1 US Conference of Mayors Green buildings and Climate Change July 27, 2006 Greg Kats
2 Where LEED fits
3 General Service Administration study of 5 green building standards Sustainable Building Rating System Summary July, 2006Sustainable Building Rating System Summary 1)LEED 2)BREEAM 3)GBTool 4)CASBEE 5)Green Globes Reasons why LEED different, strongly preferred by GSA 1)Covers all project types 2)Tracks quantifiable aspects of sustainable design and building performance 3)Trained professionals verify LEED 4)Well defined system for incorporating updates: consensus -based 5)Most widely used rating system
4 LEED TM Point Distribution Five LEED credit categories
5 BofA Headquarters
6 Greening Affordable Housing 7000 units of efficient, green affordable housing in 2 years Partners Include: Enterprise Community Partners Fannie Mae JPMorgan Chase BofA Citibank AIA NRDC See: Plaza Appts., San Francisco
7 Productivity Gains from High Performance Lighting Systems Source: Carnegie Mellon University Center for Building Performance, 2005
8 Health Gains from Improved Indoor Air Quality Source: Carnegie Mellon University Center for Building Performance, 2005
9 Energy Efficiency Plus Health & Learning Benefits of Green Schools 33% energy efficiency improvement over conventional design plus Enhanced Indoor Air Quality: Increased Learning, Productivity & Performance (3%) Increased Future Earnings of Students (1.4%) Reduced Asthma (25%) Reduced Colds and Flu (15%) Reduced Teacher Turnover (3%)
10 Third Creek Elementary School (NC) 800 students moved from 2 older schools in 2002 Same students and teachers 3 years prior to move 60% of students on grade level in math and reading 2 years post-move 80% on grade level No other changes
11 Energy$14 Emissions$1 Water & Wastewater$1 Increased Earnings$37 Asthma Reduction$4 Teacher Retention$4 Employment Impact$3 TOTAL$68 Costs of Green Design$4 NET FINANCIAL BENEFITS$60-$70 The Financial Benefits of Green School Design ($/ft 2 )
12 Benefits not Quantified Reduced Teacher Sick Days Heat Island Reduction Lower Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Costs Enhancement of generating system reliability and improved power quality Insurance and risk related benefits Improving Equity and Addressing Spiritual Values Educational enrichment as an aspect of greener, healthier facilities
13 The green building insurance link Energy & Atmosphere Professional Liability General Liability Business Interruption Property Liability Health Insurance Life Insurance Prereq 1 Fundamental Building Systems Commissioning (Required) ++++ Prereq 2 Minimum Energy Performance (Required) +/-++ + Prereq 3 CFC Reduction in HVAC&R Equipment (Required) + Credit 1.1 Optimize Energy Performance, 20% New / 10% Existing (2 points) +/ Credit 1.2 Optimize Energy Performance, 30% New / 20% Existing (2 points) +/ Credit 1.3 Optimize Energy Performance, 40% New / 30% Existing (2 points) +/ Credit 1.4 Optimize Energy Performance, 50% New / 40% Existing (2 points) +/ Credit 1.5 Optimize Energy Performance, 60% New / 50% Existing (2 points) +/ Credit 2.1 Renewable Energy, 5% (1 point) -++
16 Even if we Stop CO 2 Emissions Now, Stabilization will Require Several 100 Years There is a fundamental asymmetry between the time scales that the climate system reacts to increases in greenhouse gases and the time scales to recover from such increases.
17 New World Trade Center Buildings all LEED Security Global Warming Choice of Standard
18 LEED and the 2030 Challenge Ashrae 90.1 Minimum energy efficiency Green Power Location Leveraging USGBC/LEED and 30,000 LEED Accredited Professionals
20 Ice-Bear ™ Cooling Energy Storage Typical home or business application Eliminates ~9kW of on-peak demand Stores ~ 50kW-hr of off-peak energy Shifts 93% of consumption to off-peak Saves annual site energy (kW-hours) 010% to 25% (in typical application) 110 units cut ~1MW of on-peak demand and ~1GW-hour of on-peak energy
21 Way Station Annual Energy Cost $1.49 $.46
22 Example: Cool and Standard Color-Matched Concrete Tiles Can increase solar reflectance by up to 0.5 Gain greatest for dark colors cool standard ∆R=0.37∆R=0.29∆R=0.15∆R=0.23∆R=0.26∆R=0.29 Courtesy American Rooftile Coatings
23 Reflective Pavements are Cooler Fresh asphalt Albedo: 0.05 Temperature: 123°F Aged asphalt Albedo: 0.15 Temperature: 115°F Prototype asphalt coating Albedo: 0.51 Temperature: 88°F
24 Cherokee: Fisherman’s Point - Illustrative
25 One Liberty Plaza Liberty Property Trust
27 Turner Construction Survey (09/04)
28 For more Information For copies of cost benefit reports and summary slides see: Re green affordable housing see: Ice Energy: Alex Frangos, Industry Seeks New Green Building Standard, Wall Street Journal, March 29, See dtrends/ frangos.html?refresh=on