Numerical Analysis 1 EE, NCKU Tien-Hao Chang (Darby Chang)
In the previous slide Fixed point iteration scheme –what is a fixed point? –iteration function –convergence Newton’s method –tangent line approximation –convergence Secant method 2
In this slide Accelerating convergence –linearly convergent –Newton’s method on a root of multiplicity >1 –(exercises) Proceed to systems of equations –linear algebra review –pivoting strategies 3
2.6 4 Accelerating Convergence
Accelerating convergence Having spent so much time discussing convergence –is it possible to accelerate the convergence? How to speed up the convergence of a linearly convergent sequence? How to restore quadratic convergence to Newton’s method? –on a root of multiplicity > 1 5
Accelerating convergence Linearly convergence Thus far, the only truly linearly convergent sequence –false position –fixed point iteration Bisection method is not according to the definition 6
Aitken’s Δ 2 -method Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3) The above formulation should be a better approximation to p than p n 8
Aitken’s Δ 2 -method Accelerated? 10 which implies super- linearly convergence later answer
Any Questions? 12 About Aitken’s Δ 2 -method
Accelerating convergence Anything to further enhance? 13
14 Why not use p-head instead of p ?
Steffensen’s method 15
16 Restoring quadratic convergence to Newton’s method
Any Questions? 19
Two disadvantages Both the first and the second derivatives of f are needed Each iteration requires one more function evaluations 20 answer
Any Questions? 21 Chapter 2 Rootfinding (2.7 is skipped)
Exercise /4/21 9:00am to or hand over in class. You may arbitrarily pick one problem among the first three, which means this exercise contains only five
27 (Programming)
Chapter 3 28 Systems of Equations
Systems of Equations Definition 29
Linear Algebra Review (vectors and matrices)
Matrix Definitions 31
Any Questions? 32 m, n, m, i, j, E QUAL, S UM, S CALAR M ULTIPLICATION, P RODUCT …
The Inverse Matrix 33 (cannot be skipped)
Any questions? 35 answerquestion
The Determinant 36 (cannot be skipped, too)
37 cofactor
Link the concepts –All these theorems will be extremely important throughout this chapter Nonsingular matrices Determinants Solutions of linear systems of equations 39
41 (Hard to prove)
Any Questions? Linear Algebra Review
Gaussian Elimination (I suppose you have already known it)
An application problem 44
I 1 -I 2 -I 3 =0 I 2 -I 4 -I 5 =0 I 3 +I 4 -I 6 =0 2I 3 +I 6 =7 I 2 +2I 5 =13 -I 2 +2I 3 -3I 4 =0 45
Following Gaussian elimination 46
Any Questions? 47 Gaussian elimination
Gaussian elimination Operation Counts 48
Operation Counts Comparison Gaussian elimination –forward elimination –back substitution Gauss-Jordan elimination Compute the inverse matrix 49
Pivoting Strategy
53 Compare to x 1 =1, x 2 =7, x 3 =1
Pivoting strategy To avoid small pivot elements A scheme for interchanging the rows (interchanging the pivot element) Partial pivoting 54
55 In action
57 Compare to x 1 =1, x 2 =7, x 3 =1
Any Questions? 58
From the algorithm view How to implement the interchanging operation? –change implicitly Introduce a row vector r –each time a row interchange is required, we need only swap the corresponding elements of the vector –number of operations from 3n to 3 59 hint answer
60 In action
61 Without pivoting
x = [1.000, , , ] T –exact solution x = [1,-1,1,-1] T –no r x = [1.131, , , ] T 64
Scaled Partial Pivoting 65
Scaled partial pivoting An example 66
Any Questions? 67
Scaled partial pivoting A blind spot of partial pivoting 68 answer
Scaled partial pivoting 69
71 In action
x = [1.000, , 1.000, ] T –exact solution x = [1,-1,1,-1] T –no s x = [1.000, , , ] T –no r x = [1.131, , , ] T 74
Any Questions? Pivoting Strategy