1 X-DSS Concept: Extending Core Capabilities Paul Pisano, Team Leader Road Weather Management Federal Highway Administration Washington, DC MDSS Stakeholder.


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Presentation transcript:

1 X-DSS Concept: Extending Core Capabilities Paul Pisano, Team Leader Road Weather Management Federal Highway Administration Washington, DC MDSS Stakeholder Meeting Falls Church, VA August 10-11, 2006

2 Extending MDSS to X-DSS The MDSS prototype was envisioned & designed to be modular Many of the MDSS core components could be utilized in DSS for different transportation operations This vision of “eXtending” the MDSS core capabilities has been coined as X-DSS or the eXtensible Decision Support System The extensibility allows the “X” to imply association with different operations

3 MDSS Modularity Observations & Models Data Fusion & Integration User Interface Customization Algorithms

4 Introducing X-DSS Builds upon the core capabilities of the base MDSS (reduces development costs) Expands this investment to other operations within surface transportation: –Summer Maintenance –Traffic Management –Construction Will require creation and participation of new stakeholder groups

5 X-DSS for Summer Maintenance Support for: Mowing – rain locations, fog/visibility predictions, lightning locations Lane Striping – rain & temperature forecasts, chances of strong winds Surface Repairs – fog/visibility forecasts, precipitation timing, lightning location, temperature forecasts Herbicide Application – pavement & sub surface temperature forecasts, frost prediction, wind speed/gustiness & visibility

6 X-DSS for Traffic Management Support for: Non-winter weather events – thunderstorms, route-specific flash flood guidance Road closure planning based on flooding potential Tactical information to assist repair crews – radar, lightning location, severe weather potential & timing

7 X-DSS Applications (1 of 2) Crack Seal Applications Chip Seal Applications Thin Hot Mix Application Fog Seal Application Microsurfacing Application Joint Sealing Portland Cement Pavements Diamond Grinding of Portland Cement Concrete Pavements

8 X-DSS Applications (2 of 2) Dowel-Bar Retrofit for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Partial-Depth Repair of Portland Cement Full-Depth Repair of Portland Cement Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Cold In-Place Asphalt Recycling Slurry Seal Application

9 Future Plans (1 of 2) During FY 2007 –Hold 2 stakeholder meetings Summer Maintenance (inclusion of SE States) Traffic Management –Perform abbreviated requirements gathering following the STWDSR model –Have NCAR design modifications to the core MDSS functions and GUI –Determine if the MDSS business model is reasonable for X-DSS

10 Future Plans (2 of 2) Reach out to other public agency personnel while continuing to work with the core stakeholder group There will continue to be an emphasis on modularity, open systems and building the marketplace