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Tips for the Instructor: This presentation is for the instructor. There are many ways to print out a PowerPoint presentation. Click on print, then look in the ‘Print What’ area and select handouts for participants. It my prove beneficial to select three slides per page which will give the audience room to take notes. For presentation purposes, the presenter can print out Notes Pages which displays one slide per page but will print out all of the Notes in this section. These notes can help guide the presentation and can be modified by each presenter. PowerPoint can also be used by the presenter to use the notes electronically without requiring a physical hard copy for the presentation. Typically you will be presenting from a laptop or desktop that is connected to a projector. In order to use the notes electronically follow these instructions. Press the ‘windows’ and ‘P’ button and select extended view. Open the PowerPoint presentation. Click on the Slide Show tab. Ensure that the box next to ‘Use Presenter View’ has been checked. Then in the upper left hand corner click Play From Beginning. This will present the slides for viewing on the projector screen while allowing the presenter, yourself, to view both the slide and notes section on your desktop/laptop screen. The Notes Page is on the right and has a zoom button to zoom in or out to appropriately size the font for easy reading. On your laptop/desktop window you can use the mouse to click the arrows beneath the currently viewed slide to advance throughout the presentation. To exit this method of presentation, push ESC on the keyboard.

Objectives Describe how biodiesel may help improve public health Describe the benefits of biodiesel to the environment Explain how biodiesel may help stimulate the economy Describe what energy security is and how using biodiesel can help attain it Explain the future of biodiesel Explain the suggested actions to support biodiesel These are the main objectives of the Awareness and Outreach Seminar. This is telling the audience what the presentation will tell them.

Why Consider Biodiesel? Cleaner-burning fuel Domestically produced from renewable resources Promotes energy self-sufficiency Creation of jobs in agricultural sector Almost any diesel vehicle can use biodiesel with little or no modification Easiest fuel to implement due to existing infrastructure and blending So…read title Biodiesel is… Promoted U.S. agricultural growth by using waste vegetable oil, algae, fish oil, plant and animal matter Reduced school bus emissions can contribute significantly to the health of children

B100 has been shown to increase NOx in some cases but… Figure 1: Emission reductions achieved by the use of biodiesel blends. Source: NBB. Most are aware of the emissions crunch and this slide shows some data that compares different emissions based on biodiesel blend B100 has been shown to increase NOx in some cases but… New exhaust aftertreatment systems reduce NOx emissions

Advantages of Biodiesel Energy self-sufficiency Creation of jobs within the U.S. Reduced exhaust emissions Use of domestically grown crops Growth within the U.S. agricultural sector Biodiesel has man advantages compared to conventional fuels Using biodiesel would contribute to major reductions in overall petroleum consumption Biodiesel combusts more completely, which means that it produces fewer harmful emissions The feedstocks used to make biodiesel can be grown domestically, which not only allows us to produce a domestic fuel, but also boost the domestic agricultural economy Lead into next slide…Biodiesel can be compared with conventional diesel and Special Note: NEVER use any clean or used grease or vegetable oil that has not been processed for biodiesel usage.

Biodiesel Compared to Conventional Diesel This is a pros and cons type comparison so that everyone can make an informed decision Figure 2: Biodiesel and petro-diesel facts and figures. Source:

Biodiesel Benefits There are many benefits of using biodiesel to fuel vehicles: Betterment of health and environment Benefits to the U.S. economy National energy security Reduce dependence on foreign oil This is a general PRT slide that most lesson one and awareness and out reach PPTs have just to introduce some areas of benefits from the various technologies and strategies, specific slides follow Using biodiesel would contribute to major reductions in overall petroleum consumption Biodiesel combusts more completely, which means that it produces fewer harmful emissions The feedstocks used to make biodiesel can be grown domestically, which not only allows us to produce a domestic fuel, but also boost the domestic agricultural economy

Health Benefits Biodegradable and nontoxic Exhaust hot as strong smelling as conventional diesel No threat to human health Reduces emissions that cause respiratory illness In 2000, biodiesel became only alternative fuel in U.S. to complete EPA health effects testing under the Clean Air Act Using biodiesel reduces virtually all regulated emissions (exception may be oxides of nitrogen) In 2000, biodiesel became the only alternative fuel in the country to have successfully completed the EPA-required Tier I and Tier II health effects testing under the Clean Air Act

The direct benefits from the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments are estimated to reach almost $2 trillion for the year 2020, a figure that dwarfs the direct costs of implementation ($65 billion). A tidbit about implementing cleaner technologies. Source: EPA Second Prospective Report, released April 2011.

Environmental Benefits Figure 3: Clean air quality. Source: NAFTC. Carbon-neutral Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere Made from plant material GHG emissions are reduced because biodiesel releases carbon dioxide that crops originally removed According to EPA, biodiesel can reduce GHG emissions Can be used with SCR systems to reduce NOx emissions, which lead to acid rain Biodiesel is biodegradable, carbon-neutral, nontoxic Fossil fuels are not carbon neutral SCR systems are selective catalytic reduction systems that are currently being used by manufacturers to significantly reduce NOx emissions from new diesel engines

Biodiesel is less toxic than table salt and biodegrades as fast as sugar. The did you know slides are available in slide master…for the background template and the text and source can be edited National Biodiesel Board, 2011

Economic Benefits Supports U.S. agriculture and rural communities According to National Biodiesel Board, the biodiesel industry is expected to create an additional 74,000 jobs by 2015 Will increase household income by $4 billion Will generate nearly $7.3 billion in GDP Tax revenues from the manufacture and production of biodiesel are substantial In 2010, biodiesel helped generate $345 million in federal tax revenue and $283 million in state and local tax revenues By 2015, this number is expected to grow to $873 and $718 respectively

Energy Security Benefits U.S. is one of the greatest agricultural product exporters Increased demand for transportation Dependency of foreign oil to meet transportation demand Use of existing agricultural production and infrastructure Tax revenues from the manufacture and production of biodiesel are substantial In 2010, biodiesel helped generate $345 million in federal tax revenue and $283 million in state and local tax revenues By 2010, this number is expected to grow to $873 and $718 respectively In 2010, about half of U.S. petroleum was imported We cannot directly control the price of fossil fuels

U.S. Gasoline and Crude Oil Prices Though prices do occasionally dip, the over all long term trend is that fuel prices will continue to go up Figure 4: U.S. gasoline prices versus crude oil prices. Source: EIA.

