TA Orientation The Portfolio Project Thursday, August 27, 2009
Overview Introductions and Getting set up list On line info-online handouts –SoE portfolio Click Faculty, TA, and Instructional Staff Click Integrating portfolios Click on link at the top Concepts, Elements, Examples, and hands on
Conceptual Framework About conceptual framework The 4 Triangles and the Paradigm shift Making the shift possible –3 characteristics of portfolio that makes the shift possible. –3 types of writing in the portfolio that make the shift possible. The PD model Reflection elevator Scaffolding
A Paradigm Shift The common way of viewing portfolios –Focus on Standards Accountability –Use in Job Search The Paradigm Shift from summative, admin evaluation to a formative process focusing on student teacher growth with assessment time points Learning partnership that includes both student teacher learning goals and instructor teaching goals Portfolio Dialog Processes that elevate reflective writing
A rticulation S tandards R RR Student Teacher Growth S tudent P rogram (Instructors, Supervisors, Coop-Tchrs, Peers) L earning P artnership R R R P ortfolio A uthoring C reating C ontent for T eaching D ialog R R Finding the words to: -Think about, discuss, & plan practice -To make practice public & to engage in job search dialog Reflecting on standards & all learning from others to inform your Goals and guide your practice The 4 Triangles Student’s V alues & G oals Over Time T eacher V alues & G oals R eflection RR R Process ( The Reflection Elevator ) Purpose The Internal Person Social Context (of Professional Development) Draft-Aug. 14,’09 Not for distribution
3 Characteristics of Portfolio that makes the shift possible It stays Overtime –Doesn’t end with semester or at any point within it Expands the Audience of student teachers’ writing –Not writing to meet instructor/supervisor expectations Gives Ownership to the student teacher –Student teacher feel they should own it and can learn to own it with help from instructors and supervisors
3 Types of Portfolio Writing that make the shift possible Performance: Writing to please a targeted audience such as using specific criteria provided by instructor or supervisor Showcase: Writing to please a general unknown audience such as writing for employers Reflection on Practice: Writing authentically to express values and goals that guide practice.
The PD model Reflection to indentify student learning needs and teacher professional development to support identified student learning needs. Set goals for student learning and teacher professional development. Set plans for assessment of both student learning goals and linked professional development goals Plan sequence of teaching events Time point setting especially for assessment
Reflection Elevator Based on levels of perceived social safety Starts with internal reflection safe but not expressed. Advances to spoken then written efforts at reflective expression in class in seminar with help from instructor, supervisor, and fellow students Advances to most risky but important expression in portfolio with lots of help
Scaffolding Advance in reflection portfolio writing over the course of program Starts with simpler, easier to write (socially safer) and artifacts that are easier to select and use in writing. From text lesson plans, to images of student work, to audio then video of teaching Progressive EPCS portfolio class sessions planned with TAs facilitate this process
The Education Access Network Staff Account: Access to access: PI34 site: ( and Portfolio Course Interface Students and all portfolio authors have a portfolio publishing/distribution feature Plus a bunch of other stuff that we won’t talk about today
Portfolio Integration Reflective Portfolio Writing Scaffolding EPCS Portfolio Class sessions Portfolio Assignments Reflection elevator 90% rule Portfolio Authoring
Portfolio Course Interface Admin Tasks –Entering Standards and Rules and Statutes –Uploading Syllabi –Uploading Vita –Entering TA info Teaching with Portfolios –View Sample portfolios –Viewing student portfolio – Students –Portfolio Assignments –Tools for Reflective Dialog Forum Sharing On-line dialog?
Student Side (5) Two Identities: portfolio requires thinking like a teacher, reflective practitioner Portfolio Publishing/Distribution System Job Search: Screening and Job Search Dialog EPCS Job Search System –Credentials –Portfolio Job Search System –Vacancies –Portfolio Print Version