Government & Politics In the beginning…
The Primary Functions of Government …… Or so the man tells you! 1. Maintaining Internal Order and External Security 2. Ensuring Justice 3. Safeguarding Individual Freedoms 4. Regulating Individuals actions 5. Promoting the General Welfare
Forms of Government…. All governments fall under one of the following. Power is held in a single, central agency This does NOT necessarily mean dictatorship
Power is divided between a central government and several local governments. State Government vs. National Government
3. Confederate Government The central government has limited power with the most important authority reserved for member states Not very effective… Former Russian Confederation & Articles of Confederation
Types of Government ….are you ready? Here they come!!!!!
Adolph Hitler Benito Mussolini Power is seized and kept by force to be ruled by one. Most common form of government in history. Can you think of some PRESENT- day dictatorships?
Junta: Junta: Group of Generals Lead Pinochet ruled Chile after a military coup in 1973
-Rules with personal preferences (arbitrarily). -Centralized control of all aspects of life.
Louis XIV Power to rule is generally passed down from the king to his eldest son (or if there is no son, to the queen or the eldest daughter). To which theory regarding the origins of the state is this form of government related?
A class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges, esp. the hereditary nobility. Government or state ruled by an aristocracy, elite, or privileged upper class.
Constitution of a country in which God is regarded as the sole sovereign and the laws are seen as divine commands. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini Religious laws are the laws of the government
Government by the people exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
David Cameron: British Prime Minister Both the executive and legislative branches are combined.