The Passion Principle: Student Motivation and Passionate Instruction “How Learners Perceive and are Affected by Teacher Passion “ March 7, 2012 Elizabeth.


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Presentation transcript:

The Passion Principle: Student Motivation and Passionate Instruction “How Learners Perceive and are Affected by Teacher Passion “ March 7, 2012 Elizabeth Roeger, EdD. Elgin Community College Elgin, Illinois

Context for passionate teaching and learning Passion is essential to teaching (Day,2004,Fried1995} Passionate teaching has the potential to benefit students. (Day, 2004, Fried,1995) Empirical research describes: 1. Enthusiasm, a characteristic associated with passion has been shown to affect student outcomes (Patrick, Hisley and Kempler, 2001). 2. Teachers believe that passion positively affects student outcomes. (Carbonneau et al, 2008) This presentation addresses: 1.How students perceive teacher passion. 2.How they believe it affects them. 3.How it affects the student teacher relationship 4.What is the significance to professional development ?

Study Overview Qualitative Phenomenological Study at Single District CC of approx. 23,000 students Examines adult learners’ perceptions, experiences, and notions about learning from a passionate teacher Student semi-structured interviews Group (9) Individual (7) Student reflective journaling (8) Observation of teaching faculty (3) X 2 observations Faculty semi- structured individual interviews (3) x 1 interview Observations and interviews include contact sheets Reflective journals Two column logs Observation check list Check of transcriptions Creation of possible data threads Detached peer debriefer (2) x Creating framework Results Early adopter effect

Ignition-Motivation-Results Passion Intimacy Commitment Building self-confidence Setting high standards Sharing personal life Compassion Thoughtfulness Caring Quality of instruction Personal zest Discipline expertise Love self Love learning Love career Adapted from Sternberg Triangular Theory of Love (1997)

PASSIONPASSION Caring Self-confidence High standards Personal life Compassion Thoughtfulness Quality instructionPersonal zestDiscipline expertise Key Leslie Dina Avery Gina Darwin Muffin Susan Intimacy Ignition XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX

Commitment Outcome SelfLearningCareer Key Leslie Dina Avery Gina Darwin Muffin Susan XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX PASSIONPASSION

Reciprocal relationship between teacher and student. Learning passion and the passion cycle Passionate teaching Passionate student Passionate teaching Passionate student Ignites passion

Results and Research ResultsResearch Student perceptions of teacher passion created positive reactions in the students. “She keeps her head up… and feels good about herself and what she does. It makes me feel good too.” Darwin, student of Diane. “In the end, it’s all about the way you make the self feel”(Denzin,N.K.,1987) Students perceived Intimacy, which led to trust and deeper relationship with the faculty, moving them to react and commit to loving themselves, their studies, and or career choices. Sternberg Triangular Theory of Love (1997) Students described perceptions of caring. Caring = building student self-confidence, setting high standards, faculty sharing their personal life with students, showing compassion, and demonstrating thoughtfulness. ”She encouraged me to apply for that scholarship and she supported me. Coming from a family where education wasn’t encouraged, it means a lot to me that she believes in me.” Gina, a student of Diane Caring is the courage to show feelings of worth and care to another (Palmer, P.,2007) We know that faculty care about students and learning

Results and Research ResultsResearch Students described all five manifestations of caring teachers for each of the three passionate faculty members studied Freid (1995)Day (2004) Palmer (2007) describe the value of passionate teaching Students perceived passionate teaching as having zest, another quality of intimacy A teacher who demonstrates enthusiasm for a subject motivates student interest in the subject Patrick, Hisley, and Kempler (2001) Students perceived passionate teaching, another quality of intimacy as high quality teaching Fink (2003) describes the value of high quality active learning and its effects on learning Students perceived passionate teaching as teaching with a high degree of discipline expertise, another quality of intimacy Neumann (2009) describes passionate teaching as teaching motivated by a love of the discipline and a need to share this beloved discipline with a new generation of learners Students believed that the effects of passionate teaching motivated and affected them in three possible ways: Creating greater love and respect for self, Creating greater desire to learn, Creating focus on career path Intrinsic motivation-Self Determination Theory-is composed of autonomy-self-efficacy-inter- relatedness.Deci et al (1991). Transformative Learning-”We transform our frames of reference through critical reflections on the assumptions upon which our interpretations, beliefs and habits of mind are based” Meizrow (1991).

Implications With an understanding of how students perceive passion, faculty development may be created that addresses how faculty may teach passionately. Community College faculty are discipline specifically trained and will benefit from pedagogical training which focuses on creating passionate teaching. The importance of faculty development which addresses passionate teaching is elevated. It is important to consider affective learning and teaching strategies and their correlation to learning.

Institutions must provide the resources and an atmosphere which promotes and values learning ; Faculty must be made aware of these resources Implications for faculty development Faculty must establish caring teacher - student interaction and build relationships Faculty must create perceived high quality instruction Faculty must share and model discipline expertise Faculty must make students aware of the value of assignments Faculty must consider specific strategies for student success Faculty must set high standards

Institutions must provide resources and promote and value learning Support tutoring Student resources Career exploration and placement Developing teaching strengths Faculty driven Developing value- added lessons Strengthening student independence Integrated instructional and student services approach Developing affective learning skills

Faculty must establish caring interaction and relationships with students Self-confidenceHigh standards Share personal life CompassionThoughtfulness Caring

Faculty must create perceived high quality instruction High quality is perceived as caring. Engages studentsChallenges students

Faculty must share and model discipline expertise Faculty expertise Shows experience and learning Models learning Motivates faculty Sharing love of discipline with students Motivates students Engages students Demonstrates what learning looks like

Faculty must make students aware of the value of assignments Demonstrate significance of assignment to learning goal Demonstrate how the assignment learning will be used beyond the classroom Acknowledge faculty belief in why the assignment will help the student

Faculty must set high standards Engagement Self-Confidence Caring Respect Sets challenge Engages interest Garners respect of student for teacher and school Understanding and awareness of learning

Questions for two year colleges to consider. How can student respect for faculty be encouraged ? What is the role of the institution and of the faculty? How are student perceptions of teacher passion based upon student emotional and cognitive needs? How can we identify these needs and foster support? How does respect and belief in quality of the school affect quality of instruction and learning? How can it be enhanced at the institution? Based upon the results of this study, what are the implications faculty development?