Dec 11, City of San Jose Fats, Oils & Grease Control Program FOG Joe Denk
2 Mission of the FOG Program The Mission of the Fats Oil and Grease Program is to protect and serve the public by preventing pollutants from entering our creeks and bay through inspections, education and enforcement of environmental regulations.
3 What do we do Inspect restaurants and food service related facilities in San Jose Respond to FOG related complaints & overflows related to grease tributary wide We do plan checks tributary wide
4 FOG Program We started about five years ago inspecting our food service establishments. The FOG program piggy backs on our Urban Runoff Program.
5 Quick Look at the Work Load We have about 3000 Foods Service Establishments in our Data Base (San Jose only). We inspect these facilities on a one to three years basis. Our work year is based on the fiscal year
6 FOG Program Staffing One Senior Inspector Eight Inspectors Clerical support Assignments
7 Why we do the Inspections In support of our Urban Runoff Program In support of SSMP To ensure that outdoors and kitchen BMPs are followed To correct potential storm water issues To reduce the amount of grease going to the sewer To prevent sanitary sewer overflows
8 What does a facility inspection cover Inside One of the first steps is to prepare – gather all relevant historical information. We look at grease trap/interceptor cleaning records We require that traps be serviced monthly We require that interceptors be service quarterly Facilities are required to maintain records service/cleaning The inspector may inspect the inside of the GRD. We look at the kitchen fixtures.
9 What does a facility inspection cover Outside Inspectors will inspect outside area for; Illegal discharges to landscape, blacktop or other areas. Mop water or grey water Spills, stains, leaks or overflows. parking lots, trash areas or landscape Trash or liquid spills and dumping in trash enclosures
10 What types of facilities do we inspect? RestaurantsMeat & Fish Markets BakeriesTheaters Bowling CentersAmusement Parks CafeteriasHospitals SchoolsCatering Services
11 Outreach Material Grease Interceptor & Grease Trap Cleaning Services Chemicals, Enzymes & Bacteria Maintenance Documentation Cleaning Log Grease Interceptor Maintenance Grease Trap Maintenance Power-Operated Grease Removal Devices Vapor/Ventilation Hood Cleaning
12 Issues to consider Well Trained Inspectors (rotate between programs) All of our inspectors sit in the same office. Pretreatment, non- point and FOG. Assignments in geographical areas. Timing inspections Grease investigations Problems with laterals, sags, offsets & blockages Database