MassDEP1 Environmental Business Council’s Health Care Seminar MassDEP’s Construction and Demolition Debris Ban Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection October 14, 2005
MassDEP2 DEP Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Initiatives Beyond 2000 Solid Waste Master Plan C&D Subcommittee of the SWAC C&D Subcommittee’s Recommendation & Issues C&D Disposal Ban Status Impact on Health Care Facilities
MassDEP3 C&D Management from
MassDEP4 C&D and the Beyond 2000 Solid Waste Master Plan (SWMP) swmp.doc swmp.doc Achieve Non-MSW waste reduction rate of 88% by 2010 Promote source reduction in building design, construction and redevelopment Support development of recycle/reuse infrastructure Implement a disposal ban on C&D Debris
MassDEP5 C&D Subcommittee External Stakeholders (150+) Meeting bi-monthly since April 2001 Focus on the implementation of the C&D aspects of the SWMP Recommend amendments to Solid Waste Regulations and Guidance Document to DEP
MassDEP6 C&D Workgroups Policy Workgroup Source Separation Workgroup Market Development Workgroup Processing Workgroup Gypsum Workgroup Asphalt Shingles Workgroup
MassDEP7 C&D Subcommittee Recommendations Add asphalt paving, brick, concrete, metal and wood to the list of materials banned in 310 CMR Require C&D processing facilities to comply with existing ban on OCC State in background document and guidance documents to the regulations, DEP’s intent to ban other C&D debris at later dates Amend existing guidance document to incorporate C&D debris
MassDEP8 Issues & Proposed Strategies ISSUES 1. Homeowners not intended target 2. Zero tolerance is not feasible 3. Much wood waste is ultimately burned for fuel 4. Transfer stations will send material to other SW facilities that will separate restricted material PROPOSED STRATEGY 1. Loads under 5 cubic yards need not be inspected 2. 20% deminimis standard of ABC, metal and wood combined per load 3. MWCs may accept wood for combustion 4. Transfer stations can send loads to facilities with approved Waste Ban Compliance Plan
MassDEP9 Status of Regulations Public Hearings and Comment Period Completed July 30, 2004 Regulations Promulgated on October 7, 2005 Effective Date: July 1, 2006
MassDEP10 What does this mean for Facility Managers? Increase C&D processing/recycling facilities Opportunities to reduce disposal costs Case Studies: Compliment Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Certification
MassDEP11 Next Steps C&D Subcommittee is reviewing additional C&D debris to add to the list of restricted material: Gypsum Wallboard Proposed “clean” gypsum wallboard recycling facility start-up – Winter 2005 Asphalt Shingles Two existing “post-consumer” recyclers
MassDEP12 Additional Information Jim McQuade Massachusetts DEP One Winter Street Boston, MA Tel MassDEP’s Construction and Demolition Web Page: