Tourniquet and Hemostatic Dressings: DoD Purchasing Trends Mr. Steve Burrows Joint Medical Test & Evaluation Division Hemostatic Dressings & Tourniquets IPR 25 April 2012 Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
Introduction History of wound care spans from prehistory to modern times… Tourniquets (TQs) first used in ancient Rome Ancient Egypt (circa 1500 BC) used lint, animal grease, and honey to form first crude gauze Tourniquets (TQs) and dressings Standard issue to individual deploying warfighters Effective means of controlling minor to severe bleeding Today’s brief: To summarize 2011 purchases of TQs and dressings for field deployment Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
DoD Field Tourniquets: In 2009 Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
DoD Field Tourniquets: Variability Variability in DoD TQ purchases has decreased greatly: 17 different models in 2009 to four in 2011 Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
DoD Field Tourniquets: 2011 Sales NSN NOMENCLATURE SALES 6515-01-521-7976 CAT $18.5M 6515-01-530-7015 SOFT-T $3M 6515-01-538-2207 M.A.T. $25k 6515-01-542-7696 TK-4 $20k 6515-01-589-9135 CROC Junctional TQ $62k Total: $21.6M Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
DoD Hemostatic Gauze: 2011 Sales NSN NOMENCLATURE SALES 6510-01-562-3325 Combat Gauze $10.6M 6510-01-502-6938 Hemcon Gauze $240k 6510-01-597-1424 Celox Gauze $50k Total: $10.9M Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
DoD Standard Gauze: 2011 Sales “H” Compression Bandage NSN NOMENCLATURE SALES 6510-01-503-2117 Compressed Gauze $1M 6510-01-492-2275 Israeli 6” Bandage $1.2M 6510-01-460-0849 Israeli 4” Bandage $540k 6510-01-540-6484 “H” Compression Bandage $50k 6510-01-529-1213 “S” Rolled Gauze $75k Total: $2.9M Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
Conclusions: TQs and dressings for DoD field deployment Purchase variability for TQs has greatly reduced From 17 in 2009 to four in 2011 Reflects TCCC guidelines and increased standardization TQs: CAT and SOFT-T account for 99.5% of sales Hemostatic Gauze: Combat Gauze accounts for 97.3% of sales Standard Gauze: Compressed Gauze and Emergency Bandages (Israeli 4” and 6”) account for 95.6% of sales Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified
Mr Steve Burrows (301) 619-8538 Questions? Mr Steve Burrows (301) 619-8538 Mr. Steve Burrows / 301-619-8538, DSN 343, Unclassified