Renewable Benefits Renewable = can be produced and replenished Energy balance = ratio of energy required to produce/distribute fuel compared to the amount of energy released when used Very high energy balance compared to other fuels 3.2 units of renewable energy Compared to diesel = 0.83 units High energy balance A higher energy balance ratio indicates a lower environmental impact because less fossil energy is needed to produce, refine, and distribute the fuel

Biodiesel – Today and Tomorrow Biodiesel has contributed to the domestic economy Currently roughly 52,000 jobs in biodiesel industry Currently 800 million gallons of biodiesel produced Growing consumer popularity Production of biodiesel to increase to 900 million gallons by 2015 Will support $7.3 million of GDP Growth in fleets, school districts So as fuel that can be used/implemented quickly… Biodiesel is produced from domestically renewable resources Biodiesel production has already contributed to the domestic job market and domestic economy – increased production and use will help this trend continue The use of biodiesel does not require major engine modifications – implementation is relatively inexpensive The cleaner burning characteristics of biodiesel may help corporations and individuals comply with changing federal and state regulations

Clean School Bus Program Reduce children’s exposure to diesel exhaust and the amount of air pollution created by diesel school buses School bus facts: 24 million children in the U.S. ride school buses daily On average, students spend 1.5 hours on the school bus every day School buses travel more than 4 billion miles each year School buses may leave their engines idling near schools – this creates indoor and outdoor air pollution problems A previous EPA supported program was the …Title Biodiesel will continue to supplement the use of conventional diesel, and may eventually replace conventional diesel all together The capacity is available to increase from 20 million gallons of biodiesel per year to 50 million gallons per year As production increases, the price should decrease Many OEMs will increase their warranties to include the use of up to B20 instead of B5

The Future of Biodiesel Biodiesel will continue supplementing diesel technology Higher blends available at fueling stations (from B5 to B20) Changes at the pump – production increases, costs decrease 50/50 mixtures Biodiesel will continue to supplement the use of conventional diesel, and may eventually replace conventional diesel all together The capacity is available to increase from 20 million gallons of biodiesel per year to 50 million gallons per year As production increases, the price should decrease Many OEMs will increase their warranties to include the use of up to B20 instead of B5

Biodiesel production has also fluctuated over the past few years but have significantly increased since 2001 Figure 5: U.S. biodiesel production, exports and consumption. Source: NAFTC.

Suggested Actions Recognize that biodiesel is not ethanol Become aware of what vehicles are capable of using biodiesel Check for biodiesel emblem on vehicle Become a biodiesel advocate Check with school districts to see if cleaner energy is used in transportation Encourage school board members and government officials to attend PRT workshops Each Awareness and Outreach powerpoint and section includes a couple suggested actions that the audience members can take away from the seminar. Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that is meant for diesel engines; ethanol is a renewable fuel that is meant for gasoline engines There are more than 13 million diesel vehicles on the roads in the U.S. – many drivers do not realize they could use biodiesel in their vehicle

Figure 7: Biofuel identification. Source: NAFTC. One of these actions is to check to see if your diesel vehicle manufacturer warranties a certain blend of biodiesel and if they do, fill up with it where available. Many diesel vehicle owners may not know their vehicle can run biodiesel, check your fuel cap and owners manual. Figure 6: Diesel fuel cap. Source: NAFTC.

There are roughly 450,000 public school buses in the United States; 390,000 are powered by diesel fuel. A tidbit about diesel powered buses alone…imagine the total of all diesel vehicles and how many benefits could be seen from even moderate biodiesel blends. Source: EPA.

Upon completing this material, can you: Describe how biodiesel may help improve public health? Describe the benefits of biodiesel to the environment? Explain how biodiesel may help stimulate the economy? Describe what energy security is and how using biodiesel can help attain it? Explain the future of biodiesel? Explain the suggested actions to support biodiesel? These are restatements of the objectives in question form. These topics can be reviewed to ensure that the seminar was adequately presented to the seminar audience.

Test Your Knowledge Give an example of a biodiesel vehicle that is successfully reducing carbon emissions. True or False: Biodiesel is the only alternative fuel to go through the health effects tests under the Clean Air Act? True or False: The key difference to remember about biodiesel and ethanol is that biodiesel is meant to run in gasoline engines, while ethanol will run in diesel engines. True or False: The majority of diesel vehicle owners don’t realize that their car may run on biodiesel. During the presentation, the location of information that may help answer the test your knowledge has been hyperlinked to a hidden box next to each number. When the pointer slides over the number it will give you the option to click the hyperlink which will take you to the appropriate slide. To return, right click your mouse and go to Last Viewed to the test your knowledge section. It should also be noted that information in the workbook has also been marked in the margins with PowerPoint slide numbers. More information about each slide and question can be found in the text. School Bus Fleets True False, biodiesel can only be used with diesel engines while ethanol can only be used in gasoline engines certified to use ethanol.