XML exercise
UML Diagram CourseLectureSlide title teacher date title content
Step 1 Create three Java classes Course, Lecture and Slide according the UML diagram Serialize a Course as an XML file (by using simple-xml) (in your example you should have one course with at least 3 lectures, and each lecture should have at least 2 slides - but beware that the number of lectures in a course and the number of lides in a lecture should be arbitrarili large!)
Step 2 Take the XML file you generated, and write a Java program that reads the file and prints on its stdout a set of triples: {course name, lecture name, slide title} (in this spet, you should be using JAXP)
Step 3 Write an XSL transformation that reads your XML file and generates the following web page: Title of the course Title of lecture 1 - n.slides for lecture 1 … Title of lecture 1 - n.slides for lecture n
Step 4 Run the XSL transfromation from within a Java program (use Jaxp)