746 Lecture 2 Echolocation in Bats
Aim nOutline properties of sound nHunting behaviour of bats nTypes of Echolocation sounds nSpecialisation of u Ear u CNS nAuditory behaviour of moths
Properties of sound nSound is wave of rarefaction and compression has speed 330m/s, c = f * wavelength - determines whether objects will reflect or diffract sound nfrequency f nintensity - u measured in dB
Harmonics nmultiples of frequency nusually less intense
Hunting behaviour of bats Taphozous Pipistrellus Megaderma Hipposideros
Echolocation sounds nall bats use “ultrasonic” sounds nCF - u constant frequency u long tone, often with some harmonics u velocity nFM - u frequency modulated u short burst of sound u range determination
CF in free air
FM nnear ground or vegetation
CF-FM nCF then droop ndepends on place
Landing - Rhinopoma
catching - Myotis
What will bat hear? nitself ? nreflection ? u quieter u more variable? u Doppler shift in frequency ?
Doppler shift (i) nemitted sound
Doppler shift (ii) nReflected sound sometimes in phase and sometimes out of phase in out
Doppler shift (iii) nIf reflected and emitted sound have similar intensity, Doppler echo will generate beats nProduction of new frequency from old!
Doppler summary nNew frequency – depends on ratio of outgoing sound and incoming sound nIncoming sound is reflected off ground/trees nDifference in frequency therefore tells how fast the bat is flying nf new = f out (v + s)/v u v speed of sound u s speed of bat
Echoes nFrom stationary insect u head on- symmetrical u sideways on asymmetric Echoes from fixed Tipula
Moving Tipula
Summary so far nUltrasonic sound u CF FM u habitat dependent nEchoes return information u moving insects u time to return u frequency spectrum F shifted F broadened
Behaviour to physiology nSpecialisation of u Ear u CNS
Human ear
Bat ear (i) nLarge pinnae u directional sensitivity u extra gain nTragus u elevation
Bat ears (ii) nmiddle ear muscles u reduce sensitivity while emitting? flying bat
Bat ear (iii) nMore of cochlea tuned to high frequencies than in other mammals
Tuning curve nauditory nerve u tuned to “best” frequency of emitted CF u actually to just above (Why?)
CF lowered in flight nDoppler shift as fly towards object raises return sound frequency
CNS outline AC IC CN
CNS nAuditory cortex neurons sensitive to pairs of stimuli u load/quiet u delay time crucial u time map
mechanisms of delay ncoincidence detection u inhibition of sound u delay line F slow axon F synapse ncontrol with vocalisation u inferior colliculus neurons respond only 30/40ms after vocalisation
Summary - audition nEar and CNS both highly specialised u more sensitive to ultrasonic frequencies u achieve increase in sensitivity to echo u respond to pairs of stimuli
Moth Auditory system n2 axons in ear low and high threshold
Behaviour nlow threshold - fly fast nhigh threshold - stop flying and fall u ?like a leaf nEmit clicks - u jam bat sonar - phantom echo returns at wrong time? u warning of unpalatability? u moths ( Euproctis ) emit clicks in mimicry of distasteful moths
Conclusion nco-evolution of bats and moths ndefence reactions u escape u auditory camouflage u auditory