The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Grow larger and smaller at the same time (keeping the intimacy of a smaller fellowship while increasing the total number of available seats during optimal worship times)
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Overcome geographic and cultural barriers to reach new people
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Address more community needs and provide more community support
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Involve more people in growth and outreach opportunities and ministries (enables untapped talent to emerge each time a new venue is opened)
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Provide an infusion of trained workers to new church starts
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Launch new Church Campuses under a respected Church name and with the same DNA (Vision, Values, Beliefs, Strategies, etc.)
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Staff with generalists and specialists, so that both groups can be utilized
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Have greater impact with less costs, since many of the costs are shared
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Provide a new-church vibe with a big-church punch
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Move to new locations while staying at the current location
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Maintain a climate for diversity, creativity and innovation in ministry
The Multi-Site Campus Strategy enables Churches to: Provide more prayer support and marketing for each Campus
Most Multi-Site Churches are a Blend of Models: The Video-Venue Model – using video cast sermons combined with live worship teams (most people love video messages once they are exposed to them because they can see more clearly the facial expressions of the speaker)
Most Multi-Site Churches are a Blend of Models: Regional Campus Model – replicating the experience of the original campus at additional campuses (with sermons preached by different preachers) in order to make church more accessible to other geographic and cultural communities
Most Multi-Site Churches are a Blend of Models: Teaching Team Model – leveraging a strong teaching team across multiple locations (using either the video-venue approach or a rotational approach)
Most Multi-Site Churches are a Blend of Models: Partnership Model – partnering with local business or non-profit organizations to utilize their facilities for worship venues
Most Multi-Site Churches are a Blend of Models: Low-Risk Model – starting video-venues wherever there is a home or building available
The Campus Pastor is responsible for conveying the DNA of the Original Church, recruiting the core team, developing the new leaders, and overseeing the ministry once the campus is launched.
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Leader who completely buys into the church’s vision and is loyal to its senior leadership
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Team player with strong relational skills
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Team builder who can reproduce vision in others and share responsibility with others
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Pastor who really has a desire and heart to shepherd others
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Flexible Entrepreneur
A Campus Pastor Needs To Be A: Solid Teacher of God’s Word
Primarily utilize Leaders who are already part of the church, because they already understand and are committed to the church’s vision and values
Utilize small groups to develop believers and leaders
Remember Leadership development is more relational than anything else
Look at leadership development from the new leader’s point of view
Check for alignment of explicit and implicit values
Set up simple ways to measure Leadership development and more will happen
Develop Leaders by organizing teams specific to each campus or venue
Explore the attitude of interdependence
Shift ownership of programming to each local campus as much as possible
Don’t quit looking for better ways to do ministry
Begin to pray and seek direction from the Lord concerning the Communities and/or Cities He wants us to target
Recruit and begin to train the Campus Pastor
Begin ministering to the Community (if in the New Orleans area)
Identify the Celebration People who live in the targeted Community, gather them together, and begin casting vision to them about taking their Community for Jesus
Secure a site for the Multi-site Campus
Develop and begin to implement a Budget for the start-up and ministry continuance of the Satellite Campus
Purchase the needed equipment (video, sound, lighting, etc.) and begin to train workers
Form a nucleus of Leaders and Core Group members to work with the Campus Pastor (including Celebration people who don’t live in the Community but who are willing to invest 6 months to a year or more in the launching of the new Campus), and begin a 3-month training of those Leaders and Core Group members
Saturate the Community with advertising concerning the launch of the Satellite Campus
Have a great Grand Opening Day and begin reaching, assimilating and discipling large number of people of that Community
Continue the training and equipping of the Leaders and Core Members through a mid- week meeting
Continue working closely with all Church Staff for support, encouragement, resourcing, etc.
The Multi-site model requires more lay Leaders than most models
Primarily utilize Leaders who are already part of the church, because they already understand and are committed to the church’s vision and values
Utilize Small Groups to develop believers and leaders
Know that Leadership development is more relational than anything else
Look at leadership development from the new leader’s point of view
Check for alignment of explicit & implicit values before confirming a leader
Set up simple ways to measure leadership development
Develop Leaders by organizing teams specific to each campus or venue
The Staff Leadership Development Track is moving people from Life Group member to Life Group Leader to Life Group Coach to Ministry Director to Staff Minister to Staff/Campus Pastor
The purpose of each Multi-site Campus is to facilitate evangelism, assimilation (fellowship), discipleship, community service (ministry), worship, Leadership development and church growth in that community
Our model is to raise up leaders through Life Groups to form the nucleus of the church, and to also raise up a congregation through Life Groups
People will choose a Campus/Venue based on either: 1) relationship, 2) preference, or 3) convenience (geographical location)