‘Strawberries’ By Edwin Morgan
There were never strawberries like the ones we had Contrast - speaker compares strawberries he ate on this occasion with those eaten before. Shows how unique/memorable the particular experience is to the speaker. There were never strawberries like the ones we had that sultry afternoon Word choice and pathetic fallacy - suggests heat and humidity. The weather represents passion/love of the encounter. Not only recreating atmosphere of the sunny day but also the vivid feelings of the occasion. Not only memorable for their taste but for the strong feelings and happy memories associated with them.
of the open french window facing each other your knees held in mine sitting on the step of the open french window facing each other your knees held in mine Image of two people interlocked/completely attached – suggests intimacy of the couple.
the blue plates in our laps the strawberries glistening Word choice – “glistening” suggest shining/beautiful or even precious. Experience remembered so fondly as one of beauty and perfection. the blue plates in our laps the strawberries glistening in the hot sunlight Word choice/pathetic fallacy – suggests passion and strong feelings.
we dipped them in sugar looking at each other not hurrying the feast Image – position of pair is intimate and open. Just as the poem as no constrictions of rhyme and punctuation, so too the loves are completely open and uninhibited. we dipped them in sugar looking at each other not hurrying the feast Word choice – suggests something wholly satisfying/delicious, Moment/feelings associated with experience: sense of passion.
laid on the stone together with the two forks crossed Image - speaker returns to the intimacy explored earlier with reference to “knees”. Crossed forks symbolise closeness of two lovers. for one to come the empty plates laid on the stone together with the two forks crossed and I bend towards you sweet in that air Image - speaker may be referring to strawberries, himself or the lover. Sweetness may represent the intimacy of the couple as well as their affection.
in my arms abandoned like a child from your eager mouth Simile - comparison of lover to child suggests the tender way the speaker holds the lover. Carefree innocence and youth. Image of intimacy again. in my arms abandoned like a child from your eager mouth Word choice - willingness or desire – reference to “hot” and “sultry” – passionate encounter.
the taste of strawberries in my memory lean back again let me love you Sentence structure – instruction followed by a request fits nicely with intimacy suggested by “legs” and “forks”. the taste of strawberries in my memory lean back again let me love you
on the Kilpatrick hills let the storm wash the plates Word choice/pathetic fallacy - link to heat and intensity of the moment. let the sun beat on our forgetfulness one hour of all the heat intense and summer lighting on the Kilpatrick hills let the storm wash the plates Symbolism - a dramatic image reflects the fiery passion of the scene. Suggests electricity associated with such strong feelings. Symbolism - the storm represents powerful emotions explored throughout the poem and the theme of love.