Chapters 29 Interference and Diffraction
Topics Huygens Principal Diffraction Interference –two slit –thin film Polarization Holography
Huygens Principle
Two Slit Interference
Double Slit Interference
Thin Film Interference
Clicker Questions 1)Consider plane waves incident upon a barrier with a small opening. After passing through the opening, the waves A) become polarized. B) continue as plane waves. C) fan out. D) converge. E) all of these 2) Waves diffract the most when their wavelength is A) long. B) short. C) Both diffract the same. 3) Colors seen when gasoline forms a thin film on water are a demonstration of A) interference. B) refraction. C) polarization. D) reflection. E) dispersion.
Clicker Questions 4) The vibrational direction of the electron and the plane of polarization of the light it A) are the same. B) are at right angles to each other. C) are independent of each other. D) may or may not be at right angles to each other. 5) An ideal Polaroid will transmit 50% of unpolarized light incident on it. How much light is transmitted by two ideal Polaroids that are oriented with their axes parallel to each other? A) between 50% and 100% B) 100% C) between 0% and 50% D) 50% E) 0%