The Fast of Alignment The Restoration of You Calvary Consecration Bishop Norman L. Wagner.


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Presentation transcript:

The Fast of Alignment The Restoration of You Calvary Consecration Bishop Norman L. Wagner

In Search of You More than, money, position, fame, or persons, is the knowledge and contentment of living the life of the original you. God has created your life to live out a destiny for the glory and purpose of His will. No one is created to live a life of perpetual unhappiness. Jesus comes that you may have abundant life in this present world. Now learn to live life. You must begin by going on a journey (fast) in search of “The Original You”. More than, money, position, fame, or persons, is the knowledge and contentment of living the life of the original you. God has created your life to live out a destiny for the glory and purpose of His will. No one is created to live a life of perpetual unhappiness. Jesus comes that you may have abundant life in this present world. Now learn to live life. You must begin by going on a journey (fast) in search of “The Original You”.

Understanding Fasting Fasting involves self imposed and deliberate denial of certain pleasures such as food, water, entertainment and marital intimacy for an assigned period of time. This form of voluntary denial is called abstinence. Fasting involves self imposed and deliberate denial of certain pleasures such as food, water, entertainment and marital intimacy for an assigned period of time. This form of voluntary denial is called abstinence. Fasting feeds the soul and spirit while denying the flesh, enabling the original man to return to his heavenly place in Christ. Fasting feeds the soul and spirit while denying the flesh, enabling the original man to return to his heavenly place in Christ. Fasting is the connectivity to The Spirit. Fasting is the connectivity to The Spirit.

Humble Yourself The primary purposes of fasting is self humiliation. The humble is to make one less proud or convinced of their own importance. God desires we put our confidence in him rather that ourselves. The primary purposes of fasting is self humiliation. The humble is to make one less proud or convinced of their own importance. God desires we put our confidence in him rather that ourselves. 1Pe 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 1Pe 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

Reconnect To The Spirit Now that you are a member of The Body of Christ, it is important you understand its life and its operation. The energy source of the church is The Holy Spirit. Outside of this realm psychic powers are at work shaping a culture and a universe which denies God and the power thereof. Now that you are a member of The Body of Christ, it is important you understand its life and its operation. The energy source of the church is The Holy Spirit. Outside of this realm psychic powers are at work shaping a culture and a universe which denies God and the power thereof. The Holy Ghost works in man through the human spirit therefore Satan attempts to move into man’s soul causing false salvation and knowledge, eventually using man to resist God. The Holy Ghost works in man through the human spirit therefore Satan attempts to move into man’s soul causing false salvation and knowledge, eventually using man to resist God.

In Search of The Spirit Within When Adam fell it caused his spirit to be dead within and thus unable to communicate with God. Jesus said “you must be born again.” John 3 When Adam fell it caused his spirit to be dead within and thus unable to communicate with God. Jesus said “you must be born again.” John 3 Genesis 3 Genesis 3 Ezekiel 36:26 Ezekiel 36:26 John 6:63 John 6:63 Eph. 5:18 Eph. 5:18

Fatal Attraction of Distraction Please be aware of fatal attraction or distraction. The success of you is highly dependent upon the focus of the call and the significance of you. Once you lose your focus of your creation you are attracted to another person’s life and style, and you are soon distracted from your dreams and life. This week God shall restore you to your original purpose and call. Please be aware of fatal attraction or distraction. The success of you is highly dependent upon the focus of the call and the significance of you. Once you lose your focus of your creation you are attracted to another person’s life and style, and you are soon distracted from your dreams and life. This week God shall restore you to your original purpose and call. Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

The Fallen Plumbline God has dropped the plumbline for our return to the lifestyle of His will. God has dropped the plumbline for our return to the lifestyle of His will. A plumbline is a line that has at one end a weight (as s plumb, bob), and is used to determined verticality. This line is directed to the center of the earth. A plumbline is a line that has at one end a weight (as s plumb, bob), and is used to determined verticality. This line is directed to the center of the earth. Amo 7:7 Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall [made] by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand. Amo 7:7 Thus he shewed me: and, behold, the Lord stood upon a wall [made] by a plumbline, with a plumbline in his hand.

Fasting By Objectives 1. Revelation of Jesus Christ 2. Consecration of a new life 3. Dedication of time, gifts, talents, will 4. Humiliation of my pride 5. Discipline of myself and temperament 6. Entrance into the spirit realm 7. Purpose 8. Acceptance