THE COLD WAR Just how cold was the Cold War? Mrs. Hammel (Rivera) 7 th Grade Social Studies
Objectives: Summarize major events of the Cold War. Explain how the Berlin Wall became the symbol of the Cold War. Analyze the reasons why the United States and Soviet Union were involved in Korea and Vietnam. SC Standard: 7-6.2
Questions: Why did the Berlin Wall become the symbol of the Cold War? How were the Korean War and Vietnam War both linked to the policy of containment? Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis a serious threat to the world?
Berlin Wall 1961 – Khrushchev ordered a wall built in Berlin to separate Communist East Berlin from Democratic West Berlin. The BERLIN WALL stood for nearly 30 years – it was the most recognizable symbol of the Cold War
After World War II, Korea had been left a divided nation The Soviet Union controlled the northern part of the country Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel The United States controlled the southern part of the country Communist China
Like Korea, Vietnam was a divided country HO CHI MINH declared Vietnam independent The United States feared that Ho Chi Minh was a Communist… …if he was successful, he could spread communism all over Asia If Vietnam falls to the Communists, then other countries will fall too… like a row of dominoes!
Why did the Berlin Wall become the symbol of the Cold War? How were the Korean War and Vietnam War both linked to the policy of containment? Why was the Cuban Missile Crisis a serious threat to the world? Now, can you answer the questions?
p9AtRd4zYg&feature=player_detailpage The policy of containment was used throughout the Cold War to control communism.