RECYCLING Town Hall Meeting September 8, 2014
Recycling in Shaker Heights 1. Refuse & Recycling Collection 2. Drop off Recycling Services 3. Recycling Initiatives in Lakes & Storm Water Management 4. Resources 5. Next Steps 6. Q&A
In Your Backyard Placement: In front of garage door or driveway by 7:30 a.m. Recyclables next to refuse in recycling buckets or blue/opaque recycling bags* 30 gallon garbage cans – maximum 40 lbs Scooter operators collect/place recyclables in containers on scooter *Bags are not recycled
Where it goes… Scooter to packer truck side compartment To Service Center, then to Kimble recycling facility in Twinsburg
At the recycling facility BEFORE AFTER
Backyard recyclables collected (from private one- and two-family houses only) Paper: Books (hard/softcover/phone) Catalogs Colored/white/office paper Envelopes Files/folders Food/gift/toy boxes Greeting cards Junk mail Magazines Newspaper Pamphlets/brochures Paper bags Corrugated Cardboard Flattened boxes to max 12“ x 7“ x 18" or size of paper grocery bag Glass/Aluminum: Cans & glass containers Plastics: through NO: Plastic toys/furniture Styrofoam Light bulbs Plastic shopping bags
Brush and leaves on tree lawns
Brush/grass/leaves: all recycled
Mulch uses Decorative Nurturing
Composting Individual homeowner’s may compost Rich in nutrients Used in gardens, landscaping, horticulture and agriculture Soil conditioner, fertilizer, natural pesticide Contact Public Works for Guidelines, composting tips, and to obtain permit ($5)
Wood chipper in action Available to residents at Lower Lake
At the Service Center: Chagrin Blvd Paper/Plastic/Glass/Aluminum PLUS Appliances w/Freon Fluorescent bulbs Metal Motor oil Rechargeable batteries Styrofoam Tires off rim Special Collection Events: Computer Round-Ups Household Hazardous Waste Community Shredding Days Habitat for Humanity ReStore All residents and businesses Saturday and Sunday -- 8 am to 4 pm
Disposal of large items Self-serve Residents only Service Center, Chagrin Blvd. Saturdays, 8 am–4 pm Two proof of residency (i.e., driver’s license, current utility bill) Personal vehicles only (no trailers, rental trucks or other types of trucks or vans) Once per quarter (send to for special circumstances)
Special pick up of large items Residents may: Arrange for private contractor Call Public Works list of contractors: 1. Any-Time-Any-Place Cartage (216) DiCillo Landscape Design Inc. (440) Waste Management of Ohio, Inc. (800)
Transfer station Compacts refuse, grass, leaves and brush for transportation to landfill
Trash Treasures CASH! Lower landfill costs Revenue received for paper, cardboard, glass, plastics, aluminum, scrap metals, and Freon recyclables Trash or Cash?
Protecting our lakes Crews remove debris
Collects, slows and filters polluted run off water Purifies water underground Water-loving plants consume pollutants Lower Lake bioswale
Horseshoe Lake Park Rain Garden Native-plants in 300 sq. ft. garden Filters, diverts 12,000 gallons storm water per year Storm water drains into ground, not lakes, streams and sewers No asphalt
Permeable Pavement Often made of recycled materials Storm water drains into ground, not into lakes, streams and sewers
Street sweeper keeps debris out of sewers
All that Shaker recycles: Aluminum Freon Old concrete Asphalt Grass Paper Auto parts Leaves Plastic 1-7 Batteries Logs Pool chemicals Brush Magazines Pesticides Cardboard Metal Refrigerators Cellphones Monitors Sandstone Christmas trees Motor oil Stoves Computers Oil, paint thinner Styrofoam (packaging) Dishwashers Tires Fluorescent bulbs Window air conditioners
4. Next Steps Single stream recycling coming soon 60/40 refuse truck design increases recycling compartment from 5 to 10 cubic yards
6. Q&A
Thank you!