Ride Hard ProShop “You Go Girl!” Melanie McDonough CTO Shaylee Thar CFO Bianca Zuniga CEO
How it all started Met at the Barstow-Las Vegas race Discovered need for excellent bikes for female riders Integrated our degrees and knowledge to build company Ride Hard ProShop
Business Specifics Mission: To provide high quality custom bikes Expanded to providing apparel, accessories, and parts Click and Mortor business Ride Hard ProShop
Business Specifics Con’t In store products and services Standard and custom designed bikes (ie) DirtBlazer 750; RaceMaster 500; and RocketPower 900 High quality parts Riding gear and accessories Repair/maintenance services Ride Hard ProShop
Business Specifics Con’t Online products and services Parts, apparel, accessories, view dirt bikes “Meet Your Match” survey “Design Your Dream Bike” Schedule maintenance appointments View competition photos and videos Ride Hard ProShop
Marketing Strategies Use both online and traditional Online: Facebook, twitter, and company website Traditional: company catalog, print ads, and PR Ride Hard ProShop
E-Commerce Two revenue models Advertising Revenue Model Suppliers purchase ad space Sales Revenue Model Selling parts, accessories, and apparel online Next day shipping Ride Hard ProShop
Customer Intimacy Ride Hard ProShop runs a CRM More personal, helps maintain good customer relationships Better for small businesses like ours Ride Hard ProShop
Customer Intimacy con’t Chose Sugar Ultimate Package Able to store and organize information easily Mobile accessibility Comes in 22 different languages Optional back up, prevents loss of info Optional cloud deployment Ride Hard ProShop
Customer Intimacy con’t Ride Hard ProShop with Sugar CRM plans To strengthen and maintain good customer relationships Store customer information in system Retrieve information to predict needs or interests Ride Hard ProShop
Company Website Completed SDLC process Ride Hard ProShop
Company Website Website features “Meet Your Match” survey “Design You Dream Bike” View and purchase accessories, apparel, parts Schedule appointment View competition photos and videos Facebook and twitter integration Ride Hard ProShop
Web 2.0 technologies Incorporate four technologies Dingbee (create and schedule general events) Dingbee Edistorm (brainstorming interface) Edistorm Your AM (schedule and organize appointments) Your AM Atendy (create, schedule, manage company events) Atendy (ie) company picnics, customer appreciation dinners etc. Ride Hard ProShop
References (1988). Barstow and vegas sign. (1988). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from (2011). Haze dirt bike pants purple. (2011). [Web Photo]. Retrieved from Bike-Pants-Purple-p/T (2012). Barstow to las vegas map. (2012). [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from (2012). Sugarcrm. (2012). [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from edition-open-source/ (n.d.). Pink dirt bike. [Web Photo]. Retrieved from "Atendy." HOME. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov "Beginner's Guide: So You Want to Ride a Dirt Bike?" Beginners Guide Dirt Bike Riding, Motocross, Women Riders. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept "Dirt Rider Magazine." Dirt Rider Magazine. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept Laudon, K., & Laudon, J. (2006). Management information systems managing the digital firm. (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. "Online Brainstorming and Planning." Edistorm. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov Sharathr. "SugarCRM - A Brief Overview Pros and Cons | Techyv.com." Techyv.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct "Sugar Ultimate CRM." SugarCRM. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct "Yamaha - Motorcycles, Outboards, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Scooters, WaveRunners, Generators - America's Most Diverse." Yamaha - Motorcycles, Outboards, ATVs, Snowmobiles, Boats, Scooters, WaveRunners, Generators - America's Most Diverse. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept "YourAM." : Appointment Manager That Automates Your Business Appointments. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov Ride Hard ProShop