owe anything else
Key Terms - Vocabulary What is any activity that includes intentional sexual contact for the purpose of sexual arousal? Sexual Activity
Benefits of Abstinence - Review
What Are The Health Benefits Of Teen Sexual Abstinence? Don’t have to worry about becoming pregnantDon’t have to worry about becoming pregnant Don’t have to worry about STDs – STI’s.Don’t have to worry about STDs – STI’s. Don’t have to worry about the consequences of STD’s - STI’s: social stigma, incurable, cancer, restricted or inability to have children, & deathDon’t have to worry about the consequences of STD’s - STI’s: social stigma, incurable, cancer, restricted or inability to have children, & death The younger you are when you become sexually active, the more sexual partners you are likely to have, increasing risks of pregnancy &/or STDs – STI’s.The younger you are when you become sexually active, the more sexual partners you are likely to have, increasing risks of pregnancy &/or STDs – STI’s.
What Are The Consequences Of Being An Adolescent Parent? Being sexually active distracts from other important things, such as friends, school & good jobs.Being sexually active distracts from other important things, such as friends, school & good jobs. Adolescent mothers have difficulty finishing school & often don’t.Adolescent mothers have difficulty finishing school & often don’t. Adolescent fathers legally must support their child financially & may have to work.Adolescent fathers legally must support their child financially & may have to work.
What is Abstinence?What is Abstinence? The conscious decision to not participate in sexual activity.The conscious decision to not participate in sexual activity. What is a Responsible Relationship?What is a Responsible Relationship? One that has physical & emotional intimacy, i.e., trust, mutual respect, & loveOne that has physical & emotional intimacy, i.e., trust, mutual respect, & love What is a Sexually Transmitted Infection/Disease?What is a Sexually Transmitted Infection/Disease? An infectious disease spread by sexual contact.An infectious disease spread by sexual contact.
What is Sexual Intimacy?What is Sexual Intimacy? Sharing sexual feelings & sexual contactSharing sexual feelings & sexual contact What is Emotional Intimacy?What is Emotional Intimacy? Sharing thoughts & feelings, caring for each other, & learning to trust each otherSharing thoughts & feelings, caring for each other, & learning to trust each other
19.3 Coping With Pressures - Review
19.3 Coping With Pressures – Review What is Internal Pressure?What is Internal Pressure? Pressure from within yourselfPressure from within yourself What is External Pressure?What is External Pressure? Pressure from another person or groupPressure from another person or group What is a Protective Factor?What is a Protective Factor? Anything that keeps a person from engaging in harmful behaviorAnything that keeps a person from engaging in harmful behavior
What Are The Two Types Of Pressures To Be Sexually Active? Internal Pressures Your body’s desire for sexual intimacyYour body’s desire for sexual intimacy Your mind’s desire for emotional intimacyYour mind’s desire for emotional intimacy External pressures Boyfriend/GirlfriendBoyfriend/Girlfriend The MediaThe Media PeersPeers
How Can You Nonverbally Refuse Sexual Advances? Stand straight up & look the person in the eyes while talkingStand straight up & look the person in the eyes while talking Don’t send mixed messagesDon’t send mixed messages –Body language should match what your saying Avoid nervous behaviorsAvoid nervous behaviors –Laughter –Fidgeting
What Are Verbal Ways To Refuse Sexual Advances? Clearly identify the problem in your mind.Clearly identify the problem in your mind. –Your partner is trying to convince you to have sex. State your thoughts & feelings.State your thoughts & feelings. –“I’ve decided not to have sex until marriage.” State what you would like to do instead.State what you would like to do instead. –“Let’s go to a movie or do something else.” State what will happen.State what will happen. –“ I really like you, but if you don’t stop pressuring me, I’m leaving.”
What Are The Top 5 Protective Factors? A close relationship w/ parents or guardiansA close relationship w/ parents or guardians Being involved in school activitiesBeing involved in school activities Good performance in schoolGood performance in school Practicing religious beliefsPracticing religious beliefs Being committed to being sexually abstinentBeing committed to being sexually abstinent
What Are Four Risk Factors That Cause Teens To Become Sexually Active? 1.Alcohol & Drugs - Reduces your inhibitions & make you more likely to engage in sexual activity 2.Dating Older People - Resisting sexual pressure is harder when it comes from an older person. Most states have laws stopping adults & older teens from having sex w/younger teens 3.Having Sexually Active Friends - Can influence you into becoming sexually active. Hang around people who share your same values 4.Being Previously Sexually Active - Increases the chance of becoming sexually active again.
What Are Four Nonsexual Ways To Show Someone You Care? Make or buy inexpensive giftsMake or buy inexpensive gifts Spend time talking w/each otherSpend time talking w/each other Spend time togetherSpend time together Be there for them in good times & badBe there for them in good times & bad