Water Pollution
Water pollution Fresh water, salt, water from rain or groundwater can be contaminated by materials that can make it harmful. Polluted, it is the cause of various diseases and can seriously affect health.First, it can be contaminated by organic matter. Thus, chlorides and nitrates in human and animal waste can also contaminate the groundwater from shallow wells. But also the pollution of ground water table are due to overexploitation of the soil.Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides… All these product seeps into the soil or runoff to the lake, river and sea . By Romario
Water Pollution (Part 1) Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). The pollutions of water can be in various forms: chemical, bacteriological but also, thermal pollution, and water or water bodies may be fresh, brackish, salty groundwater or surface water.It may even be rain or dew, snow or polar ice. The major sources of water pollution are municipal, industrial, and agricultural. Municipal water pollution consists of waste water from homes and commercial establishments. Agriculture, commercial livestock and poultry farming are sources of pollution because they throw many organic and inorganic pollutants into surface water and groundwater.Waste materials like acids, alkalis, toxic metals, oil, grease, dyes, pesticides and even radioactive materials are poured into the water bodies by many industrial units. In the United States, the industries contribute to more than half of the total Water pollution. What are the causes of water pollution? This question has no simple answer. Water pollution can be defined as anything humans do to cause harmful effects to our bodies of water. This can include pollution of rivers, lakes, oceans, and ground water pollution. The causes of pollution in the water are virtually endless.Manufacturing plants are major causes of water pollution, using bodies of fresh water to carry away waste that can contain phosphates, nitrates, lead, mercury and other harmful and toxic substances.
Water Pollution (Part 2) By Younes Even the hot water that factories often discharge can raise the temperature and change the chemistry of bodies of water, causing what's called thermal pollution. Construction byproducts are another one of the major causes of water pollution: cement, metals, plastics and lubricants are the usual culprits. In addition to large industry, individual consumers round up the list of causes of water pollution. We pour our waste chemicals and detergents into our rivers. Small boats and large ships alike are responsible for spilling oil into our seas and oceans, and dropping untreated sewage into the water. These pollutants are carried by waves to even the most remote parts of our oceans.
Example of water pollution