0 BNSF Railway Safety
1 BNSF Fast Facts Employees = 36,500 Route Miles = 32,500 States = 28 Canadian Provinces = 2 Daily Trains = 800 Corp. Offices = Fort Worth, TX
2 Safety Results: BNSF Hazardous Materials Transport Hazardous material shipments have increased on BNSF, while the number of releases has decreased. Examples of Types of Releases Non-Accident Release Accident Release Number of Shipments Total Releases
3 BNSF Hazardous Materials Transport Loaded Hazmat Cars
4 Hazardous Materials 5% of total U.S. freight rail carloads 5% of tonnage 6% of ton-miles 68% of rail hazmat travels in tank cars 28% on intermodal flat cars, and the remainder in covered hoppers, gondolas, and other car types The most potentially hazardous materials, termed toxic inhalation hazards (TIH) are nearly all transported in tank cars. TIH materials constitutes only about 0.3 % of all rail carloads. For US Railroads Hazardous Materials Account for:
5 As common carriers, railroads are required under federal law to move hazardous materials Hazardous Materials Transport Hazardous Materials Fatalities in Rail Incidents ( ) Virtually all are shipped without an accident release (99.998%) Hazmat accident rates have declined by 90% since 1980 and nearly 50% since 1990 Moving hazardous materials by rail is 16 times safer than moving them on the roads Railroads incurred 16 fatalities in since 1989 while trucks average nearly 11 annually. BNSF had none. Serious Incidents Rail and Truck ( )
7 Civil Emergency Response Agencies - Service Interruption Desk (SID) Resource Operations Center (ROC) NOC personnel: GST / AGST, Corridor Supt, Signal, Mechanical, Maint. Of Way Dispatchers: Trick, Chief Svc Region/Division: AVP if merited. Supt, Asst Supt, Supt Opns, RFE, Tmstr, Roadmaster Foreign Line Railroad (when involved) Federal and State Agencies: FRA, NTSB, EPA, DOT, Commerce Commission, etc. Shipper, CHEMTREC, Canutec, etc Shipper Protocol - See H BNSF Hazmat BNSF Environmental: (when lading/fuel spilled) BNSF Responsible Care: (IF spill involved) Alpha Page: Lynn Baldwin BNSF Corporate Relations Resource Protection Special Agent Damage Prevention (IF loads involved) General Claims Freight Claims (IF loads involved) AAR, Monica Cicioni (IF Military Shipment involved) NO VMX First Call Incident Notification
9 BNSF Emergency Response Team Currently 205 responders at 56 BNSF locations 126 Mechanical 29 Environmental / Hazmat 22 Load and Ride Solutions 9 Operating 3 Safety 1 Engineering 1 Intermodal All but one are exempt employees Provide direct response until BNSF Environmental / Hazmat and hazmat contractors arrive BNSF hazardous material responders protect the safety of our employees, our communities and BNSF’s velocity.
10 BNSF HAZMAT Responder Locations Klamath Falls Whitefish Seattle Stockton Bakersfield Mojave San Bernardino Los Angeles Needles Belen Texico Amarillo Texline La Junta Denver Alliance Gillette Bridger Jct Billings Minot Mandan Hettinger Minneapolis/ St. Paul La Crosse Sioux City Lincoln Ravenna McCook Salt Lake City Fargo Superior Kansas City Galesburg Chicago Machens St. Louis Springfield Memphis Birmingham Norris Tulsa Oklahoma City Haslet Ft. Worth Sweetwater Temple Teague Houston Spring New Orleans Phoenix El Paso January 2009 Portland Vancouver Arkansas City Avard 202 Responders at 59 Locations
11 Training and Response: BNSF Emergency Response Team Initial training 80 Hour Hazmat Technician Emergency Response Training Center – Pueblo, CO Annual refresher (32-40 hrs.) Tank car Advanced tank car Incident command Air monitoring Advanced technology BNSF Hazmat Task Force BNSF hazardous material responders go through intensive initial and refresher training
12 Contracted Response - Expectations Experience Locations Limitations Ability Duties Equipment Regulatory Compliance Training Respiratory Med. Surveillance Contract Compliance Audit Drills Experience
13 ICS and NIMS BNSF hazardous material responders, operations supervisors and traincrews will work within the Unified Incident Command
14 Hazard Communications Emergency Responders can obtain hazardous materials information during emergencies. Traincrew’s Trainlist Contacting the Network Operations Center Tank car’s Placard, Marking and Stencils
15 Training and Response: Community Information: Hazmat traffic flows for communities Last 12 mo. shipments Written request required Kootenai County 65,738 Loaded Hazmat Shipments 30,981 – Intermodal Hazmat Freight of All Kinds – Denatured Alcohol 4,642 – Asphalt 4098 – Liquefied Petroleum Gas 2,174 – Diesel Fuel Top 5 = 82% of the total Others 632 Chlorine 653 Anhydrous Ammonia Community focus is on training of responders and providing required information for emergency preplanning.
16 Training and Response - Community Training topics include: Train list / shipping papers Placards Equipment Incident Assessment Hands-on equipment in field – Instructor lead Hazmat shipment information: Hazmat traffic flows for communities Shipments for past year Written request required Number of Responders Trained Community focus is on training responders and providing interpretative information. Training is available via instructor lead or computer based training.
17 Roles Fire Department Incident Command Assessment Air Monitoring Evacuation/Shelter in place Fire Protection Railroad Incident Command Assessment Air Monitoring/modeling Mitigation Plug and Patch Transfer Environmental Remediation Fire Department is focused on the protection of the public and the railroad is focused on the safe and efficient mitigation of the incident