October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 0
Introduction General Lubrication Introduction – General Lubrication to SKF Sales Presented by: Gary Godier Modified by: Roy Lotspeich 2011-12-02
Welcome! Lincoln Lubrications Systems St. Louis, Missouri
Agenda Introduction to general lubrication Sales organizations Channels Product and markets Closing
1 Introduction to General Lubrication October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 4
Did you know that ……? General Lubrication has been one of the largest segments of Lincoln’s business? ….. That the Lincoln PowerLuber grease gun has been the largest single selling component for 10 years!
… sold through 3 Global Channels Tools & Equipment Vehicle and Equipment Services Industrial
2 Sales Organizations October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 7
Aftermarket tool & equipment sales group Mark Olsen heads up this group of salesmen that cover: T&E and hard parts warehouse distributors (that sell to auto parts stores and mobile tool trucks) Industrial MRO distribution centers Farm/home/hardware chains Heavy duty fleet distributors
Aftermarket sales This is a team that includes six outside sales people and one inside sales person that are responsible for almost 1/3 of all of Lincoln sales dollars in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
3 Channels October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 10
Aftermarket sales mix Aftermarket Farm/ HD Hardware Auto parts 36% 24% 4% 12% HD Mobile tool distributors Auto parts stores Industrial MRO
4 Products/Markets October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 12
Lubrication tools, equipment & accessories PowerLubers Grease guns/accessories Air operated pumps Manual pumps Waste fluid drains Hose reels Meters/control valves Air Line products Mityvac products
PowerLubers The PowerLuber battery operated grease guns have been the #1 selling product for over 10 years. Model 1842/1844 approximately $8 million this year.
PowerLuber markets PowerLuber markets include: Transportation Municipal garages Fleet maintenance General lubrication Lube trucks Agriculture Farm equipment Tractors Implements Machinery Plows Combines Industrial Plant maintenance Heavy machinery Mining Construction Heavy equipment Earth movers Trucks Bearings / Bushings / Joints / 5th Wheels
Manual grease guns Model 1142; The tool the rest of the industry is measured against: Rugged cast iron head does not deform under high pressure Precision machined plunger and bore assembly prevents lubrication by pass and air lock Heavy gauge powder coated steel barrel “Flip over” follower allows a superior seal for both cartridge and bulk loading Accessible check valve allows for easy cleaning without complete gun disassembly
Pneumatic grease gun MODEL 1162 Fully automatic, pneumatic grease gun with variable-speed trigger Outstanding performance, durability and grease flow Patented anti-cavitation pump 6000 psi greasing capability Air operating range 40-150 psi Accessible check valve for easy clean out Includes advanced vent valve with filler nipple 30” high-pressure hose Low operational noise
Clear tube grease guns Built To Last The most durable tube assembly in the industry. The Lincoln clear tube design is impervious to drops and hits. Its resilient shell eliminates waste from grease bypass Not All Grease Is Created Equally Lincoln’s clear tube allows for quick grease identification eliminating the risk of mixing incompatible or unspecified greases. Major oil companies are not yet involved . . . Good opportunity to bring attention to their grease brand!
Air operated grease pumps Twice the output work less/ last longer on the same job. High volume, high pressure- handles any additional hose length Smooth & quiet- improves the environment
Greasing accessories Couplers 3 jaw design provides excellent seal on all fitting heads – SAE or Metric 6000 psi working pressure ability Small diameter for tight grease points Releases from fitting head at 15 degrees Ball Check prevents back up / contamination Needle nozzle Allows lubrication of flush type fittings Allows lubrication of joints without fittings U-Joints fittings 5852 5852-2 5852-5 5852-54 5803
Waste fluid drains and equipment Diaphragm pumps
Manual barrel/bucket pumps 5 Gallon Lever Action Pumps Applications Antifreeze Transmission Fluid Motor Oil 16-55 Gallon Lever Action Pumps Fits all standard 2 inch bung openings Applications (Petroleum based fluids) Motor Oils Rotary Style Pumps
Meters and air line products Couplers / Plugs Meters Electronic Oil , ATF , gear lube Pints, quarts, liters, gallons Mechanical Oils , ATF, and anti-freeze Quarts, liters, gallons 11659 815 Filters / Lubricators/ Regulators 85387-4
Reels Lincoln has different series reels in the line: Lincoln’s LFR – (Lincoln fluid reel) Low/medium/high pressure reels Air Oil Grease Heavy duty series hose reels High flow series reels Value series
Power cord and light reels Lincoln has various styles of power light reels available LED light reels Medium duty Heavy duty
Guardian Brand A Low Cost Alternative for Grease & Lubricant Control Products Description: Grease guns Grease fittings Greasing accessories Manual barrel/bucket pumps Oilers Target Market / Applications Retail DIY Agriculture Competition: Performance tool Plews/Lubrimatic Private label imports
Mityvac Mityvac, formerly a division of Prism Industries, was purchased in January of 2003. It primarily supplied small vacuum pumps to test vehicle systems for loss of vacuum, and to bleed brakes. These small pumps were also used in the medical field to deliver babies. (Lincoln/Jordan only purchased the automotive end of the business).
Mityvac sales percentages by product category
Mityvac product categories Hand pumps Features Metal PVC Applications Engine diagnostics Brake bleeding Various OEM
Mityvac product categories Evacuators Features Manual Pneumatic Applications Engine oil removal Reservoir evacuation Brake bleeding
Mityvac product categories Brake Bleeding equipment Features Manual Pneumatic Applications Vacuum brake & clutch bleeding Pressure brake & clutch bleeding
Mityvac product categories Engine diagnostics Fuel delivery testers Compression testers Gasoline Diesel Digital Analog
Mityvac product categories Cooling system testers pressure testing Air evacuation System refilling
Mityvac product categories Specialty equipment ATF refill equipment Fluid transfer pump Fuel system cleaner
5 Closing October 30, 2007 © SKF Group Slide 35
General lubrication! With the broad coverage of parts in the Lincoln line, along with new innovative products being introduced, such as Mityvac automotive products, allows Lincoln to be the industry leader in lubrication.
Any questions!
Thank – you! Thank you and have a great day! Good selling! Gary
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