gallery Vazrazdane invites you to visit painting exhibition “ The Body ІІ “ of Vladimir Genadiev from 27 november to 17 december
“On the edge ”
On 27th November till 17th December 2012 a painting exhibition "Body II" of Prof. Vladimir Genadiev will be open in the ‘’Vazrajdane” gallery. The exhibition is a continuation of the honorary participation of the author in 2010, "National Autumn Exhibitions". Strange is the mystery in the paintings of Vladimir Genadiev. How this great master of black –and- white came to the revelation of the colour. In this case it is very important to follow the hidden subtext in the emotions of the bodies. Dramatic situations, strange interior and the bodies stoically volume the center and try by silence to express their loneliness. There's no agreement anywhere, physical and emotional conflicts emerge impasse of human life and the path of retreat is cut off. Genadiev is a virtuoso in the command of the picture’s psychology and the colours just enhance the vicarious emotion hidden in every body. The intimacy of the body is no longer a taboo that -of the soul – does not excite anyone. The Human beings live their painful earthly path and still there is neither repentance, nor forgiveness. Krassi Alexieva, 2012
“Female bath ”
“ Fans ”
“We don’t need our heads ”
VLADIMIR GENADIEV He was born on 28 April 1946 in Plovdiv. He graduated the National Art Academy − Sofia, speciality Graphics in the course of Prof. Eftim Tomov. Since 1995 he has been a lecturer in graphics and painting in the Academy of Music and Dance Art − Plovdiv, and since 1998 he has been an Associate professor in graphics and Head of department „Figurative art“. Since 1974 he has been a member of the Union of the Bulgarian artists. From 1972 till 1995 he has taken part in all Common art exhibitions of the Plovdiv Artist’s Society and of the Union of the Bulgarian artists − Sofia. From 1999 till 2008 – participations in annual exhibitions of Plovdiv Artist’s Society. ONE-ARTIST EXHIBITIONS Honorary participation in „Autumn exhibitions“, Plovdiv Diakov Art Gallery, Plovdiv „Classics of the fine art“ gallery, Plovdiv Vazrazdane Art Gallery, „Wrapped“ – drawings Plovdiv Vazrazdane Art Gallery, graphics, Plovdiv Vazrazdane Art Gallery, „Women…and Men“ – drawings, Plovdiv Vazrazdane Art Gallery, lithographics, Plovdiv 2010 – Honorary participation in “ Autumn exhibitions ”, Plovdiv 2012 – Vazrazdane Art Gallery, “ The Bodi ІІ” painting exhibition AWARDS First prize for engraving in exhibition-contest, Nirgihaza, Hungary First prize for graphic series on contemporary theme of Regional exhibition, Plovdiv „Ilya Beshkov“ prize for drawing First prize for graphics in exhibition-contest dedicated to the 150 anniversary of the birth of Vassil Levski, Plovdiv „Plovdiv“ prize for figurative art First prize of the Ministry of Culture for the „mezzotinto“ in the Common art exhibition EXPO’91, Plovdiv Award of „Heros“ art gallery First prize for foreign participant in the International Bienale Grand Pale, Paris, France „Silver Vazrazdane“ special award of Vazrazdane Gallery, Plovdiv Prize for graphics of the Association of the artists in Plovdiv in the Common art exhibition, Plovdiv OTHER APPEARANCES 2005–2008 – Night of galleries and museums, live participation with Graphic Studio in Vazrazdane Gallery, Plovdiv 2007–2008 – Manager of Graphic Symposium with respective exhibitions in Smolyan, sponsor „Saedinenie“ PLC 2008 – participation in Graphic Studio of Plovdiv Artist’s Society
“ Dance ”
“ The end of party ”
We expect you in the exhibition hall of gallery Vazrazdane or on our web address Bulgaria, Plovdiv Old town, 1 Stoyan Chalakov str /