It is my goal to present to the Board, and Community, not only clear justification for this proposed acquisition, but to demonstrate the fact that it would be mush less cost effective to go without. I will compare the cost of our current maintenance practices with the cost of our proposed practices. I will identify some benefits in the way of safety, and Emergency Response for both IVCSD crew and the Community. I have tried to identify all cons, undefined costs, and realize that there will always be unforeseen events.
Leak Repair The average leak consists of a 2’x3’ excavation 3’ deep Required Materials $ yards shade material, $ yards base gravel, $ lbs cold patch asphalt, $10.00 Full sleeve repair clamp, $75.00
LABOR, 16 man-hours ($22/hr loaded rate) $ Cut Asphalt Excavate by hand Pump water from excavation Clean/Inspect area Install repair clamp Load shade/gravel/asphalt by hand Unload shade/gravel/asphalt by hand Compact to 95% by hand Re-Pave Load spoils by hand Unload spoils by hand Clean up Flagging considerations if required
Frequency of Repairs Average two repairs a week Number will continue to rise as existing infrastructure continues to deteriorate Currently spending $904.00/week Excavations usually expose multiple repair clamps from previous leaks
Spoils/Shade/Backfill/Asphalt Material is loaded/unloaded and placed by hand creating significant costs with multiple trips and labor intensive shoveling. Loads are limited by light duty pick-up volume capacities and weight limits.
Snow removal is currently contracted Approximately 6 hours are needed to clear the Civic Center parking lot, Greenville and Crescent Mills water treatment plant access roads, and Greenville waste water ponds access road. Clearing of fire hydrants, Taylorsville lift station, and Taylorsville leach field access road is also required.
Man handling heavy storage vessels creates a safety hazard for employees and a potential hazard to the community in the event of a ruptured Chorine Gas Cylinder or Polymer Drum Maintenance crew is currently unable to handle large castings, lengths of pipe, and heavy valves safely. ANY INJURY TO A IVCSD CREWMEMBER, OR ESPECIALLY A COMMUNITY MEMBER, IS BEYOND MEASURING IN DOLLARS. CHLORINE GAS CAN BE EXTREMLY HAZARDOUS.
15 Emergency call outs in the past three years have totaled nearly $10, in contracted backhoe service charges.
Estimates Are Based On 24,000 Linear Feet Of Water Main And 600 Service Connections (1 Service Every 40 Feet Of Main)
Materials $ yards shade $ yards gravel $ lbs hot patch asphalt delivered $ feet 4” C-900 PVC water main $ ” Romac coupling (2ea) $ ” saddle $ ” corporation stop $25.00 ¾” curb stop (meter valve) $ ’ SDR wall polyethylene 1” CTS tubing $4.00
Labor, 24 man-hours, $ Cut asphalt Excavate main Excavate service laterals Isolate zone (close valves) Remove existing installation Clean and inspect area Install new main Install new service laterals Test/Inspect/Flush/Return to Service Shade main/lateral Backfill, base/slurry Compact to 95% Re-Pave Remove spoils Clean-up Flagging considerations if required
Other Considerations Notifying affected consumers, temporary outages. Transporting large amounts of spoils If job cannot be completed in work day, costs of trench plate, backfilling/re-excavating, and overtime must be compared Replacing 20 feet of water main at a time will quickly reduce the number of failures per week.
Material will be handled entirely by the loader, significantly reducing the number of times the same material is handled and reducing wear on pick-up fleet
Snow removal will be accomplished by in house labor Fork equipped loader will enable safe loading and unloading of heavy or awkward items.
Much improved response time to line breaks, such as the raw water line failure last winter and any future sewer problems. In house labor will be used much more effectively Emergency contractor rates will be avoided
Currently we have a cost of $452.00/leak $904.00/week based on 2 repairs a week About $45,000/year to maintain. Will continue to rise with time. $3,000+/year in subcontracted backhoe services Heavy wear on light duty vehicles Questionable practices in regard to safety
$ /leak, while making positive gains on the distribution system The number of leaks will decline quickly as problem area are replaced Emergencies will be handled in a timelier, more cost effective manner Possible reduction in vehicle fleet Possible reduction in workforce For the same $48,000/year spent on treading water with the old system we could maintain the system, purchase the backhoe, AND replace 500+ feet of water main in the process.
Operator training costs, changes in insurance and fuel costs, equipment maintenance costs are undefined at this time. There will be unforeseen problems on this antiquated system, existing plans are unreliable.
Previous main replacement by Hat Creek Construction totaled 1.1 million dollars to replace 16,000 feet. Walters Engineering estimated 1.5 million dollars to replace the remaining 8000 feet. It is our goal that the distribution system could be replaced in under 10 years using the same dollars we are currently using to continually patch our existing system. After the first year larger gains on the remaining 7500 feet of remaining main replacement could be made per year because of the decline in the number of system failures (leaks).
It is in the districts best interest to be proactive in the maintenance and repair of the community’s degrading utility systems. Possession of the proper tools and equipment will provide for the most efficient, safe, and cost effective maintenance practices. Use of mechanized equipment will minimize damages from catastrophic failures by reducing the repair time. Repair of distribution system will minimize water usage allowing for increased water reserves. As repairs are completed less man power will be required to operate and maintain systems. A properly operated and maintained tractor will serve the community for decades to come.