Strategically Designed Gardens Holly H Erika V Allan M Scott E.
Cleveland Salvia with Deer Grass add a nice vertical and horizontal features. These plants match water zoning.
Below in blue indicates where permeable asphalt. This will allow H20 to percolate into ground to filter into watersheds. Preventing Pollution Runoff This runoff will be captured in a tube that will flow into a dry river bed. This bed is designed with plants that will prosper during drought seasons and filter pollutants in run off before returning H20 to watershed. Permeable Asphalt
Two Cuts approx 5 feet wide at Entrance of Parking Lot will save $$$ for project budget. By designing Only these cuts we have designed water to flow into slow flow basins designed with plants to filter water and survive dry season.
This Area will serve as a place for customers to have a seat on Rammed Earth. This material can be used from onsite dirt and save tons of money for materials. Concrete Curbs will be Recycled to build this pathway Aromatic Garden with Vibrant Colors
Rammed Earth
BG Green Wall BrightGreen is a U.S. owned and operated company based in Southeast Michigan. We’re here to serve you and help “Change the Face of Gardening." Our office hours are Mon – Fri from 8am – 5pm est. For more information, please call us at or click: Scott Hutcheon cell office fax Budget Cost Instead of $100 We approximated $ 50 per square fee
BG Green Wall Design with Wow Factor Serving to Naturally Cool Building – Requiring Less Cost in Cooling Bills
Butterfly Garden